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(A Silver and Zero production) Animators!
((Okay, this is my last one. Night))

"Damn it," Alex sighed, using his powers to alter the nanobots so that they would work like he had said. Just in case she could inspect them in great detail. As he watched her run away, part of him wanted to simply explore the Normandy. He sighed again, before telling EDI he was done talking to Tali for now and if he had any important messages he could take them. He began to explore the ship, meeting each of the crew members, incredibly happy to meet them in 'real life.' He was truly having a fanboy moment.

If nothing of interest happened when he spoke with Thane, Garrus, Grunt, Samara, Miranda, Legion, and the others, he would simply fast forward the world to a point in time in which Tali was ready to talk to him.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
It would take some time for Tali to finally decide on what to do, at which point Alex would have already met everyone on the ship. She was very hesitant, he would find, and he had almost scared her away the first time he had tried to seduce her by being so forward.

But finally she was at his door again. When he let her in she would avoid direct eye contact and stutter a few times before saying. "Shepherd...Alex...I dont know what to think. We are caught up in the galaxies problems, and have so much to do...but I can not ignore my feelings, and the feelings you have expressed towards me." she said blushing behind her mask. "I...I think I might...feel the same about you...but I think its best if we wait. We have a Galaxy to save, I have my people worry about. I dont know if either of us can afford to fall in love right now. After all, in this line of work it is best to stay distant...I already lost you once."
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Internally, Alex acted with outrage at her words, actually feeling a little heartbroken. He kept a cool front though. "Tali...This time we could all die. I don't want to die with regrets again. I want to be with you. I want to make you happy. I want to go to sleep with you in my arms," he said. "There are no promises we'll survive this mission, and you know it. If we die, I want to die knowing you know how I feel of you. And that you feel the same. Wouldn't you rather die like that, if we do, than with regrets and wondering if it could have ever worked out?"
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
"And I do know how you feel! But what will happen if one of us does die? If one of us is killed and the other is left. Isnt a broken heart more painful that regret?" Tali was shaking slightly now, only a few weeks ago she would have never guessed she would be arguing love with commander Shepherd. "Damn it Alex! I dont even know how I feel about this! Its...Its sudden and right now Im not sure I could handle a loss like this..." Tali was far to unsure, far to pained to make this decision. Only a little while ago she had found that her father was dead, killed in an attempt to control the geth. She was already feeling the pain of that loss, and had already felt the pain of losing Shepherd once before. Her heart secretly desired him, but she could not bring herself to become so vulnerable to a man she had already lost once. Shepherd, err, Alex, needed to give her a push of some kind. Something that required no more thinking, something that would break through past her mind and to her heart. But what?
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Tali...." Alex stopped and calmed down. "Tali, did you drink any of the nanobots?" he asked her. After answering, he said, "I'm your Commander now, not Alex. As your commander, I am ordering you to take off your helmet and let me see your face," he calmly said, though with a bit of force behind it. Once she did, he would look at her, letting a silence take the room. Out of nowhere though, he moved forward to kiss her lips, his body moving as fast he could to capture her lips.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
"Yes, I drank them after I checked them out. Im still not ready to just test them on the environment just yet, but-" she was cut off as Alex continued, ordering her to take off her helmet. She blushed a little behind her glass shield and scanned the room again. If she found it was again anti bacterial, she would take off her helmet again to let him see her face. "Shepherd, I hope you understand, we-" again sh was cut off, but this time not by Alex's words, but by his lips as they captured hers in that instant. She tried to push away from him for a moment, but it was no use, she was caught and her blush only became more and more intense. She felt love for Alex swell within her, fear that this sudden exposure might kill her, lust for the body she was now pressed against, and confusion as she meekly kissed back.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Of course Alex made sure to affect her gear into showing her what he wanted her to see. Once the helmet was off he kissed her and went he felt her kiss back he embraced her, wrapping his arms around her. With Tali in his arms and her lips pressing against his, he activated the nanobots with a thought. They traveled throughout her body, doubling the pleasure she felt as his hands traveled down her back, one gently stopping at her butt, stroking it, while the other stroked her upper back. He also attempted to make the kiss more passionate, pushing his tongue into her mouth.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Tali gasped as she felt the pleasure in her body increase suddenly. She moaned softly when she felt his hands wrap around her and reach her butt, making her lean even closer into him, pressing her body against his. Her inexperienced tongue was soon dancing awkwardly with Alex's as he kissed her more deeply, all the while her mind slowly lost control of her desires. She was his now.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
He easily dominated her mouth, and he moaned a bit in pleasure from the passionate kisses. After a few minutes of making out, Alex pulled away to breathe, leaving a small saliva trail between them. "So, Tali...Have you reconsidered?" he asked, groping her cute butt. After hearing her answer, he would kiss her again and whisper a word to her. "Strip." By the time he said that, he was already taking off his own clothes. "And be with me tonight, my lovely Tali..."
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Tali looked dazed, her face blushing heavily as Alex pulled away, leaving the trail of saliva between them. It was the most physical contact Tali had ever had with someone. She did not answer his question, instead simply nodding and obeying his command, hitting the release switches on her suit. Soon she was just in her undergarments, which looked like a very tight tank top and thing white thong. She blushed hard, never having been this exposed to anyone.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)