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(A Silver and Zero production) Fallen
"Oh, really? You hear that boys? He is going to kill us!" A rousing round of laughter followed, and even more guns came to bear against him. The shogun had not spoken even once, and by the way he sat down and relaxed, it didnt seem he was going to to. All the doors are locked, all the windows are sealed it now.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"You picked the wrong fucker to pick on!" Alex yelled as his body glowed with dark energy. Suddenly his clothes shifted, as did his skin. Soon Alex was done transforming, his arms now large claws, made out of hellish energy. He charged forward and sliced the closest person to him, and attacked the next almost instantly. Any bullets that hit him would take a sharp U turn and return to whoever shot it. His long claws would turn into energy balls and the boy would fire them at the gang members, after which he just punched and kicked any gang member. "DIE!"
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
The room almost literally exploded into activity. Gun shots filled the air and screams soon drowned them out as everyone charged and shot at the monster attacking them. In only a few minutes, everyone was down, bleeding and dead or groaning in pain, all but Alex and the Shogun, who sat atop his thrown, having never moved nor spoken. "Boss...." Said his male adviser, who was being crushed beneath Alex's foot.

The Shogun himself seemed rather stoic, given the situation. He Stood up at last when no other remained to stop Alex and tossed him two items. One was a small metal box full of hundreds, easily counting up to ten grand. The other was a jewel encrusted Katana, his very own authentic ancestral blade forged at the end of the age of Samurai, a Priceless artifact some might say. "Take it and leave." The man said sternly. "We shall not seek you out. We shall not deal with you. We owe you nothing, you owe us nothing, as far as I am concerned, you do not exist."

He was offering him complete forgiveness and a promise to never bother him again. But could Alex trust him? Mike told him no, and urged him to sweeten the deal, before decapitating the lot of them. But Alex was still in control, he could do whatever he liked.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"..." Kill.....Kill.....KILL.... Alex looked up at the Shogun and took slow deep breaths. He raised his hand and pointed at the figure. "You have to promise me. On your ancestor's graves....Stay away from me, Silvia, Mr. Blank, and anyone else I demand you stay away from!" he yelled. "I swear to god, if I ever find your goons even NEAR my woman, I will come back here, rip your nails off, and force them into your eyes!" he yelled. "SWEAR IT! BLOOD OATH IT! I WANT TO KNOW, YOU WILL STAY AWAY FROM ME! AND ALL I LOVE! PROMISE ME, OR I WILL TEAR YOU APART!" the man roared, his voice echoing throughout the warehouse.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
"I swear to you, on all that is sacred, that we shall not bother you again, in any way. We will leave this area and move to another, move all our business away." The Shogun then got down on his knees and bowed his head. "B-boss..." Said the adviser, still beneath Alex's foot. "All that I ask is that you leave and kill no more of my men. We are defeated, allow us to depart the field gracefully...if not alive."

He Lies, he will come for you, kill him, kill him and all of them and you will never have to wonder, never have to look for them. They will be dead, and none of them shall ever bother you again.

Mike's words were compelling, but Alex kept his control. What he decided to do was only for him to decide.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"FAR FAR away. I never want to see you bastards again!" Alex roared. He looked at the Shogun, and took slow deep breaths. He struggled to stop himself, and he looked into the old man's eyes. He raised his foot, and said, "Take your wounded and heal them. Then leave. If I hear even one rumor about you still being around town in....a week, I'll come looking," the boy whispered, before picking up the chest and sword, and making an exit.

They'll be stupid not to take the offer. We'll find another gang. A gang more deserving of our wrath... the boy thought, thinking Mike could hear.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Very well... Mike's voice said bitterly. The other two gangs were the Street Walkers, a gang of all American douche bags, small timers really but they did throw more than one rock through Alex's window, and The Fins, a gang of absolutely unstable wack jobs who couldn't get enough of beating the hell out of people weaker then them, and at this point that was nearly everyone. The Dragons may have been more powerful, but they had some kind of loose moral code where as the Fins simply killed, stole and raped whenever it took their fancy. We should strike soon. It wont take long for word to spread.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Way ahead of you," Alex mumbled as he walked over to a young man on his bike. "Off."

"What? HEY!" the man yelled as Alex tossed him aside, and he landed on the ground. The bike was already ready, and the young boy sat down on it, not bothering with a helmet. "We're going after the Fins. Those fuckers hurt a lot of good people. They deserve this," he whispered as he revved up the bike and shot off, down the street and to Fins territory.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
"Fin land" as it was called, was a nearly abandoned part of old town. Why was usable land not being used? The fins had moved in and never moved out, Now they owned the place, and it was almost sectioned off from the rest of the city. But corrupt law enforcement, threats and bribes kept the area open and private at the same time. So when Alex rode in, he was spotted almost instantly, and two minutes later, was no longer riding. An arrow, an arrow of all things, flew straight into the gas tank of his bike and blew the whole vehicle. Alex was airborne, smothered in fire and shrapnel before landing hard on the concrete, shredding himself as he slid across the rough stone, losing half his face and skin in the process.

But the wounds healed within seconds of being inflicted, and would feel no pain, thanks to Mike. Ten men with crossbows, crossbows of all things, came out from the surrounding area to pick the "corpse" dry of any valuables, crazed smiles dominating their faces. These humans are not normal...not that they wont die like normal humans.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Alex slowly rose up, and licked his lips. He had no problem killing these bastards. They were freaks. Murderers. Sickos. They could go to hell for all he cared. "They are insane. They will die." A bolt of black fire shot from his hand at one of the men, and he looked at them. "It is time for you all top pay!" he roared as he began to walk closer to the group. Let's kill these bastards! he thought. He had earlier left the chest of treasures in his home, hiding in the back of his closet. He had kept the sword though, and held the katana in his hand as he used it to chop up the closest Fins.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.