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(A Zero and Silver Production) The Unforeseen Stay
Hunter gently patted Grace's head, and kissed her cheek. "I love you...." he said, and kissed her neck, resisting the urge to just take her. "The book you were reading. I never did much reading in my younger years. I sometimes wish I did, but...I was always too busy, studying about enemy areas, or new missions or weapons...Tell me, how is it? What's it about?" he inquired.


"Discipline? What do you mean discipline? After what she has gone through, how could I hurt her in anyway?" he asked, more angry at himself, though Serenity may have gotten the wrong idea he was mad at her for suggesting such a thing. "No...We give her space, time, and food...She needs time to heal...."
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
(Didnt Hunter just ask Grace that?)


Serenity looked down in shame and grabbed her arm, floating away. "I-Im sorry master.." She said softly. Flare groaned softly in her sleep. Sweat matted her body, and she was coated in more than a few bodily fluids. A bath would probably help her recovery...just so long as she wasnt awake to protest it.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)


"Serenity...I..." Alex sighed as he saw the small fairy fly away, and he asked Silvia to watch Flare, and see if she could help her calm down at all. He quickly chased after his small fairy and slowly put his hand before her. "I'm sorry, my dear...I am not angry...not at you..." he looked at Flare, seeing her groan in her sleep, then looked at his fairy. "I'm mad at me. This is all my fault...Flare is hurt, because of me...I messed up, not you...I'm sorry."
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Grace showed him the cover, which was a red rose and white rose intertwining and told him it was a romantic tragedy. If he wanted her to go into details she would (but Im not writing them, lol). Grace had a small blush on the entire time. Hunter's lips found her cheek and neck or lips each time they were together, it was clear that he physically wanted her more than anything.


Serenity shook her head and flew up to her master's shoulder. "No master, dont blame yourself. It was Mike's fault, without him, no one would suffer. Flare was...was necessary at the time, to save Grace." The little fairy said softly. Flare was trembling in her sleep, and would whimper softly and jerk her body a little, as though she were being whipped. Silvia shook her head sadly, she could do little for her right now.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Hunter nodded, and the two talked about it a bit more. "When we return to our world, I hope you can show me some more Angelo literature. All Saxon write about is war, sex, and religion," he half chuckled, half sighed. He smiled, imagining Grace and him sitting in the middle of a garden, both reading, sharing kisses between pages. He almost seemed lost in this joyous dream, and unknowingly he began to lean forward and kiss Grace's neck, mumbling something about a perfect world for them.


Alex nodded, and suddenly began to walk over to the door. "I'm going to get some more food. See what you can do for the poor girl." Alex was planning on fetching some mushrooms, fruits, and see if there were any meats, just in case Flare would want some. He also wanted to seek chocolates for Serenity. If he remembered correctly, that was one of her dreams, he wanted to make come true.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Grace's blush intensified as Hunter began to kiss her neck again, still holding her close. She sighed softly, the warm kisses enticing goosebumps to jump across her skin, and she leaned her head over to give Hunter better access. She knew he would have her either way, she chose instead to give herself to him.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
((Edited the last post))


Hunter soon realized what he was doing and licked his lips. "Sorry, I...couldn't resist..." he said, and pulled back a bit. He smiled at her and gently pet her head, and said, "I'm sorry....Do you know that? That is has to be this way...But I promise, Grace, I swear, you will not be treated just as a slave. I crave you, lust for you, but....some part of me....Whatever part of me that is not Saxon, loves you."
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
When Alex left, he could not find any Chocolate, though he found everything else he wanted. On the way back, though, he found something he may not have expected to see. A door with the name "Serenity" on it. It only made sense they she would have her own room as well. Depending on her mental state, there could very well be chocolate inside...or a painful reflection of her past.


Grace blushed slightly at the well intended words. "Are you really sure that its the part of you that is not Saxon? Cant Saxons love as well?" She asked softly. After all, the Angelo had warriors, and were far from all peaceful like she was.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
" not know....Perhaps. I suppose I have always seen the worst of the Saxon. We are known for our army, and we have killed many. I have seen children, killed because our enemies were fleeing. The children were knocked down....crushed under their feet....I've seen parents abandon children, families abandoning family, people being gutted....So many horrible sights, and all because of the Saxon...It almost makes me wish, I could relive who I was before War Leader...."


Alex decided to enter the room, deciding if he found chocolates, he Serenity would be happy. If he found her just gave him more reason to help her.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Grace Shivered at the description and worried for her people. "Hunter...I.." she said softly, but she couldnt think of anything to say. If the Saxon were really this bad, then how could she hope to coexist with them? If they tried they would likely follow the example set by their warleader and attempt to make slaves of the angelo! Tears brimmed her eyes at the very thought, but what could she do about it?


Alex found that the door was stuck, just like the other had been. Only Serenity could open her own door the first time. But it may be more dangerous than it was worth, since it would either hold one of her most precious dreams, or a damaging scene of her past.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)