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Yaoi RPG? sounds fun! lets get it started!
OOC: I'd say the closest one to Ky is the grey dude in the last picture. Ky's got grey fur and a white front. But he's a bit more muscular than that, and his facial features are different.

And I'd say that would be a pretty cool picture of Khoi.

IC: Ky stops suddenly, his ears searching for the source of the sound.

"Hey there, Blue... I don't think we're alone...."

He thinks, Bone-chilling... a laugh? A scream? It's the second time I've heard it.... I know it means danger....

He steps on the back of the board and catches it, looking up to the sky.

"Someone's out there."
OOC: Here, this is closer. Just imagine the light grey fur on this guy a bit lighter, a bit more muscular for, and blue eyes. Still a little difference as far as the face goes, but it's much closer.

[Image: Nesil.jpg]
Cronos's ears caught the laughing, his ears being much more sharp, heard the sound loud and clear. he lands beside ky
* in a shaky voice* i know that laugh
he sacns the area in the heat spectrum. he spots a heat shadow on the lamp post where Vegarel was
there she was, but theres no heat shadows leading away or to the post. its like she vanished

ooc: *u.s. east #blues place

*midnight #1 pm
*1 am #2
*2 #3
*3 #4
*4 #5
*5 #6
*6 #7
*7 #8
*8 #9
*9 #10
*10 #11 "
*11 " #midnight
*noon #1 am
*1 pm #2
*2 #3
*3 #4
*4 #5
*5 #6
*6 #7
*7 #8
*8 #9
*9 #10
*10 #11 "
*11 " #noon

thats about right
Veemon's Followers
"Hm. Looks like we've got something to do now."

OOC: But we won't really be able to without Gunter here lol unless someone plays Vegarel for him, which I seriously doubt he'd like.
ooc:or we just hunt around, find nothing, and start sparring again.
ic: should we search for the source of the laugh or spar?
Veemon's Followers
"Beats me. I think we all just need to be on our guard. Besides, I was kinda having fun with this skateboard. It rides great! I wonder how I make the blades come out...."
occ: hey i sent wolfe a pm
ic: maybe there is a swich
Veemon's Followers
"Ah, well. I'll find out soon enough. Ugh, and I forgot I have work tomorrow morning--whoa!"

Ky suddenly falls flat on his face for no apparant reason.
trys to help him up
what happened?
Veemon's Followers
Ky growls and rubs his ankle.

"I know that trick.... He threw something at my ankle...."


OOC: New character.

IC: "Yes. Yes I did." An anthro timberwolf comes out of nowhere.

"So, streetboy, haven't seen you in a while. How many garbage cans have you eaten out of since school, huh?"

Ky stands up. "Reyli, that's really disgusting... as if I'd eat from a garbage can. Can't you get a life already and quit trying to get on my nerves?"

"I would, but... oh wait, no I wouldn't." He laughs.