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Yaoi RPG? sounds fun! lets get it started!
i wish i could see where she was.
looks around the room
Veemon's Followers
OOC: Kind sir, I do believe they're outside.

IC: "Who cares... I don't ever want to see that slut again.... Calling me Mikey as if she knows me...."
[Vegarel's voice echoes again]

oh, but I do, Mikie...
From the moment my lips touched yours...
I knew everything about you...
Your parents...
Your sorrow...
Your despair...
Your Grief...
Your Longing...
Your Desires...
The Succubus in me wants to feel you...
The Incubus in me wants to feel your lips one more...
But the Vampiress in me... Wants your blood...
Join me... accept the dark gifts... you'll be a Megapyre, a being with all the strengths and powers of a vampire and more, but without the weaknesses.
Join me...
Be my king...
Love me...
Love me...

Are you sick in the head, Vegarel?! You just tried to kill me and my friend! Why the heck would I want to join you?! Get away from here!"
wait, if the gift you give entitles that, than i also have those powers, right?
Veemon's Followers
"Hm? What're you talking about, Cronos?"
that bitch is the one who made me what i am
Veemon's Followers
"I hate her...."
i do to but it helps to know who and what you are. AWNSER ME.
Veemon's Followers
OOC: Uh, that won't happen until later, I guess.

IC: "I think she's gone...."