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God Threat (a Zero and Maero RP)
King was able to escape, flying higher and faster than the Mechs could...but then again they stopped following him after awhile. Above him was the top of the holy mech tower, lights flying about it slowly...until King got too close. Suddenly all these lights changed direction and began to head straight for him. Then King would see that these were not light at all, but Mechs! they charged down, flying super fast, swords raised, striking with overpowering force and expert mechanical precision. Fighting one or two of them would be fine, three our four would be hard, but here there were seven!
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
King growled as he saw the seven Mechas, before forging a plan. He flew at one of the robots, before shrinking down in size, until he was as small as Chi was. He tried to fly onto the the robot, and find some way to enter it, whether by forcing a hole with his powers or finding somekind of opening. Once inside of the robot, he hoped to sabotage it from within it.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
King found that making and opening was not easy to do, the holy mechs being made of some kind of enhanced metal that hardly bent at all. Be he did manage to enter one and began to rip its insides apart. He also found that the holy mechs contained artificial souls, and when they were destroyed, they died. The one he had entered soon began to plummet, only to be blasted and sliced into pieces by the others in an attempt to kill King before he could escape.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
King screamed in pain as the robot he was in was suddenly torn apart, and he created a shadow shield in hopes to protect him. This was getting very difficult now, but he had to keep fighting. For his mother. He quickly made himself as small as possible and flew as fast as he could to the next robot, hoping to enter it and destroy from within. Still, this was taking its toll on his body. He had cuts, bruises, and burns, and he was getting more and more tired. Still, he kept fighting...for now.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
The shadow shield shattered as the bright light of the divine constructs hit it. More hands reached out to grasp him, to crush him, but King was too fast and avoided them all, but it was taking its toll. His shields were useless near the flying, angel like mechs, and the support fire from the larger normal ones was shredding him up. The mechs were also smarter now, keeping a light shined on him while flying away and evading him, leaving him continuously out of cover while the guns continued to shoot. As small as he was, he could not longer fly as fast or cover as much ground, and it was literally like shooting at a fly with a shot gun. If King had a plan, he had only seconds to use it.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
King gasped in pain and closed his eyes, before opening them. He screamed out in a strange tongue, trying to use his power to talk to plants to use, hoping that nature would help him out. If that didn't work, he still he one hope. He tried to use Chi's size changing powers to new use, hoping to grow in size until he was a giant. While this did make him a bigger target, he followed by setting himself on fire with Melina's powers, and created burning, black spikes over his body with Shay's powers, hoping to impale at least a few of the robots. Also, while he was bigger, he was still fast, and he hoped he could use his speed to swat the robots aside like flies.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
King's call for nature went unanswered in the metal world, and his other plan turned out hardly better. King could only grow so much, and he only barely managed to match the size of the gigantic mechs around him, which quickly cut into him with divine light and bullets. He was powerful, but he was no god, and soon he found himself falling into darkness. He was bleeding too much, had done to much, and King was far from bullet proof. Soon he heard nothing, saw nothing...and felt nothing.


King's darkness was broken by a sudden pain that soon enveloped his entire body. Opening his eyes, he would find himself looking down as something, or two somethings, dragged him along by each arm. He was leaving a trail of blood behind him, but his wounds were not fatal, having been treated just enough to keep him alive.

He was in a huge room with a giant mechanical throne in the center and was being carried by the angelic mechs he had fought before. The tossed him at the foot of the Throne, Mecha herself staring down at him. She was a good twenty feet away on her huge mechanical throne, her legs crossed in boredom and frustration, his chin resting on her fist.

"Who sent you creature? Who ordered you to attack?" She asked, venom clear in her voice. "And what did you intend to do with me once you reached me here?"
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
King was still barely conscious, his injuries and wounds doing more than physical damage. The beating had left his mind battered, and he just chuckled as he was brought before the Goddess, Mecha. He smiled and said, "When I tell you, you'll kill me. If I don't tell you, you'll kill me. What's my motivation here?" he chuckled.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Mecha suddenly stood up and stepped down, her foots steps hitting the floor hard as she almost stomped over and shoved her shoe into his face, breaking his nose. "Maybe I will kill you painlessly if you obey me monster! Now tell me everything I want to know or I swear you will rue the day you were created!"
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
King looked up at Mecha and smiled at her, seeing her large breasts, long hair, and sexy body. "Has anyone ever told you how sexy you look?" he asked, before he suddenly began to vibrate his body, hoping it would free him. If it did, he would use his speed to tackle Mecha, and form a portal on the ground, so that they would fall through it.

If that did not work, he would create solid black spikes on fire from his body, Shay's power combined with Melina's fire, to destroy the robots. If not that, he would shrink himself a bit so he could elude their grasp, and tackle Mecha. Anything he could think of to take this moment to capture the Goddess.

((Sorry if the vibrating part seems far fetched. It works in the comic books))
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.