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Next Gen (Zero and Silver RP)
Renamon did not ask. Instead she just answered his questions. She had been forced to pick up the slack for him not being there, so she had been working none stop. She was also constantly getting bouts of horniness that tortured her since she had no one to relieve them and couldnt do it herself. She tried to hide this though so that no one would ask how it happened, not to protect herself but to protect her master from punishment. She leaned towards him a little, resting her head on his shoulder if he let her. If not she would whimper and slump on her bed with a sad little, "Yes master..."
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
He allowed her to rest on his shoulder and he kissed her lips. "I missed you, my sexy fox." He covered her face in kisses and looked over her body. "I'm sorry for leaving like that. Can I make it up to you somehow?" He had been so use to sex, he wished for more pleasure. He knew it was against the rules, but he couldn't help himself.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
She looked up at him when he kissed her and told her that he had missed her. "R-Really?" she asked softly, almost unable to believe that she had been missed at all. "Master, I just-" She started before the door opened again and their mistress stepped inside with a few other digimon. Renamon gasped and dropped to the ground and pressed her head against the floor, bowing hard. The mistress just glared and said, "Both of them. Take both of them." Digimon came forward and picked both Renamon and Jacob up, and began to carry them away. The muzzled Renamon and hit her hard over the head to knock her out as they did, though Jacob was unharmed. Outside he would find that Jet was also captured and being dragged away with them.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Renamon! Get away from her you bastards!" He ordered, running at them to try and defend her. He would be easily beaten though and forced out. He saw Jet and gasped, "Master?" he said out of habit and quickly silenced himself and looked away from him. He looked at the Mistress and asked, "Why are you doing this, Mistress? They have done nothing wrong!"
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
"Silence!" she yelled slapping him hard across the face. "I know who you are now. This changes everything." She then brought them all to another room, it was plain and had only three chairs. Jacob, Renamon and Jet were all tied down to these chairs, Renamon's and Jet's facing his. The Mistress walked over to Jacob, holding a whip, and gave him ten hard lashes across his back and chest. "Now, slave, remember your place. You live to serve, and so serve me now. One of these two has fucked you, I dont know which, or if it was both. You will be honest, you will tell me which one did it, or if it was both." Jet was muzzled and in a straight Jacket, but was still conscious. He yelled something, muffled by his restraints, looking at Jacob to blame Renamon and not him. Renamon sat next to Jet, unconscious and unable to defend herself, a small trickle of blood running down her face from where she had been hit.

"I gave specific orders that you were not to be touched or pleasured even once. Anyone who breaks my rules is punished severely. Now, tell me, was it this hound? This pitiful fox? Or both of them?" The mistress was waiting for her answer.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Jacob was horrified about his position, feeling as if he was choosing between his mother or father. His position in life. His future. He looked at both of them and to his misfortune found he could not betray either, loving both of them.

So he looked at the Mistress and dumbly said, "Neither, Mistress. Neither of them ever fucked me." He would stay by his choice, refusing to let Jet or Renamon be hurt.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
"I thought you might say something stupid like that. But here is the fact." she grabbed his dick and began to jerk it off. After a few seconds she pulled away, his cock perhaps hard, but not having enough attention to cum. "If no one had touched you, if you really didnt have sex with either of them or no one else, then you would have cum from just a touch of my hand. I KNOW that you have been fucked or had fucked someone. If it isnt there two then who? Im warning you slave, you can not imagine the pain I will put you through if you dont tell me the truth."
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Jacob moaned as his cock became hard and he looked at the two he loved, before getting an idea. "Alright, Mistress, I will tell you. Neither of these two fucked me. It was another slave, a Wizardmon," he said, remembering the digimon that interrupted his and Renamon's playtime earlier.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
"Liar." she said simply. "That Wizardmon is a straight arrow, and he has an alibi. These two, however. Well, Jet has his history, and she is a new slave. Now I am sure that they fucked you, both of them wasnt it? Wasnt it?!" Jet shook his head hard, and began to struggle. "You know what. I know what to do. I will give you some time to think." She said as she turned and walked out of the room.

They were left alone in the room then after that. No one came in to feed them, clean them, or even give them their doses of drugs. Minutes turned into hours and Renamon slowly regain consciousness. She looked around, frightened, not knowing what was happening. Jet growled at Jacob, glaring at him. He had expected him to turn Renamon over immediately. Hours then turned into days, and they all began to sweat and feel the lack of their drug. Jacob would feel the pains starting, not just from being forced to sit in this position for so long, but also from the drug that was no longer in his system.

Renamon was the first to break down, having absolutely no clue as to why she was here or what was happening. Having been forced to take up all of Jacob;s duties, she had missed both lunch and dinner when they had been captured and she was starving and hurting. She cried and screamed and struggled weakly, before blushing hard, her pussy leaking juices off her chair as another bout of horniness took her.

Jet was the next to fall, actually sobbing after hours and hours of the pain from being deprived his drug. He thrashed and struggled, growled, and roared, but nothing could get him loose. Jacob would also feel the terrible pain and symptoms as well as the hole in his stomach from lack of food and water. Almost two days after they had been left in there the Mistress would return with a large smile. "Well well, willing to talk now are you?" she asked, holding three vials of the precious drug and a glass of water. "Just tell me which one it was and I can set you free."
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
When the Mistress returned he was left shaking and nearly mad. He looked at her, grinding his teeth. His stomach groaned with pain and he desperately tried to calm his mind enough to hear his Mistress.

He heard her question and he looked at her. "I-it was...It...." He hung his head in defeat and wished his father could come and kill him. He wished that he could be struck down right now. "It was both, M-Mistress. Both of them," he cried, tears falling from his eyes, looking away so he could not have to endure the eyes of those he loved. "Please, kill me. Let me die," he begged. "Don't hurt them, Mistress! I love them both, please!" He cried.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.