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A Hero's Duty: A Zero and Maero Production
Savior ordered her to hold still and began to cry and cut her free with the knife, and if that did not work, would use a VERY small drop of a special acid he had, being extremely careful with it. "I don't know if she's helping us or not. I can only hope she wants to help us. If we don't get any answers soon, then we can blow the walls open."
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
"Suit yourself." Angel said with a sigh as Savior cut Melody's arms free. Once they were out of the straps and harness the fell limp at her sides. Who knows how long her arms had been restrained that way, and she had a pained expression as her fingers twitched. She then lifted her right arm and looked at Savior to give her the means with which to write. Whatever she did though, she would not carve anything into the wall, going to one of the many wooden tables instead if she was forced to. There she carved, "Under water, in bay. Wall hold out water. Walls are seals to creature, creature worse than water." she then pointed at a stair case leading down.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Savior stared at the message in confusion, slowly repeating the message. "So we're underwater? Great. The walls are keep the water out, and the walls are seals to a creature? What kind of creature?" he asked, before looking at the staircase, then at Melody. "Is that where the creature was, or simply where you think I should be going?" he asked. If it was the second one, or both, he would order Angel to stay with Melody, while he went to investigate it.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
"Creature angel." She carved. "Mistress power. Black wing." She then pointed at the stair case again. Angel looked at her and then at the stare case and then at Savior. "Look, we have to get out of here. I say we find a way out, then layer this whole place with explosives and see how long Dark Spell lasts without a base."
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Agreed. Why don't you stay here and look for places that would look good with explosives, while I got investigate if there's a way out down that staircase," Savior smiled, joking of course. "Look, just give me a few minutes to investigate down there. Stay here with Melody. Try to calm her down. If Dark Spell appears, hold her off or call me. I'll be back in five, ten minutes," he declared, placing a hand on Angel's shoulder, before walking over to the door. "And no matter what happens, we do our best to save Melody. She deserves to be saved," he added, back to the girls, as he began walking to the stairs.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
"Fine fine, dont die." Angel said as he left. Melody merely watched with worried eyes as he descended the stair case. It was a spiral stair case, and there were no lights or candles to guide him at all. As he went down and down and down he would begin to lose his perception of time and space, until finally he would feel as though he had been walking down those stairs for hours, though his watch would reveal he had only been walking for three minutes. Finally he would arrive at a large black door flanked by two torches, the door seemingly created out of tangles of obsidian snakes. With a push the door would swing open to reveal a haunting seen.

The chamber within was bare and empty save for a few things. In the center was...something, man of some kind, wrapped from head to toe in chains. The chains themselves seemed to be coming out of the walls, and held the man's arms out tightly to either side of him, leaving no skin to show in how utterly they covered him, his toes not even touching the ground. Behind him was something even more puzzling...wings. Of course, these were also thoroughly wrapped in chains as well, and the only reason he could tell they were wings was because of the black feathers that poked out between the links. Only one part of the man was bare, and that was his mouth and chin.

On the walls around him were glowing runes of some kind, dimly glowing purple and red. He shuffled a little in his chains as the door opened, revealing that he was still very much alive. "Melody..." he hissed out softly. "Have you returned? Or isss it just you, Venra Dark Ssssspell?"
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Savior growled as he gazed at his watch, seeing it had only been three long minutes, rather three day whole hours. As he continued to walk, now using a flashlight built into his belt, he found the large door, which seemed to be made of snakes. It had to be snakes, he thought, as the doors were pushed open.

He was shocked to say the least at the sight, and looked around the room, seeing the glowing runes. He was rather amazed at it all. He stood firmly on the side of technology, so all of this magic seemed extremely...out of place for him. He heard the winged creature talk and he walked forward. "Neither. My name is Savior. What do you know of Dark Spell and Melody?"
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
"Sssssavior?" It hissed. "Lift the chansss from my eyessss. Let me sssssee you creature, ssssso I may know you are no...trick." It demanded.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Savior hesitated, before agreeing, lifting the chains from the creature's eyes to see his mask. "I'm a masked hero. I have fought Dark Spell before. Now I'm trying to capture her and make her pay for her crimes. Now you know about me, tell me about yourself, Melody and Dark Spell."
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
The eyes that gazed at him from behind the chains were snake like, slitted, and deep red. "Massssked hero?" He questioned before making a coughing sound that Savior would realize was a feeble chuckle. "Venra Dark Ssssspell, daughter of Velina Dark Sssspell, great grand daughter of Ohime Lurkford, deccccedent of Michal the All Dread and The lasssssst claimed massssster of magic before the time of changing. Thingssss you know nothing of, thingssss barely of thissss world." It said. "And Melody, the one light in what has been my years of darknesssss. She would come down to feed me and talk to me...but no more. Do you know if she ssssstill livessss?"
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)