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A Hero's Duty: A Zero and Maero Production
"Knew it," he growled, throwing another bola, this one aimed at the girl with the teddy bear. Once it wrapped around her, it gave a shock to her system. If this was a normal child, it would be very dangerous to use. But something told Savior this wasn't a normal child.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
The girl toppled over when the bola's hit her, but she never hit the ground, instead just hanging there like a...puppet. Looking very carefully Savior could see the strings holding her limp body up. She jerked when shocked but did nothing else. "What are you doing?!" Techna yelled, but before she could even finish, the real Dark Spell opened up a portal behind Savior, holding large, wicked looking dagger. "So quick to assume what you dont understand!" She laughed as she stabbed down at him, the blade angled with his spine. But before it could land Dark Spell grunted and was thrown to the left as Angel tackled her from behind her concealed position. She then threw three gas grenades and tossed a couple bolas after the slipper villain, hoping to tangle her. Something had probably hit her since the magical strings holding the little girl up faded and she fell the ground.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Things have changed, Dark Spell," he declared, throwing a well aimed shock bolas at Dark Spell, as Angel caused the little girl to drop. He then looked at Techna, glaring at her. "You're welcome, by the way." He then refocused his attention on Dark Spell, making sure she wouldn't get away this time.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
"Great, their multiplying." It was hard to see inside all the gas, but suddenly it swirled as though something had moved inside it and Dark Spell was gone. She had likely teleported again, since some of the Bolas were missing. Sill, the original portal was still open, he could jump through that to get to her base or wherever it was that she had teleported from. At the same time, that child needed medical help, since she had turned out to be a normal child and had been hit by the shock Bolas. Savior had only moment to process this, he had to move fast.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Techna, I know you hate me, but does that child deserve to die?" he asked, pointing at the injured girl. "Get her medical attention. We'll go through the portal. If I'm right, this portal leads to Dark Spell's base. We can finally get her. And no. I won't let you go through the portal. You will try to kill her! I want to stop her. Different reasons." Finally, he looked at the woman who was mistaken for Dark Spell and freed her. "Its okay. You're safe now, Miss. Everything is going to be okay." He tried to consul the woman for a few seconds, asking for her name and repeating that everything was okay, before he and Angel would (hopefully) try to go through the portal.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
"Why you-" "No time!" Angel cut in as he began to consul the woman. "Portal is closing! Go!" she yelled, before jumping in, hopefully followed by Savior. He also followed her in, he would find himself standing in the basement dungeon he had been in before. There was no sign of Dark Spell, but Melody soon appeared, bound up like before, though still able to walk. She turned the corner with her head bowed, thinking that her mistress had already returned. Angel took out a taser gun and aimed it at her, not knowing who this was or what to expect here.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Savior only had enough time to free the fake Dark Spell and whispered, "Its okay. You're okay," before following Angel into the portal. Once they had gotten through, he saw Melody and quickly stopped Angel. "Don't. This is Melody, daughter of the last mayor. Dark Spell kidnapped her years ago. She helped me escape," he explained. He looked around for an exit, before looking at Angel. "I hate this place. I think the only way out is with an explosive gel on the wall."
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
"Well holy crap, she was declared dead wasnt she?" Angel said, lowering the taser away from the now frightened girl. Melody cowered away behind the corner, her eyes full of tears as they looked around for an exit, finding none. When Savior mentioned blowing up the wall she suddenly stood up and shook her head frantically. She had a face of sheer terror on at the mere suggestion of doing so, but seemed unable to talk, and thus to explain why. "What do you think? We shouldnt stay here long. I dont see Dark Spell so she is probably somewhere else asleep in the gas, but we shouldnt be here when she gets back. This is home turf after all."
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Melody, what is it? Why aren't you telling me anything?" he asked, looking at the poor girl. He tried to talk to her, and tried to get an answer, but if continued to get nothing he would look at Angel. "I don't know about blowing up the place. Melody may know something we don't, and be under a spell to keep her silent..." He pulled out a knife from his belt and used it to scratch words into the wall. Melody, can you write it out?
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
"You trust her? How do you know she isnt just afraid of being punished for letting you wreck her mistress's base?" Angel asked. Melody looked hurt but said nothing. When Savior scratched out the words on the wall she paled a little but nodded. Her hands were, as they had been before, tied behind her back.The harness she wore was her only clothing, leaving her exposed in every way, except for what it covered, which were her arms and shoulders. The harness held her elbows and wrists together, and mitted her hands. The mitts were new, probably to keep her from grabbing anything anymore, but it didnt matter, since she could not write if they did not free her arms anyway. She looked like she had been cleaned up, and again he would see her nearly flawless white skin, the single largest flaw being the fist shaped bruise on her stomach from where he, Savior, had punched her.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)