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(A Zero and Silver Production) The Unforeseen Stay

Mike's laughter was ringing through Alex's ears. He screamed in pain, his hands, nailed into the wall as he was forced to watch Silvia and Serenity being raped and killed by the bastard. Hunter was already dead. The pain on his mind breaking him, and then all Mike had to do was make Grace watch as he stabbed the body to death. Grace...Grace was torn apart. Her arm in one corner, her head thrown on top of Hunter's corpse, and the rest of her body in the other corner in case Mike ever wanted to fuck it.

Everything he knew...Everything he loved...was dying around him. He let out an angry scream, before rising up out of bed, screaming.

He took a few slow breaths, his head sweating, and he groaned as he felt like true shit. He soon saw Hunter, and then the man, and he slowly began to rise out of bed, trying to ignore the pain. "Who are you?" he asked. "What are you doing to him?" he groaned.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
The man said nothing, didnt even turn around. Instead he just waved him away. "Rest." He added a moment later. "You will need your strength to survive those wounds." A moment later A pulse would emanate from the crystals, flowing into to Hunter, and the Wolf kin would take his first breath in nearly half an hour. Mickal stood up from his work and sighed. "A nearly normal human nearly killed both of you." He said in amazement. "It would have been doubly as fantastic if he had survived to tell the tail about it." He added with a smirk as he went to a nearby table and picked up Mike's gun, studying it. On the table was the majority of Mike's clothes and stuff, all laid out and categorized. "A real shame, he might have told me what half these things are." He said, placing the gun back and turning to Alex and Hunter. "In any case, you'll live...I think. I have never seen a weapon like the one he used, but you should be out of danger now. Lord Hunter will awaken any moment now and then you two can take your leave." The warlock was looking back at the table, clearly eager to start studying the now deceased Mike's effects.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"It's called a gun. There are hundreds, thousands of those where I come from. Bigger ones, two," Alex explained as he watched the man look at the gun. "I come from the same world as him. I could probably explain to you what most of that crap is....Wait..." Realization hit Alex harder than a bullet. "Mike's....dead!? He's dead?! We killed him?" he asked. "Where's the body? I want to see the body!" He yelled.

As for Hunter, he was panting for breath and trying to calm himself down, the horrible pain still in his memories.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Mickal raised an eyebrow but said nothing. "He bled out, both inside and out. Crushing all but three of his ribs and nearly tearing off his arm will do that to a person. As for the body...well I took the liberty of incinerating it, after properly stripping of course. No need for his wonders to be lost with his sin. I can show you his ashes...I think they are still on the floor where you left him, unless the tavern cleans that up as well." He then turned and bowed to Hunter, who was, very slowly, being set down on the ground. His body was completely healed, and Alex's body could also have been healed like that....but he was not the Saxon war leader. "My lord, I think you will be pleased to discover that Mike has been destroyed, and I have nearly perfected a way out of here." Ren and Angy were still trapped in Mike's dungeon, mostly forgotten at this point.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Hunter looked at Mickal, and would have been very happy to hear such news, but there was one flaw in what Mickal said. "Mickal...While I am indebted for what you have done for me, and I promise you will be rewarded when we return home...I remember you once told me Mike controlled you, much like how he controlled me....I must ask this....Is what you're telling me true, or what Mike wanted you to tell me?"
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
"Mike's contact with me kept me from working against him." Mickal said without missing a beat. "Once he was dead, then I could step in to heal you and incinerate him, the contract dies when he does. Nothing in the contract makes me obey him in anyway other than that, and the fact that I was able to heal you two, which would be working against Mike, should be enough to disprove any conspiracy theories you might have come up with." And indeed, Hunter would no longer feel any trace of Mike's presence in his mind, none at all. Before there was always the primal want to stay away from Mike to avoid pain...that no longer existed.

"If you wish, I could scan you and show you that we are both curse free." Mickal offered. If Hunter took him up on the offer, Mickal would whistle towards a dog house not far away and say "Slave, come out and bring me my wand." The dog house was where he kept Rain, who now had golden rings through her nipples and had been thoroughly cowed into submission, the snake like cuffs on her wrists, ankles and the collar around her neck slithering threateningly in response to the order.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Out of the doghouse, Rain walked out, eyes on the ground, since she did not have permission to gaze upon her Master. She quickly ran to fetch Mickal's wand, and when she did, ran to him. She went down on one knee, and held his wand up for him, and would then wait to be excused.

Alex, was once again, trying to get out of his bed. "Hunter...Angy and Ren...."

Hunter nodded, and looked at Mickal. "Again, thank you for your services, Mickal. I can bring Alexander and Grace here, so the four of us may talk about bringing us home...Us, and some friends if you are able to," he said, and awaited Mickal to perform the spell.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
"As much as I like company." Mickal said, taking the wand and saying nothing to Rain. "I have to say that the only company I rather favor is my pet here." He stroked Rain's head and then pushed her slightly, indicating that she was no longer useful and should return to the dog house. "Aside from that," he added, razing his wand and allowing a blue light to flash out from its tip, illuminating Hunter and showing that there were no curses or powerful spells active on him. "My spell wont be ready for at least a day more, so there is no rush." He then shined the light on himself, and although he glowed like a Christmas tree, parts of his body and robes glowing deep blue or red, there was no green, which would represent a curse.

Mickal then turned towards Alex and sighed. "Here, dont move." the sorcerer said as he reached into a nearby jar and pulled out a leech like worm that was about as large as his index finger. "Hold still, it wont hurt." He said as he tossed the worm at him. The thing landed on his chest with a sicking splosh, and then began to painlessly burrow under his skin. "Remind me to remove it later, but for now that should give you all the strength you need." And indeed, although Alex could feel the parasite slithering into his heart, he could also feel his wounds closing and his pain fading.

If they left to go find Angy and Ren, they would find them in Mike's old dungeon, both in tiny cages that were so small that the only way they fit into them was by hugging their knees to their chest and staying absolutely still. Angy's wings were stuffed in the cage with her and clearly either dislocated or broken. Despite this, both her and Ren were asleep, since this was the most rest they had been allowed for almost a day now.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Thank you, Mickal....Thank you," Hunter said, bowing his head.

Alex placed a hand on his chest, disturbed at the thought of the worm, before thanking Mickal. Together, the two left to Mike's room, and found the two caged. "I got it," the human said, and tentacles popped out of his back and grabbed the bars of the cages, and soon, his many tentacles were forcing the cages to open.

Once they were open, Alex's tentacles retracted, and he and Hunter tried to pick the two up and bring them back to Hunter's room, where Grace and Alexander should have been.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Mickal waved the two away as they left and turned to study Mike's things. "Are they gone?" Asked a hissing voice. Mickal merely nodded as he picked up the gun again. "Indeed they, neither any wiser. As far as they are concerned, Mike died and is now a pile of ashes somewhere." A red and black snake slithered out from under the desk, its eyes strangely familiar. "Good." Ir replied simply, climbing up the leg of the desk and slithering up to Mickal's hand. "But are you ssssure they will not ssssusssspect anything?" Mickal nodded again. "You're heart stopped when you were fighting and broke all traces of your magic. Even if the spell didnt break, your a snake now, it does not recognize you as Mike any longer, for all intents and purposes, you are dead." The snake seemed to smile in satisfaction. "Now then, snake, tell me," Mickal said, turning to the serpent for the first time, still holding the gun. "How is it that this device works. And more importantly, tell me where to find more."


Ren groaned softly as she was pulled out of the cage, but remained asleep, as did Angy. Back in Grace's room, both she and Alexander were awake. He had just told her that the girls were safe and that Hunter and Alex had disappeared after going to deal with Mike.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)