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(A Silver and Zero production) Animators!
Renamon was dumbfounded by the sight of the handsome and dashing being, and was awestruck for a moment. Rika was as well, though she was finally able to speak, moments before her partner sorted out her thoughts. "Y-your temple destroyed a lot of innocent Digimon's homes, and we thought we'd find some powerful Digimon in here, causing it..." she said, and tried to use her D-Tector to scan and find out just what Mike was.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Her D-Tector seemed to go into static for a few moments before showing a question mark, and then the screen cracked ever so slightly. "What? My temple did that? Nonsense, my temple has never moved, you must be mistaken." He said as he stood up. In his first step Renamons Data would buzz and distort before returning to normal, and then do the same thing again. It was not painful for her, but it was weakening, showing them just how powerful he was. A rookie could not stand to be in his presence for very long. "Since this is my temple, I shall introduce myself first...but I expect names in return. I am Erusmon...well, here I am Erusmon, I am other things in other places...But Erusmon will do nicely here."

Rika's D-Tector would come alive once more and show her Erusmon's Data. A powerful Deity digimon, easily one of the most powerful beings alive. His data grants eternal life and power to those who can take it. His name Translate into Master Monster, or Lord Monster. His attacks are undocumented, as no one has ever survived a direct hit.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Not to be rude, but the hundreds of homeless Digimon outside your temple seem to disagree. They spoke your temple rising out of the ground and destroying their homes," Rika stated, before looking at her D-Tector, and then Renamon, seeing her looking slightly tired. "Renamon, are you okay?"

"Just...just being near his is draining me," she groaned, and Rika looked at the new Digimon.

"Stop hurting her! Look, either move your home so the Digimon can rebuild their homes, or we'll make you move!" It did not matter how handsome Erusmon was. If he hurt Renamon, in anyway, then she would fight him...
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
"Im not doing anything to her, just like Im not moving my temple. It moves for no one, least of all a human and rookie. And I have yet to hear your rude." Suddenly a wave of power would be unleashed from his next step, nearly deleting Renamon altogether and blasting Rika back. "Your name, or your lives, it is as simple as that." He said with a slightly wicked smile.

(Has Rika looked at her D-Tector?)
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Renamon!" Rika screamed, and ran over to Renamon, who was gravely injured from the blast. She looked at her cracked D-Tector, and saw the horrifying information it had. She couldn't give up though. She had a responsibility as Digmon Tamer to protect both her world and the Digital Realm. Besides, this wasn't the first super powerful being she had encountered. The D-Reaper was vastly more powerful than a majority of Megas. Not even an army of them, and two Soverigns could defeat such a beast. It was only thanks to Takato and his partern Guilmon that they were able to defeat the beast, after Guilmon had megadigivolved and aquired special armor and equipment to overcome the D-Reaper.

She looked at Erusmon, and then Renamon. "Are you ready to fight?"

"I...I am..." she groaned, before standing up.

Rika suddenly pulled out a blue card and slid it through her D-Tector. "Bio-merge activate!" In a bright, blue light, the two seperate beings became one, and before Mike, or Erusmon, was a woman in golden armor. "We are Sakuyamon, and you will move your temple!" she decalred, holding her staff.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
"One name instead of two? I suppose that works...." Erusmon said with a chuckle. "But Im not moving the temple." He said with a sudden, deadly tone. He extended his hand towards Sakuyamon and said "Master control." She could attempt to dodge or block, but it would appear as though nothing had happened at all. All the while he simply stood there, smiling and looking triumphant. "It was foolish for you think that someone as small as you could challenge someone as great as me." he mocked.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Sakuyamon raised her staff up in defense =, but stopped as nothing occurred. She didn't let her guard down though, and decided to take this moment to attack the so called 'Lord of Monsters.' "Twin Blades of Beauty and of Truth!" she screamed, and fired two pink razor sharp disks at him.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
The blades flew out but disintegrated before they could even touch Erusmon. "That was cute, but honestly do you truly believe you could hurt me? Better to wait for reinforcements than strike me now. Dont worry, they should be arriving..." Erusmon said as he crossed his arms and sat back on his throne. He wanted at least three digidestined girls to arrive before he made them all his slaves. Mimi and Sora would be nice, but he would welcome any others of course.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"What are you-?" Sakuyamon was interrupted, as four figures ran into the temple. There was Sora and Mimi, as Erusmon, but their female partners were also with them, Biyomon and Palmon. They found the the two Digimon, and looked at Erusmon.

"Is this your temple?" Sora asked, looking at the male Digimon, her partner ready to fight.

Sakuyamon was confused, as she did not recognize these humans. Who are they? And how do they have partners too? she wondered, knowing they weren't from her group.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Erusmon smiled and clapped. "So everyone is here now. Yes this is my temple, I am Erusmon, lord of monsters, God of this temple. And before you ask, no, I am not moving it. Now that we have sufficient guests why dont we do something fun?" He asked, standing up once more and summoning a glass of champagne to his hand. "So then, names, introductions? We really should get those out of the way before we continue onto the fun ladies."
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)