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(A Zero and Silver Production) The Unforeseen Stay
Hunter quickly placed his hand in Ren's, and he stared at Ren. In a way, he was Mike. He had done this all to the Digimon. Tortured her, ruined her....broken her, he believed. "I am here, Ren...I am here," he whispered, his strong front maintained, despite the pain he earlier felt, and the foreign feeling of guilt, he felt in his stomach.

Alex soon returned with water, and handed it to Hunter. "I have water, Ren. Just relax, and drink up...You need to heal." he said.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Ren stifled a soft cry as Hunter took her hand, and tried to pull away for a moment, the heat of his fur making her believe Mike was burning her paws again. But slowly she realized that this was not so, and then refused to let go. She tried to say something else but could not get past her sore, dry throat. When at last she received some water, she drank it all, every last drop, and licked the cup with her parched tongue. Finally she was able to collect herself enough to speak again. "Are...are you visiting me?" She asked softly, still holding his hand tightly, still curled up on the bed, having never uncurled. "Will...will you be leaving? Leaving soon? P-Please...please dont..." She begged him softly, all her strength going to just holding his hand.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"No...I am not visiting. You are inside my room, Ren. Mike is dead...I will not leave you again, Ren. I will help you heal, and I will repent from my sins..." the wolfkin whispered. He looked at Alex for a second, and the two spoke without words once more, before the human ran off to fetch more water, and maybe some food. "That is...If you wish to accept me as a suitable...healer....Alex is here also. As is Grace, and an old friend of mine, named Alexander...We will all protect you, Ren. I swear it."
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Ren shook her head. " wont be leaving right? Please?" She asked, holding his hand close to her face and crying into it. "I..." She started, her tears warm against Hunter's fur. "Y-You can bre-break my feet again!" She begged, and though her legs trembled with fear of pain she extended them slightly. "I-I wo-wont walk...I...I'll do anything!" she begged, wrapping her arms around his arm and not letting go, though Hunter could easily pull away if he wanted to. "Ju-Just stay...stay five more...more minutes..." Grace had no words to express what she saw and tried to stroke Ren's head to sooth her, but was stopped when Ren screamed. "No please! Not my ears! Please please! I will do anything! I will do anything!" She begged an invisible Mike.

There was a lot of damage to fix, and a long way to go. It was no wonder that Mike had never been able to keep one girl for more than a month or so...they normally ended up broken into dolls or dead within a few weeks. "Oh devas...please..." She said softly, still holding Hunter's arm close. Mickal would be needed soon, but at the moment it would likely be too traumatizing to move her.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"I'll never leave, if you don't want me to," Hunter whispered. "You are safe here, Ren. No one wants to hurt you. I will not let anything bad happen to you," and he gently placed his other hand on Ren's, holding her hand in his. "Just rest, Ren...Are you hungry? We have food," he said, as he saw Alex walk in with a bag of food, and a few bottles of water he found in the kitchen.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
"No!" Ren cried, shying away from anyone other than hunter. "N-no food! I-Im not hungry!" She lied, though it was clear she was. Mike had fed her, but the things he had forced her to eat were...they had broken Ren of the want for food. "No more...please..." Ren begged hunter, her soft paws gripping his tightly. The smell soon got to her however and it was quite different from the acid she had been forced to drink, and the horrors she had been made to swallow.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Don't worry...Just relax, and trsut me," Hunter whispered, as he reached into the bag, and took out a kiwi. "Here, bite this, and eat up," he kindly ordered, and tried to get Ren to at least try the fruit.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
"No no..." she pleaded softly, but could not escape it. "Will...will it hurt?" She asked him after a moment, tears trickling from her blind eyes. "It...its not sharp? W-wont burn my throat?"
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"No, no...Of course not. Here, jsut try it," Hunter said, and continued to convince her to eat. As Alex watched, he was reminded of Silvia, and he sighed in sadness. "You have to eat Ren. You need to heal," the wolfkin reasoned, desperately wanting to just help the poor girl.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Ren whimpered and licked the kiwi a little before taking a bite and swallowing. She then quickly launched forward a bit to eat the rest of the fruit, biting Hunter's fingers if he was not quick enough to move when she bit. If she did bite his fingers she would pull away and cry out as if in pain. She would say nothing afterward, fearing for what was left of her life. She had bitten Mike before and what he had done back to her made her regret her very birth.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)