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(A Silver and Zero production) Fallen
"Nope, wont do a single thing." The demon said. "Besides, do you believe everything you see on T.V.? I get to take over your body some times and do some stuff I need to do, but when its done then Im gone and you keep all the benefits. I will even fix up your life before I do my thing, so that you know Im not cheating you. Think about it, money, power, and protection for both yourself and your dear Silvia. You can live happily ever after, and really, if you and she can be together and happy, what else matters? Im not going to end the world, that would break the contract, and I cant do anything to mess up your life." The demon waited, holding out a black pen along with the contract. "Then again...if you dont want to then I can go else where. There are plenty of people who would kill for this chance, so Im not in any shortage...."
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Alex looked at the pen and then the contract. "...You promise to give my body back? Then after that it's done? I'll never see you again? Silvia and I will be together, forever?" he asked. He looked at the pen again and then at the demon. "As long as Silvia and I are together, happy....Deal..." he sighed, and took the pen in hand and wrote down his name.


A pair of eyes watched the events unfold, and could feel a knife pierce their heart. "Alex..."
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
"I cant promise anything aside from that I will give you what you want while Im here, and will leave once I need nothing more from you. A fair exchange I would think. And dont worry, you will be able to provide for her, she should be more than happy with you." Mike smiled as he watched the boy writer his name, and his grin strengthened as he saw the blood signature appear. Alex would find that for each stroke of the pen, a new cut was sliced into his back until at last is spelled out the name Maculo, carved into his flesh. It was painful, but the cut did not bleed and scarred over almost instantly.

"And done. Well, that wasnt so hard now was it?" Suddenly Mike was gone, and Alex was thrust into the air. His entire body began to thrash and twist violently as Mike entered his body. The pain was excruciating and his body felt as though it were going to tear itself apart. And then suddenly, it ended. Alex landed on the bed, the contract now enacted, and instead of feeling sore or wounded, he would feel great, powerful, rejuvenated, and stronger than ever before. Looking down at himself, he would find that he was at least twice as attractive as he was before, with sculpted toned muscles, flawless skin, and all blemishes, no matter how small, removed from him.

Like it? Its only the beginning my, what do you want to do first? Take care of those gang loans? Maybe make some money? Or we could try to go find that woman of yours, if you think its not to soon. Mike was within him, powering him, and at his command, for the moment.


Aurora smiled brightly and happily as she clung to D's arm as they both went to school. Rena went with them today, deciding to go find a club to hang out at. D had a few minutes to drop Rena and Aurora off before he had to go to class.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The boy grunted in pain as he felt the wound appear on his back. His eyes widened as he was lifted up, and Alex screamed in pain as he felt his body begin to change. When the process was done, he at first tried to catch his breath before looking at himself. He heard Mike's voice and he gulped a bit. "...I...I want..." A smile suddenly appeared on Alex's lips, and he stood on his own two feet. "I want to slaughter those gangs."


D walked with them, before the three decided on a club. He looked at Rena and asked her to take care off Aurora for him, and make sure she didn't get into trouble. He also said he would come over to pick them up and three would go train at Alexander's dojo right afterschool. Rather, he would train, and they would watch. He kissed Aurora goodbye, said goodbye to Rena, and began walking to school.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Mike smiled darkly within his head. Well then, which one first? There are three gangs you owe money to, and five gangs in the city...which one do you want to destroy first? No matter which one Alex picked, he would find that he knew the way to their base of operations, and would not be impeded on his way.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"All of them...Let's kill them all," Alex whispered as he felt his body burn with hatred. He walked out of his home, closing the door behind him. The first gang Alex wanted dead, was the gang he owed the most money to. The American Dragons, a gang led by a Asian criminal, who had illegally made his way into America, and was now working on making his mark on the country. His gang was one of the strongest in the city, and many other people owed the Dragons money. Alex was going to end that, with Mike's help.

Alex began walking to their base of operations, which was in the nearby Chinatown. Once there, he found various people wearing black and white clothing, the color of the American Dragons. One of them saw him, and recognized him.

"You have our money, tough guy?" he asked. Alex looked at his waist, and saw a pistol, and behind him were two more goons, each wearing a katana on their back.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Go ahead, talk them down, they shall not touch you, shall not harm you. When you wish, I will enable you to crush them. Alex would feel his every pore rain with dark power, eminating so strongly that should a bullet or blade near him, it would flatter and miss, guided away by dark powers, probably into another one of the gang members. Should a fist or man attempt to even touch him, they would fall instantly ill and pale, suffering form a sickness of sin and soul. And when he wished it, his strength and speed would be augmented to glorious proportions, and he would be able to extend the evil field around him, allowing him to send invisible bolts of horror, doom and chaos at any he deemed deserving. This was the power given to him.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Take me to your boss."

"What makes you think you can talk to the Shogun?" one of the goons asked.

Alex suddenly spun around and punched one of the goons, sending him flying into a nearby trashcan. The other goons took out their sword and gun, and tried to attack the boy, but Alex spun around and grabbed the blade in one hand, and easily took it out of his hands.

"AHHHHH!" the goon screamed as Alex sliced the hand that held the pistol. The boy then looked at the last good and held the sword up. "Take your....leader...."

The goon nodded, and tried to hold back tears as he began running, with Alex walking behind him, dropping the sword at the man's feet as the stub that was his hand bled.

That...was crazy.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
This is only the beginning. Your power will only increase from her on out. Show no mercy, no remorse, they deserve none, and should receive non.

Soon they arrived at an alleyway that led into a seemingly abandoned building that was now the American dragons base. Inside, at least thirty of the gang members hung out, dealing out turf and drug before going back out to work for the gang. And in the center in a self made throne of misbegotten goods sat self proclaimed Shogun, his two advisers not far away.

"What the fuck is going on here?!" Someone yelled as they noticed the unannounced entrance into their secret hide out, and the wounded gang member. The gang leader raised his hand for silence and order as at least twenty different guns were angled and aimed at Alex. "Explain yourself." Said the male adviser, speaking for his boss.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Can it, bitch!" Alex ordered, followed by pointing at the Shogun. "I am done, fearing you, old man. I am here to kill you, your slut adviser, your retarded adviser, and all of your whiny ass goons!" he yelled. "I am giving you assholes, thirty seconds to run now. Anyone still in this building by the end of those thirty seconds, I am going to kill!" he yelled.

In reality though, Alex only planned on giving them ten seconds, before he started up. Unless someone said something to stop him, in ten seconds, Alex would begin chopping one after another down.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.