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Yaoi RPG? sounds fun! lets get it started!
[back at Cronos and Ky's room]

::Moonshadow noticed Blue's Katanas on the floor, he walks over, and picks them up.::

"Shin-Zantetsu, the Sword of Eternal Darkness... And Shin-Zanmato, the Sword of Eternal Light... Blue's Katanas. I remember when mastersmith Gokudo made them for Blue..."


::Moonshadow notices Ky's splintered skateboard a bit to the katanas' side, he picks it up and examines it. he smiles, and disapears in a flash of speed. he reapears a few minutes later, something covered in Brown paper was in his arms. he sets it down on the foot of the bed, beside the broken one, it contained a brand new black skateboard with white flame designs.::

"(I hope he likes this. He doesnt know how much he's done for Blue.)" -thought Moonshadow.
[back at Darkflamedramon Chaos Mode and Shadow's campsite]

::Shadow pats DarkF on the head::

"What do you want me to do, Chaos?"
::Darkflamedramon starts sweating, which isnt normal, because it's never hot for him... unless it's his emotions that make him feel hot::

"Shadow... I... *sigh* would suck me, please?"

::He gestures towards his errect penis as he speaks::
::Shadow nods::

"Sure thing."

::Shadow moves between Darkflamedramon's legs, and slowly put's Darkflamedramon's Dick in his mouth, licking it as he did so."

"How's this, Chaos?"
::Darkflamedramon moans::

"uhhhhhhhh.... yeah. that feels great..."

::cums a few minutes later::

"thanks shadow... that was so much better than Jacking-off..."
::Shadow licks Darkflamedramon's crotch clean, then sits up, wiping his mouth.::

"No problem. anything for a friend."

::he then stands up, walks back to his sleeping bag, bids Darkflamedramon goodnight, and goes to sleep.::
Mullen sat in bed.

"Well, that was odd." He snuggled back under the covers, and thought, osmewhere toward the back of his mind, "I wish I had a good book."
(silver light envlops Cronos as he enters deep meditation)

occ: ja here that blue aim for that wall
Veemon's Followers
"thats a very good meditation method..."

*Moonshadow leans on the wall again*

"I wonder if Blue's doing alright..."
occ: why wont it show my avatar?