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Next Gen (Zero and Silver RP)
"Demon lord? A digimon? Ha! If you think that is impressive then clearly Alex is far less than I thought him to be. Digimon are digimon, they are ALL weak and powerless before the might of a proper hacker. Look at you even, I can see you trying to use those powers of yours. I will admit, it was a challenge to make a proper collar for you, but nothing is too hard for me." She gloated, licking the side of his face. "Mmm, you will make a good slave. You are quite handsome at that, I wouldnt mind having you as my own personal little bitch." She whispered into his ear. "Now, lets get the ground rules down. You will do whatever I want you to do immediately after I order you to do so. Displeasing me will soon become synonymous with pain. If you do ANYTHING that I do not approve of, you will be severely punished. Do you understand?" He would then feel her pull away.

"Now, you are a male, so your training will involve a lot of drugs." she said with a snicker, and he would hear something metallic or glass be moved nearby. "I like it when my slaves realize what is happening to them. So I will explain to you what I am injecting you with as I do it. This first shot is called Bactine." As she spoke he would feel a hard pinch on his right arm as she injected him with something. "It is a simple enough drug. No real effect aside from that it is very very addictive. Soon you wont be able to think without a hit of this stuff. It can be administered through patches or gum, but injection does the job so much faster. This is how I will make sure you cant escape, you will NEED me."

She smirked as she pulled the needle away and began to prep the next drug. "This next one of my own personal favorite, its called Jingsing. Its a powerful sensitizer, it will make a stroke feel like an orgasm, and a pinch feel like a punch. It will help me make my point." Jacob would then feel a something injected directly into the side of his neck. "There, now only one more drug to go, how are you feeling?"

Jacob would feel a sort of heat and burning spreading across his body, the drugs were starting to affect him. "This last one is a fluid. I can either have you drink it, or make it a suppository. I will let you choose. But if your answer is anything but aside from drinking...well, you know where it will go."
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Jacob shuddered in fear at the feel of the first needle, begging her not to as he felt the injection. "P-please. You don't understand..." he whimpered. He then felt the next, and tears began to fall from his eyes. "I-...Alex...He's...He's not..." He felt the injection, and then heard the last question. His mind was going wild as he tried to fight the affects of the drugs, but failed.

He could feel it. The first drug, Bactine, gave him a strange feeling. A feeling he would soon crave like mad. And the second one...It was like how his father had ripped off his mother's clothing, exposing her to the world...

Father...Mother. Please save me!

"D-drink....Please, you don't understand. Alex....isn't my master," he cried.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
The woman laughed at his confession. "Are you really so badly trained that you will renounce your master to avoid my punishment? This bodes oh so well for me. Now here, drink it." she said placing the glass to his lips. Whatever it was tasted sweet, like strawberries and sugar. "This last drug is called Ho'Jo tea. Its and extremely powerful aphrodisiac. For as long as you are unable to cum or fuck, it will feel like torture, and the average dose lasts for six hours, six hours of need." She laughed again as she pulled away from him, leaving him naked and restrained. He would feel himself become even hotter than before, and suddenly he massive lust would begin to grip him.

"Are you feeling it?" she would ask, and he would feel something on his exposed cock. It felt really good, and made him even more horny. Even though he felt it so keenly, it would take him many moments to realize that it was just her lightly blowing over his dick. It would take only seconds for him to erect at this rate and once he did he would feel something tight slide over the head of his dick. "This is to make sure you dont cum. Now have fun, I'll leave the fan on. See you in six hours." she said before he would her footsteps of her leaving. The Fan she had left on was a table fan that moved from side to side and was blowing air onto his sensitized body.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"AHH! N-no! Please!" Jacob screamed as he felt the drugs. "Yes, I-I feel it!" he answered her as she left. "Please, don't leave me!" He screamed out to her as the fan teased his body, making his body cry out for lust, while his mind begged for mercy.

In the long six hours, he would scream out to her, begging for mercy. He would cry and silently prayed to his father and mothers for help. He would pray to the gods of humans, digimon, and pokemon, wishing, hoping, and begging for help or mercy.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
"Do you think this is enough yet?" "No...not yet. It will be will take time...not yet."


After the six hours passed, Jacob would hear a door open somewhere and hear footsteps approaching. "Hello my new slave. How are you feeling?" A familiar voice would ask him. The Hacker woman would get closer to him and wrap her arms his shoulders, her nose touching his, grinding his erect member against her clothed pussy, allowing it to slip between her legs so that she was almost straddling it, allowing it to rub against her clothed butt. "Did you miss me?" she asked her blindfolded victim, her breath playing over his lips. All the stimulation she was giving him would normally be enough to make him cum, but the band around his cock kept him from his orgasm, and the drugs continually made him horny and sensitive.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"P-please....L-let me cum," Jacob begged. By now, the poor boy was a mess. He was shivering, crying, and openly begging to the hacker. What was left of his mind scolded him for being such a worthless child like his father and he just seemed worse from the thought. "Please...." he cried, his hard shaft twitching with desire.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
"Well, that is no way to answer your mistress." She said cruelly, pulling away from the blind prisoner and slapping him hard across the face. Normally this would have stung a lot, but thanks to the second drug, it felt like someone had punched Jacob across the face with a molten spiked gauntlet. The pain was so much that it was actually a distraction from the pleasure, for a moment at least, but then she was back on him again, kissing softly where she had slapped. "Now lets try this again Slave. How are you feeling? Did you miss me?"
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"AHH!" Jacob screamed as he felt his body being assaulted by what felt like a burning hot fist. He the moaned as he felt the soft lips of the woman touch his cheeks and he replied. "I am feeling h-h-horny, Mistress. I-I missed you so much. P-p-please. Pleasure me, M-Mistress..." he cried, pathetically.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
"Hmmm, I dont know." The Woman snickered, stepping away again. "What would you be willing to do to get pleasure from me? Who are you to ask me to pleasure you? You are just a lowly slave, and I am as a god to you. What could you possibly give me in return?" she asked, teasing him, running her fingers slowly over his chest, inching them down closer and closer towards his cock.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"I-I'm a slave, I...I can....I....can help you....PLEASE!" he screamed, unable to bring himself to say it. That he would betray his own family, his mothers and sisters, for pleasure. "Mistress, I need it....Please, i-it hurts without it!" Jacob cried. "I need pleasure! I-I can help you catch wild slaves! I can be bait! I can clean your home! Cook! Please, Mistress, just free it. Just let me cum, Mistress!"
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.