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(A Silver and Zero production) Fallen
Rena listened tensely, and grew even more tense as he mentioned his fallen status. What was a demon if not a fallen angel? She gripped her dagger in a tighter grip and flinched when he brought out her book and began to read from it. He knew everything about her...everything. Tears began to silently slide down her face as a horrible pain suddenly reentered her heart. Her life...

Suddenly the book for that horrible demon appeared and she grit her teeth. "What do you want?! Why are you here pestering me?! Did you find my story that interesting?! Do you want to rub in the fact that my book will only be about a quarter the size of most peoples?!" She asked, furious and hurt. More tears spilled and she bit her lip to keep from leaping on Zeke. "I hate you, you and all fallen angels, you and all demons! LEAVE ME ALONE!" She Screamed, throwing the dagger and aiming it straight at his head.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Zeke looked up at her, and saw the dagger fly towards him. He sighed and the dagger froze in mid air. He then stepped sideways, and the the dagger returned to normal, where it flew into the wall, impaling itself into it. "You're going to have to pay for that," he chuckled. "Look, sweetheart, I only came here for one thing. To give you this letter. It's from Mr.G, in other words God." Zeke then took out a white, wrinkled envelope, and held it up to the girl. "I ain't leaving till you take it, and I know you read it, so take it," he said, standing in the way of the door.

Once Rena took it, and opened the envelope up, she would find a white piece of paper, with printed text on it.

My dear daughter Rena...I know, you have faced pain no mortal as good as you should. I am sad for you. But I am also proud of you, as it is only because of you, that Spero and young Daniel are still alive, and out of the clutches of the demon who you fought. I cannot promise you an easy future, nor the return of your soul. I cannot promise you riches, or power. I can only promise you two things. A chance of protection, and a promise. When you die, you will be give a heroine's welcome into Heaven. Young Ezekiel will be able to explain the protection part.

Sincerely yours, your Father...

"You should feel honored. That old windbag never was much for words," Zeke commented. "Now, here's my LEAST favorite part. Mr. G told me to give you something," he said, and he held up his hand that had the blue ring. He pulled the ring off, and held it up before Rena. "Take it. Mr. G said that if you ever need help, if you are ever under attack by the forces of Hell, and when all hope seems lost, kiss the ring. Your Guardian will appear to save you, and any you care for. Got it?" he asked.

"Thank the boss I ain't going to be stuck with that job though," he mumbled loudly enough for Rena to hear. "Last thing I need is to babysit you and your gang," he joked.
Rena took the envelope in trembling hands and slowly opened it. She read it and her tears came out in full force. She hugged the letter to her chest and held it there for a long while, it was her only condolence in this trying time. After a moment she also took the ring and looked at it. She dared not place it on her finger, she was not at all worthy, but she did keep it and nodded weakly at the arrogant angel. "Fine...just...go now..." She said silently, her heart a confused storm of sorrow and honor. God had spared his time to writer her a letter. A word was to much, but a whole letter...She was honored and at the same time felt utterly unworthy. If Zeke left, or if he didnt, she would stay where she was, hugging the precious parchment to her heart for as long as she could.


Aurora smiled and giggled, she was up for whatever D wanted, and more than happy to do all of those things. She hugged D with both her arms and wings, extremely happy to be spending the day with him and Rena if she wanted to come.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Zeke watched as she hugged the paper, and held the ring. He nodded his head, before disappearing in a white and black light, gone from the bathroom, gone from the every planet. "Goodbye, Rena. Do take care, and don't forget about the ring..."


Ezekiel stared down at the planet, staring down at the planet Earth from space. He watched the green and blue planet slowly turn, ever so slowly. He sighed, and looked around him, seeing stars, the moon, and another being. "Oh great," Zeke sighed, standing up in the emptiness of space.

He saw a figure in a black cloak, with glowing red eyes. The figure floated over to the Fallen Angel, and it's voice said, "You lied to her."

"Yes, okay, I lied to her."


"You sure as hell weren't going to do anything to help her, were you?" the Fallen Angel replied as the figure walked to his side. "...She is going to Heaven, right?"

The figure nodded, "Obviously," before the figure turned it's head, looking down at Earth. "Why did you give her your ring"

"Again. You weren't going to help her. It's not your way, is it? You let Fate be made, let it happen. Let people make their own mistake," Ezekiel mocked. "You're almost as bad Mr. G sometimes, Michael."

The Archangel looked at Ezekiel, before returning his gaze to Earth. The two angels stared at the blue and green planet, before they both faded away, once again gone.


He happily hugged her back, for a second his hands moved down and laid down on her butt, not groping them, but they were there, holding her sexy ass. "Let's go get Rena now, okay?" D smiled, taking Aurora's hand in his and leading her to his parents room, where Rena should have been. "Rena, you in there? You want to come hang out with me and Aurora?" he asked, knocking on the door.
Mike growled through the immaterial world he existed in, not hell, but a place between the spirit world and the material one. He hated this, it had taken him YEARS of hard haunting and terror to finally gather the strength for a material body. Now he was impotent once more, and the best he could do was go torment some wickin or maybe play mind games with a few atheists. Currently however, he was hovering over D and Aurora, watching them hatefully. He growled again, he had almost had her! But D allowed her to posses him and was vanquished. He needed some kind of buffer, a shield against the holy might they could bring against him.

He needed another body, one that was not made sheer demonic will. He needed to possess someone, someone dark or alone, someone strong enough to do his bidding...someone isolated, and with just the right darkness. Shifting away from the house, he began to search for such a vessel, and he soared over countless houses and buildings, even the school and clubs, searching for just the right one. And he found it, the perfect he began to do what he did best. Mike began to plot.


Rena heard the knocking outside the door and said "Um, Im kinda tired...why dont you guys go ahead without me? Maybe later we can eat or something." She wanted to be alone, to be allowed to sort things out, and to get a better grip on her situation. She needed time.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"...Yeah...Yeah, okay," D said, nodding his head. "Aurora, go get changed in my room," he said, walking ahead and taking out some jeans and a more public allowed shirt and laid them on the bed. He then walked over to his parents room and knocked on it once more. "Rena? Can I just get some underwear for Aurora?" he asked, and if allowed, would walk in to fetch a bra and panties for Aurora, throwing them on his bed.

Once she was done, he would walk in and change himself, before the two would just walk around, looking for some fun.
Rena allowed him in, though she stayed in the bathroom, and Aurora would change and go out with D. She would follow him and do whatever he liked, probably enjoying herself greatly as she walked about with him. Always she was firmly attacked to his arm, refusing to let go for almost any reason.

(Want to time skip the day out or do you have any plans?)
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
D led her around the town, bringing her her mini golfing, to the arcade, and to the movies. They enjoyed the day together, and the young boy sneaked in a few kisses. Wherever they went, they recevied strange looks from everyone, seeing them as a sort of Beauty and the Beast couple, with D looking like a nerd and Aurora an angel.

They stopped at Alexander's dojo for a bit, where D trained a bit, before the two left to go rest in the park. For D, this was the greatest day of his life, filled with fun, freedom, and Aurora.

The two came back home at around 11 pm, where they ate dinner. The left some food for Rena, if she wanted, and D decided she needed some alone time So the two fell asleep on the bed, with the boy topless, and hugging the angel, resting between her breasts.

((You want to do the skip or me?))
Aurora stripped down to just a T shirt again before cuddling into bed with D. As they lay there though, D would feel that Aurora was still awake, and eventually she would ask. "D...This morning...what was that strange feeling you gave me?" Her voice was light and innocent as she held him against her barely clothed breasts, naive and young.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
D was just about to close his eyes when he heard Aurora speak. "Strange feeling?" he repeated, and looked up, into Aurora's eyes. "What strange feeling?" he wondered, before turning red. "Um...Are you talking about the kiss when I you?" he stuttered, face hot and red. He then looked away from her, and asked. "Or after...when I pushed you away. I'm sorry about that," he apologized, waiting for Aurora to enlighten just what she meant by the strange feeling. Love? Rejection? Sexual pleasure?