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Yaoi RPG? sounds fun! lets get it started!
In agreement with Dark Blue as I walked him outside, I will be Playing the roles of Gunter Moonshadow, Darkflamedramon Chaos mode and Shadow himself.

Name: Shadow.

Race: Evil mystic wolf
Specialties: like Dark Blue, he has more than one form, he has four: Shadow1(Normal Mystic wolf)
Shadow2(Humanoid mystic wolf)
Shade (Human Form)
Epsilon A.K.A: Vermilion Knight (omega form)

in Omega lupine years: 5 centuries.
in lupine years: 1 year.
in human years: roughly 15+ years.

Cock size:
Shade: 7'5" inches
Shadow: 8" inches
Shadow (Humanoid): 10" inches
Epsilon: ???

Epsilon and Shadow (1 and 2): yes
Shade: no

Shadow 1: 5'5" feet
Shadow 2: 9'5" feet
Epsilon: 10'5" feet
Shade: 6'5" feet

Eye Color: Vermilion Red (can change to) Steel-Dark Blue

Does he wear clothes?:
Shadow 1: no
the rest: Yes.

if yes, what?:
Shadow2: a black cloak, a black helm, black attire underneath.
Shade: Armor of Chaos (Black and silver armor) the helm of chaos.
Epsilon: The armor of the Apocalypse (Black, silver, Dark Blue and blood red colors) and the Helm af Armaggedon.

Shadow 1: a big, pitch black wolf with white markings on his head and back.
Shadow 2: taller, more muscular body, walks on hind legs, which have slightly enlarged paws, his front paws are replaced with clawed, padded hands, has a tuft of fur on his head. Has three pairs of wings, 2 pairs resemble a devil's black wings, and one pair resembles that of a fallen angel, he doesnt bother to hide them, he keeps them neatly folded on his back.
Epsilon: Black Fur, White markings, Three pairs of wings. (demonic ones)
Shade: tall and muscular. he has long black hair in a ponytail, but his bangs are white.

Shadow 1 & 2: enjoys killing, making lives misreable, killing, murdering, killing, slaying, killing, slaughtering, killing, making masacres and killing.Epsilon: ???
Shade: (see Shadow 1 and 2) training, using spells, inventing new spells.

Shade: (see personality) the color black, Darkflamedramon, Dark Blue(!?)
Shadow 1 & 2: (see personality) taking souls, scaring, jokes(!?)
Epsilon: ???

Shade: almost everything/everyone
Shadow 1 & 2: Almost Everything/everyone
Beowulf and Shadowulf: ???

Weapons? : yes

if yes, what?:
Shadow1: Natural weapons (Teeth, claws, cock...), Ether Claws.
Shadow2: Natural weapons, Dual Katanas (both Black), Ether Claws.
Epsilon: ???
Shade: a pair of Katars(both black, and bigger than Wolfbane's), two Black Stilletos(strapped on his lower back) one black Two handed sword named "Judgment"(strapped on his back), two black handguns(strapped on legs) , two ether katanas (strapped on his waists)

Powers?: yes

Enumerate/Define if yes: super speed, yet to be discovered.

Name: Darkflamedramon Chaos Mode

Race: Special Chamion-armor Digimon

Specialties: Super speed, agility, control over the elements, control over nature, invisibility, and many more yet to be discovered.

Age: (digimon years) 5

Cock size: 8'5 inches

Sheathe/Pouch?: yes

Height: 7'5 ft

Eye Color: Vermilion Red (can become) Acid Green, Steel-Navy Blue, Steel-Gray, Black with white, and Moon-Yellow.
Does he wear clothes?: more like Armor.

if yes, what?: His Mask is black and white, it was spiky, and had a black and white jagged blade, His Breastplate was Black and white, spiky, and had a Red gemstone in the middle, His Gauntlets, shinguards and footgear were clawed, spiky, and black and white. (he took his color sense from his friend, Shadow)

Apearance: looked like a regular flamedramon, only his eyes and armor were different.

Personality: he jokes now and then, he has high respect for Shadow, he is playful, cosiderate, loyal, obedient, patient, and cheery.

Likes: Blow jobs, joking, practical jokes, Shadow, being praised, food.

Dislikes: unneccesary killings, unprovoked violence, seeing people cry. (strange why he hangs out with Shadow then)

Weapons? : yes

if yes, what?: His Blade-claws that can manipulate the elements, his Gauntlets(punching) Shinguards and greaves(kicking) and black and white (light and darkness) one-handed sword. (all in all, light weapons, allowing him to move even faster)

Powers?: yes

Enumerate/Define if yes: super speed, elemental Manipulation, and secret stuff. will be revealed soon.

Name: Gunter Moonshadow (Moonshadow for short)

Race: it's like putting Shadow and Dark Blue together

Specialties: ??? (probably like Dark Blue's and/or Shadow's)

Age: ??? (probably like Dark Blue's and/or Shadow's)

Cock size: ??? (probably like Dark Blue's and/or Shadow's)

Sheathe/Pouch?: ??? (probably like Dark Blue's and/or Shadow's)

Height: ??? (probably like Dark Blue's and/or Shadow's)

Eye Color: ??? (you cant see it for now)

Any clothes?: ??? (probably like Dark Blue's and/or Shadow's), but his default for does have clothes

if yes, what?: ??? (probably like Dark Blue's and/or Shadow's) he wears a Black traveling cloak, a western style hat, and a Black and white blindfold. (dont ask how he can move around) i dont know about his other forms though.

Apearance: ??? (probably like Dark Blue's and/or Shadow's) this form is pure black

Personality: ???

Likes: ???

Dislikes: ???

Weapons? : yes

if yes, what?: You cant see them, but he has an assortment of guns, blades, swords, daggers, katars and even a whip, (all said weapons are black) i dont know about his other forms yet, he doesnt use them much)

Powers?: yes

Enumerate/Define if yes: ???
on the other hand, miles and miles away, Moonshadow stokes a fire with na stick, he gazes at the stars, "Dont worry Gunter, we'll meet again soon." he says to himself. then he sighs. "I Just hope ol' Shadow doesnt find you first."
ooc: ok im totaly confused where you really 2 people or are you and blue the same person im confuzzled o.O?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
on the other side of the world, we see Darkflamie playing with some fish in a pond.
D-flame: hahaha! these fish are funny!
[suddenly, he hears a familiar voice]
Shadow: Darkflamedramon? what are you doing?
D-flame: [stops prodding the surface of the pond with a stick] oh Hello Shadow! ::smiles:: i'm just messing around with these fish- theyre amusing to watch as thesy swim away in fear! ::chuckles innocently, and prods the surface with a stick again::
Shadow: ::laughs:: hehe, it's always entertaining to watch you get excited over little things like that. come on, your dinners getting cold, we'll resume training again later.
D-flame: kay! ::chuckles cheerfully, and runs towards camp to eat his dinner:::
Shadow: ::shakes his head while smiling.:: still just a kid, for a full grown digimon... ::he bends over the pond, smiles, and swirls the water with a finger:: hahaha, these ARE amusing... fish... ::his eyes glint, and then he stood up, and teleprted back to camp:: [when he left, hundreds of fish started flaoting upwards, dead. their lives had been taken... by shadow.]
occ: lol, we ar two different beings! Blue is my Wolf-Dog, and im his... what am I to him? pft, we're like brothers!
ooc: *huff huff* ok so im still totaly confuzzled but i guess ill just forget it o.O
Ky shrugs and stands up.

"Actually... I do need my exercise. I'll start this the fun way! Woohoo!"

He skateboards from one wall to the other, and then jumps out the window, landing on a curved surface and ends up skating straight on the sidewalk.

"Now that's what I call SKATEBOARDING!"

The voice of a disturbed neighbor rings out.

"Hey! Shut up out there! Some people are trying to get some sleep!"

Ky ducks the boot that was thrown at him and calls back, "Sorry!"

To himself, he goes, "What a night...."
Mullen laid back in his seat, and closed his eyes. maybe he could get this blush to stop...

Khoi fell off of his seat, and Mullen looked down. "I say, are you alright? Hello? The answer is sixteen each; can you hear me?"
"eh wah?" *i stood up and stumbled and fell on mullen blushing, unable to get up*

ooc: your thing is big x.x i mean your sig :D
OOC: i don't see why i have to go to church...

IC: *flying after Ky* " your faster on a sketeboard than i thought" he called out to Ky.
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