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(A Silver and Zero production) Plaything
The nymph grudgingly agreed to be taken with them, demanding to be carried out. It was now up to The Master how she was kept. She may not be able to hurt him, but she could hurt others at her whim, and she was a dark nymph.


"N-Nya...why..." Tal would cry feebly as he was pissed on. "N-No"
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Master would have the golden net given to his Shaman with orders to research it and to find a way to copy its effects so that the Nymph would be kept under his power. As for how to deal with the Nymph, he was kept in his personal carriage where he would deliver food and drink to her, with him ordering her to stay in there without question. He would tell all of his soldiers and slaves that his carriage was off limits until he said so.


After being peed on, his master walked over and smiled at the slave, before taking out his human cock and commanding Tal to suck on it, sadistically slapping his face with it until he did so.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
The nymph did so, and the other obeyed, staying clear of the carriage. When he went to the Shaman, the old orc shook his head. "It is bad luck to bring such a creature here. When the soldier is unfrozen, she should be killed." The wise shaman said, taking the net and inspecting it. "It is of elven make. I might be able to duplicate it, though it will take some time." Evoline was waiting for him in his tent, since she had been moved from the carriage. He could enter to talk to her if he wished, or check up on his faithful slave Tal.


"Y-Yes master." Tal said sadly before taking the cock in his mouth and sucking it. He moaned softly and purred for his master, knowing that it would give him more pleasure, and ran his tongue around the underside of his cock as he sucked it.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Master did not wish to anger himself by seeing Tal, so he decided to visit Evoline, nodding his head at his shaman's advice. "How are you?" he asked, standing by her side.


The human moaned in pleasure, before he suddenly grabbed Tal's ears and began to fuck his mouth faster and harder, pushing his entire length into the catboy's mouth. "Take it, ya little bitch!"
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
"Confused." Evoline replied. "I was just fine napping in the carriage a few minutes ago, but some orcs rushed me out and took me here. What happened?" She asked.


Tal shuddered and mewed softly but did as commanded and continued to suck and lick even as he was savagely face fucked and deep throated. His piss covered body would tremble and shake as he hung there, his arms going numb from being tied to the post for so long, his toes straining to reach the ground.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Master sighed and began to explain what had happened earlier. How he and his fellow warriors had been attacked by Dark Nymphs, how he had slain a group of them, and how the last one was in his carriage now, not to mention the stone warrior being released soon.


Tal would soon find the human seed shot down his throat, forcing him to swallow it. The human shot the rest onto his face, which would just be the first of many as more men walked over to force Tal to suck on their human dicks, showing no mercy to the kitten.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
"Wait, your protecting one?!" Evoline said in shock. "Arent they...arent they really dangerous? I mean, look at what she did to you and your orcs. She might have promised never to hurt you in any way, but that doesnt mean she cant hurt us, especially if SHE doesnt see hurting us as hurting you." Evoline shook her head then. "I have been reading about magical contracts...they are very dangerous. She can still do whatever she wants as long as she doesnt think its harming the contract. I read about a man he contracted with a golem he had captured, and part of the contract was that the golem would not harm him. The golem associated harm with pain, so when he was released, the golem crushed the man in one quick blow, killing him instantly, thus causing him no, and by his definition, no harm."


Tal would swallow all the cum he had to, and mew softly as he was skeeted on. " I have some water..." He would beg feebly before he was forced to take another cock into his mouth. As always, he would start to suck and lick it like a good slave, shaking from the cold as he did, his throat burning for water.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"I understand the problems and threats. I will make sure she knows otherwise, don't doubt that. But perhaps I should talk to her to make sure she knows the rules...." The Master looked at Evoline. "Anything you wanted to say?" If not, he would go to the carriage to see the Dark Nymph.


It would be a full 30 minutes before Tal got the water he so wanted. His master walked over and held a pitcher of water. "Thirsty little bitch?" he asked.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
"Y-Y-Yes master...please, I have been good..." Tal moaned weakly, shivering as he hung from the pole by his arms, his toes stretching to try to reach the floor and alleviate the ache in his arms, of course, without success. Tal was dirty, tied up, cold, and very thirsty, a sad kitty all around. "Please master..." Tal begged, licking his chapped lips.


There wasnt much more for Evoline to say, and so soon the Master would be back at the carriage, the Dark Nymph sitting inside, wrapped up in a blanket, though where she got it was a mystery, and seemingly asleep.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The human smiled before raising the pitcher of water over Tal and began to pour it onto his face, letting it splash all over him, into his mouth, and onto the ground. "Here you go, you little bitch."


The Master knocked on the wooden door of the carriage to awake the Nymph. Once she was awake, he would step in, forcing her to sit up and by his side in the rather small carriage. "We need to talk. I only want to make sure I can trust you....I would also like to know your name, so I can do more than refer to you as The Dark Nymph."
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.