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God Threat (a Zero and Maero RP)
King thankfully stopped himself and held back his rage as best he could he walked over to Mecha and used his powers over this world to create a large plate of bread, cooked meat, eggs, sausages, and other pastries for Mecha. "Mecha, you have to eat, please," he ordered gently, before looking at their daughter, then back to Mecha. "She...looks beautiful," he added, before leaving her with her large plate of food. He then ran over to Melody, dropping off Cassandra and Chi on the ground, gently of course, so he could use both arms to look her over. He made an even bigger plate of food on the ground and quickly grabbed a loaf of bread, ripping a small part of it and holding it up for the angel, trying to feed her. "Eat. Please."
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Mecha only groaned and looked up slowly, saying nothing to King as he made the food appear. When he left she slowly began feel around in the darkness, trying to feed herself, taking small bites when she finally found some of the food with her hand. Melody was in worse shape. She did not respond at all when he offered her the bread, staring blankly forward with milky eyes. Was she dead or simply couldnt see? The answer came in the form of a soft groan that escaped her lips, so soft he might not have heard it at all. What did her kind eat? Was bread grown in her world of sky and light? Whatever it was that she did it, it was clear that she was badly starved of it. At the very least he knew she drank water, and before he had cleaned it the pool water had been to dirty to safely drink.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
King tried to think of a way to better help her and held his hand up, creating a soft light to appear and to hit her. It was a warm, comforting light, best he could make, hoping it would help the once proud angel. "Please, don't die. I can't deal with more death on my hands. Not like this," he preyed, trying to make her eat and trying to give her water to drink as she was showered in light.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
The light seemed to help her a little, her eyes opening a little more, and some color returning to her face. King was using her own god's holy light, and so it did actually help to heal her, and slowly she began to drink and eat little bits of what was offered to her. Melody was the most unnecessary person to her be here now. She was a mortal, and since King never woke Sevnie, she was not needed, and yet continued to be imprisoned. Still, if she was back in her own world she might already be dead.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"I promise to make things better. I promise," he whispered, shining his light brighter now to help her heal. He considered bringing her back to her world, but he stopped that for two reasons. One, the portals weren't working for him, and two, her world was dying, and unless he could save it, she would die with it.

He also created shadows around Shay, hoping to help him heal as well. As he did, he looked at his other slaves, examining their conditions and thinking of ways of helping them.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Chi was on the floor next to the still sleeping mini Cassandra. Sleep was one thing King controlled in this world completely. If not given permission to, anyone within his world would never wake, which could be helpful. Chi seemed dirty, but being an immortal, did not seem so much worse for ware, though her purple hair was now white and the color in her eyes was very faded.

Melina was much the same, immortal and thus not physically damaged from having no food or water for a week or more. Still, her normally vibrant fairy wings were cracked and flaking, and her pale skin was even paler than usual.

Sevnie was in the best condition, still laying in the bed in the other room, yet to be awakened again. His golden hair had lost its luster, and some of his feathers had fallen out but aside from that he seemed fine.

Shay looked to be in the worst condition out of all the immortals, his golden eyes now a milky silver, his lusty black wings turned gray and dull, and his skin almost looked like it would flake away like rice paper at a touch. This was all probably due to his constant light exposure. Shay was used to being in eternal darkness and eternal stillness, it was not easy for him to exist here.

Mecha was much worse off, almost as bad as Melody. After giving birth, the former mortal turned goddess became a mortal once more, and she was thus not immortal like the others. As such she did not suffer from their deterioration, but instead began to starve and become dehydrated. Not only that bust she was caring, or at least holding her child, the creature that now contained all her previous powers. Even then she was barely able to feed herself, doing what she could to try to remain alive, mostly because of how naturally tough she was.

It was pretty clear what had happened, deprived of their elements for such a long period of time, and without their powers to sustain them, the gods and goddesses that had been captured were starting to fall apart at the seems, their very existences slowly wavering and fading. They needed to be placed in areas that could be compared to their previous worlds or they would slowly cease to exist.

As for the two mortals, they needed food, water, and healing.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
King quickly used his superspeed to pick Shay up and create a private room for him, with the words SHADOW ROOM, on it. He placed the boy in it and used his powers to cover it in darkness, making it impossible for a normal person to see within it and giving Shay the darkness and stillness he needed, before exiting the room.

He then took Melina and Chi, gently, into his arms, and ran into another room. In this room, he created light for them and made plants and a stream of water to turn the room into a very large copy of a forest. Beautiful blue skies, yellow, warm sun, a clean river, and growing plants that would naturally grow.

After leaving that room, and leaving Servie where he was, he would focus on the mortals, doing his best to keep them fed, hydrated, and trying to heal their wounds.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
"M-Master?" Shay would mutter softly as he was picked up and placed in the other room. He would lay very still and not move when he was placed down and would not have time to say anything else before King was gone. The same thing happened with Melina, who murmured something as she was picked up but looked dazed and out of it. Chi hung on tightly to wherever it was he put her, and when he created the forest she would not let go, seemingly afraid of her own habitat. Of course, she could easily be overpowered and placed in a flower or leaf somewhere.

Finally he came back to Mecha and Melody, not to mention Mecha's daughter. Mecha would resist his help at first, but she would eventually release a pitiful cry of weakness and cave, letting him help her weakened and ailing body. Melody offered no such resistance, but hardly seemed conscious at all. After a few hours they had eaten and drank as much as it was safe to give them all at once, though, if they had not place for themselves, they would simply continue to lay around the pool. Mecha's daughter slept eternally, awaiting her master to awaken her. She was created for one purpose, so that King could seduce her and steal Mecha's power.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Its going to be okay. Trust me," he would say to each of his slaves as he left them in their special room. He then transported the two human girls to the bed room, trying to gently lay them both down on a comfortable bed until he thought of somewhere better to put them. "I'm sorry," he told Mecha, before looking at their daughter and giving a small smile. "For what its worth, she's beautiful," he commented, as he thought about his next move.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Mecha said nothing, but held her daughter defensibly in her arms, keeping her away from King's touch. But again, she was weak, she could be overpowered easily, more than easily. Melody groaned very softly but did nothing else, even weaker than Mecha. Cassandra lay where he left her, on the floor sleeping, unable to wake until he allowed her to. Suddenly a portal ripped open nearby and a new woman appeared through it. She had an air of superiority and hmphed as she entered the room. "So King, are you yet ready to obey mother and continue her glorious journey?" She asked, staring down at him with eyes full of arrogance.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)