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God Threat (a Zero and Maero RP)
"Cassandra, where are you?" he growled as the army approached ever closer. He tried to fly up as fast as he could and spun his arms, firing powerful gusts of wind at the army and flying at amazing speeds. Hopefully the wind would be strong enough to push the army and their bullets back. He would keep this up for as long as he could, but only if he noticed it did hurt the massive army.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
The whirlwind helped for a little bit, but only when it caught them by surprise. Now braced the army began to make it forward yet again. "Go King! Find Cassandra, help her find the treasure! We will hold them for as long as we can! Go!" One of the men yelled, followed by a cheer from all the others. "Go so our wives and children can live in paradise!"
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
King stared at his friends. The men who he had fought side by side with for Mother knows how long. He nodded his head and declared, "It was an honor, gentlemen," before running off at superspeed, seeking his bedmate and friend. "Cassandra!"
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Looking inside the ancient building, he would find Cassandra in the middle of a pile of rubble, digging through it with her bare hands. "Its here! Its here! It had to be here!" She cried in a panic, dirty from all the digging and searching she had been doing. "King!" she yelled when she saw him enter. "Why arent you out front with the others?!"
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Because we're losing. Cassandra, those men will die unless we find whatever it is we're looking for!" he yelled. King looked at the debris and noticed she had been digging through it, before running over and trying to help dig through it. "Please tell me you have good news," he asked, his large hat (which he had protected and kept all this time) blocking the look of fear on his face.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
"It has to be here! I followed the traditions, I followed the legends! I am the under dog, the goddess of rebels!" She kept searching, using King's help, over turning almost every pebble in the massive building. " I dont understand! I should have found it already, I should already have it unless...." Suddenly she dropped to her knees and looked at the dirt in her hands. " doesnt exist. It makes sense now...there is no such thing. Its just ploy, ploy to keep as all make us fight wars...we could never win..." Tears welled up in her eyes as she looked at all the ruble she had already overturned. "I should have known...I am the goddess of Rebels...I should have understood."

"Hahaha! And now the child knows her place." Veric yelled in triumph as he entered the great building, all his men gathered around him, storming in from every direction. "There never was a treasure. There never will be a paradise." He taunted as he neared them, many guns already aimed at them. "Dont you understand? Our world is one of perpetual war! The treasure is just a myth to keep you foolish rebels fighting. So it was decided by the old goddess."
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
He hugged the crying woman, holding her in his arms as she cried. He knew much of how she felt. Realizing what you believed in was wrong. Like how he had believed in his Mother. In what he was doing was for the good of others. It was all a lie. As his very existence was...

"Cassandra...I...I am so so-" King's apology was cut short as Veric entered the temple with his soldiers and he held onto Cassandra protectively. He looked at the numbers, and then down at Cassandra, before pecking her head. "I still fight by your side, Cassandra." He then looked at Veric and the others and asked, "What now? Death for us? Torture?" he asked.

Part of him wondered if they would just be let go to suffer with this knowledge. To build up another army and continue the cycle. If this belief proved false, or if Veric had nothing important to say, King would create a bright light around him, hopefully blinding everyone, before grabbing Cassandra and trying to escape.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Cassandra held onto King tightly, burying her face in his chest, where he could feel her hot tears soaking into his clothes. "No, not death or torture. At least, not for her." Veric said. "Cassandra will leave, live in peace for a time, and raise an army of the children that belonged to the dead men outside. And then she will start the cycle again. But you king, you are an outsider and an unnecessary thorn in my side. I will relish your death more than any other. You should feel proud."

All the guns cocked and were aimed at him, but they didnt get to fire fast enough before the light he created blinded them for a moment. But when he tried to escape with Cassandra she did not move. Instead she held him tightly for a moment, and then released him, turning around to face Veric, her face full of rage. In an instant she was in her goddess form, six arms full of weapons and three faces of war on her head.

"No! I am Cassandra, the goddess of rebels! I will not bend to destiny just because some has been god decrees it! I will not forsake my morals and quietly follow your little cycle! I have spared you before Veric, for the sake of tradition, but not today! And if your smart you wont spare me either. But one way or the other, this ends with a fight!" Cassandra looked back at king for a moment, wanting him to stand by her side in the end, but not blaming him if he ran from death. For her though, there was nothing left. She had fought and crawled and clawed her way to where she was, and she was not going to start all over again, never again.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
While the light blinded the soldiers, King knocked one down and shot him with his own gun, before looking at Cassandra declaring her name. He smiled and ran to her side, a sword of shadows in one hand and a gun in the other. He floated by her side, smiling at her. "I am King, Champion of Cassandra!" he announced.

"I fight by your side, my love. But only on one condition. After we win, you give me the best night in bed yet," he joked, before focusing on the epic battle at hand.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
"Fools..." Veric said, giving the order to fire. As surrounded as they were, they would have been dead in an instant...but a golden light erupted from around them and shielded them from the bullets. "What is-" Cassandra started before she was enveloped in light. She cried out in pain and pleasure, her body wracked with energy as she floated off the ground. Veric stared in awe and horror before crying out and losing the red tint in his skin, as well as his white hair. Cassandra's hair grew out and she became her normal human looking self again, but changed. Her hair was now long than her, foing almost four feet past her feet, and her features were covered in swirling white tattoos. Her clothes evaporated to reveal her sexy tattooed body, and light blasted forth from her eyes and mouth. Her heart beat with golden energy, and with a word that King could neither hear nor understand, the soldiers around them were destroyed, Veric with them, and plants began to grow all around them bearing fruits and leaves. The world was transforming around them, Cassandra had somehow found the heart of rebellion within herself, and not within the ruins, and now she was more than just Cassandra, she was Cassandra Verra, goddess of the realm.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)