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Next Gen (Zero and Silver RP)
Jacob would hit the ground like a ton of bricks and would need help to get back up. He listened to the man, glaring with hate at his Mistre....At the woman. His eyes widened as Silver suddenly had pictures of his two loves in his hands and paid much closer attention.

"I...I want both. Why can I not choose both?" He asked, unsure and scared. He did not want to choose. He loved them both so much, he loved the idea of having both lovers with him, forever and always. But something told him he could not...

If he was forced to choose, forced to decide on his fate, it would take a few long minutes before he answered. "I choose...servitude. I choose my Master Jet's cock," he would whisper, picking the newer pleasure, if he had to.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
"You must choose Jacob, just as your mother and father chose. Now, so must you." When Jacob Chose, Silver would nod. "Very well, you shall be with Jet. that Renamon will be released, she will be fine for a time, we will purify both of them. But you can not return to your home, not unless your new master wishes it." Maero then kicked the mistress and walked over. "No way, no fucking way! He is Alex's son, ALEX'S son! He cant be a slave, he cant be submissive!" "He is also Silvia's son, remember that Maero."

Maero didnt seem pleased despite his grinning mask. "No, let me talk to him." Silver shrugged and stepped back. "No hitting." "I know no hitting!" Maero then turned to Jacob. "OK, look, think about this carefully! You are about to become Jet's property, FOREVER, do you understand? Forever! Dont you want to see Keezy-" "Kazey" "Whatever! Dont you want to see your slave ever again?! Dont you want to fuck Ren and dominate your sisters and be the king of your home?! You could have two Ren's! Two of them, they could make out, it will be awesome! You dont want that? You would rather ride Jet's cock for the rest of your life?!"

"Maero, it is his choice." Silver said. "You knew this could happen, we both did, it his choose entirely. Jacob, if you choose the life of a slave, then Kazey will continue to live peacefully at your manor, I will send her a letter telling her you are alright so that she will not worry. She will become your father's slave when he gets back, that is all that will happen, Im sure that Jet would be a great master." Maero cocked his head and said, "Nah, Silver he isnt going to live that life. Think about it kid, think real hard, master? Or slave? The choice should be obvious!"
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"..." Jacob looked at the two and then at the ground before saying. "Please, tell my family, and Kazey, that I love them. That I am somewhere safe. But I need to be alone, on my own journey. And tell my father, if you can, to be try and be nice to Kazey, and for Kazey to be nice to him," he whispered. A sad smile formed on his face. "Maybe you could give Renamon to my dad? I know he would love to have her...This is what he would want anyways. More slaves for himself..." He nodded. "Please, bring me to Jet. I...I am ready to ride his cock," Jacob whispered, his sad smile changing to one of lust.

There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
"I cant believe this!" Maero stormed off, literally punching through a nearby door. Silver sighed. "He will get over it. Sorry, I think he had a bet going with a man named Mike. In any case, I will do as you ask, they will receive the letter. Now, before I take you too Jet, there is one last matter to attend to, one matter that I suggest you think about hard before deciding." Silver then stepped aside and looked down at Jacob's previous mistress, now lying unconscious on the floor. "What will be done with her? You may do anything you wish, though I would advise against killing her...if nothing else, she never killed her slaves, even though she may have threatened to. Her story is also...complicated. She has reasons for doing what she did, bad as they are, they stem from much more than the simple need to dominate and control. I can tell you more if you wish, or nothing at all. Either way, her fate is in your hands."

Among the choices Jacob had before him, there were a few that would seem more prevalent. He could always release her, show her the mercy she never showed anyone. He could enslave her, bind her up, gag her, and make her a plaything for Jet, who would become her new master, perhaps as an apology for the suffering he had been put through due to Jacob's confession. He could kill her, of course, though he would cross a line even she had never stepped. He could punish her, perhaps inject her with all the drugs she had forced on him and tie her to the breeding room post to be made a toy for the other slaves, who might release her on command, or kill her out of hatred, or fuck her out of lust. He could wipe her mind if he wished, with all his power he could now do that easily, especially to a mere human woman with no hacking active and no protection. Or he could do any combination of them, or much more, or less, it was all up to him.

Jacob could decide what to do with her after he heard her story, if he asked to hear it, or right now if he didnt care why she had done what she had done.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Jacob stared at the woman, a look of hate on his face. The idea of sharing his master with HER, sound unappetizing and he couldn't help but think he'd feel jealous. The idea of killing her, much as he wanted to, was left out, due to Silver's advice, so that took away the options to send her to the other slaves or outright kill her....

Making his choice, he walked over and placed a hand on her head. With a single second, her memory vanished. "There. If you could, maybe you can help her get onto her feet or something? Maybe help her be a better person...?"

With his Mistress' mind now erased, free of hate, sin, and fear, he hoped she could start a new, better life with Silver or Maero. With her ready for a new start he looked at Silver and asked, "May I see my Master now?"
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
As he began wiping her memory, he viewed them as they flashed past. A little girl, looking up at a mother who didnt love her. She didnt love her because she was the spawn of the man her mother could never have, a man who had chosen another long ago. Then that man died, and her mother killed herself, leaving the little girl all alone. She then watched the son of that man, and found she wanted him.

The little girl grew up, and she was beautiful, but the boy never noticed her, never wanted her. She went to the father's funeral with the boy, but even then the boy would not see her, her only saw his pokemon, the last gift his father had given him, his slave. The boy grew to love the slave, and the girl watched in silent and helpless envy as the one she secretly loved grew more and more distant. She tried to make herself known, she began to do everything the boy did, and tried to do it better, tried to be better than the boy so that he would admire her, but he never even learned her name.

The girl grew up, as did the boy, and she was horrified to find that he had chose the slave over her, despite all her hard work, all her accomplishments. She watched as the slave bore children, as many slaves bore his children, and yet none of them would ever be hers, her stomach stayed flat, her heart became hard, her soul became desolate. So the woman became a mistress, and to the slaves she kept she showed her unbridled despair and cruelty, always imagining that they were his slaves, and that by doing this she would one day gain vengeance for her broken heart...

And then it was all gone, her life was wiped from her mind, and it was left blank and empty. If he wanted too, Jacob could put whatever he wanted in that blank space that was now her mind and memories, anything he wanted.

After all that, Silver would nod and show Jacob to his master, leading him down the corridors and walkways. "We have already told him that he will be free, and you will become his loyal slave. He is waiting even now. If you have any questions or requests, make them now.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Jacob hated himself for feeling any sort of pity for the bitch, but he did. What remaind of his kind heart felt hurt over the poor soul. It mourned the waste of life. The waste of someone who could have been good. He looked at Silver and asked for permission for something.

If he could, he would imprint the idea that the girl had lived with her big brother, Silver, for many years. She was kidnapped one day though and was hurt and molested by a cruel man. Not anything as far as he went through, and not as long, but for a few weeks. She would believe she had just fallen asleep, and when she awoke she would be reunited with her loving brother, Silver, who had killed her kidnapper and saved her life. Of course, he would need Silver's permission.

If not, he would simply leave it blank for Silver to mend.

"...One moment." Jacob ran off, back into the girl's room and then exited after a few minutes. As they walked to Jet, he would say, "Tell my family I love them, but I need to find my own place in life. Tell them...Tell them that no matter what, I love them, and I hope the best for them. Maybe one day we'll meet again." He would also be tempted to ask about how Silver and Mareo knew his dad, but he did not want to pry. He would thank Silver though, before being quiet, his cock hard as they walked to his Master.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Silver sighed and gave him permission to do so. When she woke up, Silver would take her away, and would try to mend her mind and help her find a new place in the world.

Then they would find Jet, waiting outside the manner, a large pack on his back. He saw Jacob and scowled. "Here he is." Silver said to Jet, stepping aside so that Jet could see Jacob. "He has agreed to become your slave. You can do with him as you please."

Jet looked at Jacob, still scowling. "What happened to the plan you bitch!? Why didnt you go with what I told you! I might not even want a disobedient slave like you anyway! Why should I even LET you be my slave after that stunt you pulled you pale piece of shit!" He was clearly pissed off, his lips curled back to show his teeth, his eyes blood shot with rage. He had new scars all over his chest and back, it looked like he had been whipped hundreds of times, and in some parts his fur was only now starting to grow back.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Jacob looked at Jet, not surprised by his words, before he got down and bowed his head before his lord. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry, Master! I've been a horrible slave! But...I'll do anything to redeem myself. I'll suck your cock, and be fucked by you anywhere and anytime. Nothing matters to me anymore, but you! My family! My friends. That...that bitch Renamon. All mean nothing, compared to you," he declared, before standing up and taking off his robe, revealing he was wearing a black bikini, stolen from the Mistress, and had a bag of more of her clothes at his feet. "My powers, my body, everything I am, is yours. Use me, Master, as you see fit."
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Jet seemed to consider Jacob now, and slowly nodded. "Fine slut, but you wear no clothes other than Bikini's, dresses and lingerie from now on, if anything at all! Also, you will always refer to me as master, and you will do everything I say!" He then pulled out a leash and collar. "Put these on!" He ordered, tossing them at him, keeping one end of the leash. When he put it on he would say, "On all fours, we have a long way to go."
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)