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(A Silver and Zero production) Fallen
Rena smiled and brought him a plate with some pancakes and syrup. "You could say that." She said cheerfully as she went back to the kitchen to make Aurora's breakfast. After a little while, the angel would join them, all dressed and ready with whatever D left for her, and she would come down and sit next to D and lean her head against him affectionately.


Silvia awoke with a small yawn and a cute moan as she found herself still naked and in Alex's room. She was in his bed and looked around to see if he was still with her, or if he had awoke to do other things.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
When Silvia awoke, she would not find Alex. Before she could worry though, she would hear footsteps. Alex soon walked in, dressed and without a smile. He didn't look angry, sad, or disappointed. He just looked....neutral. "Get out of bed," he commanded her. "Don't bother dressing. I like you better naked. Follow me," he ordered.

If Silvia did so, she would find Alex standing in front of the door, his emotionless expression still there. "Silvia, come here. I want to talk to you," he ordered, and once or if, she did, he would look her over. "Do you love me? Truly love me? Before you answer, look around. I'm nothing but a poor rebel. I am angry, violent, and I don't have a job. I am not nice. I am not kind. I am not a good man, nor am I a rich one. Can you truly love a man, like me?" he asked.


D smiled and wrapped an arm around Aurora, and kissed her cheek. "Thanks, Rena," he said as he used his other hand to eat, holding pieces of food up for Aurora so she two could eat. "So, any plans today?" he asked Rena, and he would look at Aurora. "We really should go to school today...We should...."
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Silvia looked up at Alex, clearly worried, but did as he commanded and got out of bed, still naked. She tried her best to cover herself as she followed him to the front door, blush hard and unable to look up off the ground. "D-Did I do anything wrong?" she asked timidly, cold from her sudden nakedness, her pale skin exposed to the cold air. When Alex posed his query Silvia couldnt believe it. "No, you are a kind man, a nice man!" She insisted. "You have always treated me better than...than everyone else. Sure you might have some flaws...we all do...but I love you, even your flaws!" She had tears in her eyes as she spoke, wondering if this was it, if Alex was simply trying to find a way to break up with her or get away from her. Silvia stood there, naked and shivering, blushing hard with tears in her eyes. "If I didnt love you then why would...would I do so much for you?" she asked softly.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Because you're a slut? A whore? A girl who just wants to be fucked?" he bitterly said. He then looked at the door and pointed at it. "There is the door. You have two choices. You can take some of your clothes that are lying around the bed, and you can leave with them. I won't talk to you ever again, and you'll be free to date whoever you want," he said. He then looked at Silvia, dead in the eyes. "Or you can stay with me. Forever. Until one of us dies. You will not love anyone else, as much as you love me. Parents, family, teachers, no matter what they say, you will always be mine. My slave. My slut. My sister. My daughter. My mother. My lover. My girlfriend. My wife. My everything. Forever. Those are your two choices. Pick."

It was as though Alex was asking Silvia if she would marry the boy! She had two options in front of her. Either take the door out, never to see Alex again, with the hope of finding another, better lover, or stay with his everything. Until death, do they part.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Silvia didnt even hesitate, and embraced Alex completely, kissing his lips as she did and holding herself against him. Her hot tears spilled out of her eyes, and, after the kiss, she buried her face in his chest and began to weep sadly. "Y-You...I chose you...I will always ch-chose you." the naked girl cried softly, holding Alex tightly. "P-Please l-love me...please..." She whispered, begging for acceptance. She had already agreed to bear his child, she had given him all her body and time, and done everything he asked of her...and yet he still wanted proof that she loved him.

Silvia felt horrible, terrible! It was like happiness, togetherness was staring her right in the face, separated by only a thin glass window...and yet despite her best efforts, her best everything, she was just not strong enough to reach it, like she had been created to weak, to feeble to actually get what she so deeply desired. The feeling left a tremendous hole in her heart, a glutinous pit of despair, because it seemed that no matter how good she was, or how hard she tried, she just couldnt devote herself enough to satisfy Alex.

And yet there she was, begging him for his love, his mercy. She had given him everything her little heart had, and in place of achieving a union with her beloved, her griefs and toils were spat back into her face as harsh words, declaring her a slut and whore, and not a loved one. Her flooding eyes cried blood warm rivers into Alex's chest as the poor girl finally sank to her knees, her head resting slightly on Alex's knee as she covered her shamed face with her hands. " so hard..." She lamented, remembering how much of her own shame she had had to swallow just to be with Alex, how she ignored all the other girls who told her she could do better, how she refused all others that attempted to steal her from him.

But it wasnt enough, it just wasnt enough. Standing up on trembling legs, Silvia stumbled back into Alex's room and slammed the door shut behind her. She could hear nothing, see nothing, smell nothing, taste nothing. She quickly dressed herself as best she could and fled the house, running from Alex, from everyone, from everything. Alex, in his search for a perfect lover, had failed to see the obvious. Silvia, doll like Silvia, an alabaster ballerina twirling on his finger tip, had been his from the start in every way he could ask. She had given him everything, and what she had yet to actually give she was more than willing to part with. But Silvia was a delicate doll, a wined up that had been spun to tightly...and now he had broken her. He asked furiously for something she could not give, and the reason was because she had already given it, to him no less. And now she thought he sought more...and she could give no more...could do no more...And so Silvia ran, covering her ears and shutting her eyes. And Silvia suffered, and her heart broke...and darkness found her as she ran.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
((Ah crap on a stick. Don't tell me what happened was what I thought just happened))

Alex did not stop her. He did not move. He just stood there as the door was slammed. He looked at the door as realization hit him, and he cried. He walked over to his couch, and he cried. Silvia, the love of his life, the light in his world was gone, never to see him. It was for the best though.

His mother was dead, and his father was off with some whore in other state. The closest thing he had to a father was Mr. Blank, and the old man could only do so much. He did everything he could to keep his house, his mother's home. He had to....He had asked the local gang for loans, and they agree, but only if he pain him back.

He knew though. He knew he never could. Now the local gang refused to give him anything. They would find him, and kill him. He was strong, and he knew he could kill at least a couple of them, but they would win. They would kill him, and if Silvia was with them....

More tears fell.

He couldn't even think of such a horrible thing happening. His dear Silvia, raped, gangbanged, and then killed. At least this way, she had a chance. She could find some 'upstanding' citizen to save her. To protect her. Live in a better part of the town, happily. She would forget about him. He knew she would.

He wasn't like D. He wasn't rich. He was poor, and now, worst of all, he was all alone...

"I will always love you, Silvia," he whispered as he cried himself to sleep.


"We make such mistakes," Ezekiel sighed as he wrote in Alex's and Silvia's books. "We try to protect the ones we love, but in the end, what right do we have to manipulate those we love?" he asked as he looked to the sky. "At least his heart was in the right place....I really hope you know what you're doing up there!" he sighed.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
"Tears? Really?" The voice entered the room abruptly and seemed to have no source. If Alex was asleep, it would wake him, if he was awake, it would warn him he was not alone. "No parents, mother is dead, fathers a bastard, Mr. Blank is only human, debts building up, gangsters looking for your head, and now you just shoved the love of your life away, maybe even forever. It official kid, you are in the fucked category for sure." Slowly the voice began to concentrate into one place, a shadow in one corner of the room. "But every dog has his day right?" asked the creature that stepped forth. "And my friend, I think we can help each other out." Mike smiled, waving his hand before his body and make a suit appear.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Alex jolted up and looked around, wiping any remaining tears away. He watched with sheer terror as a shadow became like a door, and a mysterious figure stepped out. Alex saw his wings, and was amazed by them. Angel wings? Black angel wings. "W-who are you?" he asked, doing his best to keep his tough guy act. In truth though, he was scared. Very scared. "What do you mean help each other? H-how do you know so much about me?"
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
"Kid, there isnt much I dont know about." Mike replied coolly, summoning and obsidian chair from nothingness and flipping it around to sit on, leaning forward in it and resting his arms on what was supposed to be the backrest. "And I know you boy, and I know we can help each other. You see, I myself am a...being of less than physical or earthly composition...and this puts me in a sort of a tight spot." With a flick of his hand, a pure black cigar came into existence and he lit with his mind, taking a deep puff before filling the room in thick black smoke.

"To cut straight to the chase, I am a demon, or at least what you humans call a demon, and I have stuff that needs to get done on this world. None of it has anything to do with you, and I have no intentions of screwing your life up anymore than it already fact, I am offering you the opposite." Waving away some of the black smoke, Mike produced a contract. On it it said:

I, (Name here), pledge my eternal alliance to Maculo, and allow him passage into my body to do with me as he pleases. In exchange, Maculo will enforce my desires, wants and needs, and forever provide for myself and my beloved, and under him gain happiness.

Sign here ...............

The contract was then repeated over and over in different languages. "What do you think? Can you help me out? The payout is worth it, I promise."
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Alex had seen the movies and shows. He looked at the demon and then at the contract. "I've seen TV. Usually deals with demons go about as well as crapping on a serial killers lawn...." he commented. "So...if I sign this, you'll do, whatever you want with my body? What happens to me? What are you planning?" he asked. One thing Mike had to about this boy. He was brave. Or stupid. "And won't hurt her or doing anything bad to her, right?"
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.