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A Zero and Mareo Product: Cat Trainers
"T-t-tuna? What's that, Master?" she asked, cocking her head to the side. When she was placed next to the bowl, she licked it, but gagged as she realized there was nothing there. "No milk?" she pouted, lightly hitting the bowl, moving it an inch or so. When De Shen fed her the little piece of tuna, the girl gasped as she felt the fish go down her throat. "Yummy! It's almost as good as milk, Master!" she giggled. "Can I have more?" the cat girl asked.


"Oh? What are you going to do, Dawn? Pounce on me?" he chuckled as Dawn leapt off of him and on the ground. He awaited her next move, wondering even if there was one.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
"Now now, lets not be greedy." De Shen said with a chuckle. He then got a got a leash and, a silver string really, and hooked it onto her collar. "There we go, I think its suits you nicely. Now come along Kit, you have to walk an all four legs. We are going down to the park." He told her, still not having dressed her. He needed to get her used to wearing nothing and having no shame, such was the life of a cat slave.


Dawn playfully smiled and jumped from side to side a little, trying to get Alex to move. When he didnt she suddenly jumped up on the couch next to him and began to lick and paw his face playfully, trying to get on top of him and bring him down off the couch.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Neko looked down at herself, and saw she was naked. But I'm naked.... she thought, but all De Shen had to do was give the girl a small tug, and she would obey and follow after De Shen on all four. If Master doesn't think I need clothes, I don't need clothes! she happily thought.


Alex allowed Dawn to pull him down to the ground, off the couch. He did not fight against her, only kissing back and petting her body. His hands laid on her ass, and he kissed back against her lips, wondering what his little kitten planned on doing to her master.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
De Shen gave her a little tug and they began to walk. He walked slow for her, so that she would not have to hurry and possibly hurt herself, but he would not slow down, and soon they were out the door and into the sunny day. The area around De Shen's house was mostly abandoned, large houses being everywhere but either every one was inside or not at home. That slowly began to change as they continued ever onward however, and met other people. Some were jogging, others walking somewhere, and some where even walking with their own cat slaves. Most of these others were older cat slaves that were allowed to walk on two legs behind their master, and normally they did wear some kind of outfit, bit not all of them.

"Oh she is adorable!" A lady said as they walked past her. "Whats her name?" The lady asked as she admired the kitten. "Still in training so she doesnt really have one." De Shen said, electing a drawn out "Awwww" From the lady. "Can I pet her?" She asked De Shen, who smiled and nodded. The lady bent down then to pet the cat girl, wanting to pet the top of her head, scratch behind her ears and chin, and then slide her hand down to her butt and continue the long stroke at least three times.


Dawn continued to lick and kiss her master as they rolled onto the floor, even as her cute butt was grabbed. She purred softly and nuzzled her head into his chest, rubbing against him affectionately and cuddling into him cutely. She wiggled her butt a little in his hands before returning to the random licking and pawing.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The neko couldn't help but blush as she was walked out into a public area, people looking at her adorable body. She tried to hide behind De Shen, but a simple tug or order, and she would move away. When they came to the woman, she blushed and looked away, shy around her. When the lady began petting her, she was at first against such a thing, as only her Master should be allowed to.

Once her Master allowed it though, she accepted the petting, at first reluctantly, but purred when the lady she was scratched and moaned when the hand slid down to her cute, young butt. By the end of it, she was licking the hand when she could, enjoying the pleasurable stroke.


Alex pulled his right hand away from Dawn and decided that he wanted some fun. He moved the hand down, and found her beautiful pussy, ripe for the fingering. His fingers skillfully stroked the clit, and if need be, he whispered a small spell to extend the arm. He used his other hand to make Dawn look at him, and if she did, he kissed her lips, his tongue forcing itself into her slave.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
"So adorable!" The lady said, giving Neko one more pat on the rear before walking away. De Shen smiled, nodding approvingly. "come along now." He said, giving the leash a slight tug. He then led her into the park, where many slaves and citizens were about having various kinds of fun. Some played or petted their pets, while others had them stripped and dancing, and still others were being punished. "Lets sit on the grass shall we?" De Shen said as he took Neko into his arms and sat down on the grass on a small hill. He plucked some grass and tickled her nose with it as he laid her down amidst the green field.


Dawn trembled a little when Alex found her pussy and moaned softly as he began to stroke her clit. She nuzzled into Alex even more and looked up when forced to, which ended in a kiss. She kissed back, at least in someway, as she tried to lick him at the same time, her tongue dancing clumsily around in his mouth as his entered hers.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Neko watched with curiosity of one of the nearby sights. There was a female cat girl, dancing for a group of men. She had a happy smile on her face, as though the public humiliation was fun for her. Then she saw another cat girl, who was being punished. She laid on her Master's lap and was being spanked on her now red ass. Neko felt bad for this one. She did not have a good as Master as she did.

She sat on the grass with her Master, and giggled when he tickled her nose with the blades of grass. "Master, that tickles!" she giggled, loving how her Master was treating her with such kindness and love.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
De Shen laughed and continued to tease her with the grass, tickling her nose, chin, neck and breasts, tummy and finally her bellybutton and then clit. His game was both ticklish and pleasuring, and was also a test to see if she would feel shame at experiencing such guilty pleasures out in public.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Neko giggled more as her nose chin, neck, tummy, and bellbutton were tickled. "Master, stop!" she begged through her laughter. When De Shen used the grass on her breasts and clit though, she still giggled, though if he paid attention, he would notice a moan of pleasure underneath it. "Master..." she sighed happily, relaxing as she let out her giggles. She had no shame, De Shen realized. Not even out in public. As long as her Master was with her, and he was happy, she did not resist, but rather enjoyed the fun they had.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
De Shen approved of this and smiled and began to pet her body, first her head and stomach and cute rear, before moving to her breasts and young flower, both of which he gently fondled and stimulated.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)