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(A Silver and Zero production) Fallen
D was not very good at talking, this thought donned on Rena as she listened to him try to make her feel better. First he brought up her indecent, along with all the painful memories and miserable thoughts that had just been background static until then. He also went on to mention how his own pains would heal over while hers were permanent and irreversible, a reminder of things she would rather not be reminded of.

She gave him a weak little smile when he placed a hand on her shoulder, secretly hoping he would stop. The last thing she wanted was to have a replay of what had happened earlier that day in front of D. And for a moment she thought he might, and smiled a little more at his ideas, though partying or celebrating was not something she really felt like doing. The victory was theirs, not hers. They had escaped, and would live to see many more years of their lives. Rena, on the other hand, had lost to much to call the escape a victory.

Her home was gone, along with a great portion of her self esteem. She had been unable to defend even her home, with all her abilities, all her training and ancestry, she was unable to do anything aside from get kidnapped.

She had lost her honor and virginity as well, and the pain from just that was almost to intense to bear. She had wanted to be a wed a virgin, like her mother and grandmother before her, but that was no longer possible. And she had not even lost it to a man or special person, but to a demon, a hell spawn! And the worst part of it all was that he had truly defeated her, broken her in the small amount of time he had her. She had cried shamelessly and begged for mercy, and even said...horrible, horrible things to make him stop, all for his amusement.

But all these things could, perhaps one day be overcome with therapy, friends and time...time she no longer had. Probably her most devastating loss, her life span had been reduced from perhaps a hundred years, to thirty if she was lucky. So much of her life was gone, she didnt even know where to start picking up the pieces and where to start making new ones, or whether she should bother at all.

D topped it all off with an apology directed at his earlier comment about him being more attracted to Aurora then to her. Rena hardly remembered it at this point and nodded her head listlessly as she accepted the apology. "Im sorry D, Im still a bit tired from everything." She said with a false smile and sigh. "Is there a spar room where I can rest undisturbed? I just feel like having some time to...think things over by myself." In truth she was just looking for a place where she could weep in solitude, and was doing her best to hold back the avalanche of pain being held at bay behind her smile.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"You can go rest in my parents room..." D said, experiencing a gut wrenching feeling in his body. He felt like he had just fucked up things even MORE if that was possible. Once Rena left, he would let out a sigh and stand up from his seat, leaving a few bites of his food left unfinished.

Maybe he would go to Alexander's dojo...Train a bit? He'll have to ask Aurora if that was okay with her?

He looked down at his hands, trying to think straight, but he couldn't get that gut wrenching feeling out. He sighed, and massaged his temples, thinking about what to do now....

When Aurora or Rena walked back into the kitchen, they found something rather strange. The strange thing was that D was throwing punches through the air. If they did not disturb him, he would soon move into doing push ups, repeating what he had learned from Alexander's sessions. If they still did not disturb him, he would move his sore body into the meditating position he had learned from Alexander, quietly meditating, back to the girls.
Rena nodded and stood up quickly to go to the room. Once there she went straight to the bathroom, closed and locked the door and sat down on the toilet for a good cry. She tried to be quiet so that she would not be heard, and unless someone came into the room and listened, they would not hear her.

A few minutes later Aurora would come down in her shirt after having showered and saw D practicing. She sat down to watch him as he went through his routine, and when he went into meditation she tried to mimic him on the couch, crossing her legs and trying to reach the same state he was in. She failed miserably, but wouldn't disturb him until he was done.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
When D awoke from his meditation, he found Aurora beside him. He smiled at her, and wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her close. "Hi," he greeted. He stood up, helping her stand up as well and said, "Hey, Aurora? Do you mind if we go to Alexander's Dojo later?" he asked, moving his hands down to hold her waist. "I want to train a bit."

No matter what she said, he would add, "And I'm sorry for earlier. I was mean to you. I'm sorry," he said. "The rest of the day, you, me, and Rena can all have fun together. How about it?"


"Life can be so unfair, huh?" a voice asked Rena. "You be a good person, you help others, and then bam. Life shoves a stick up into your skull. Tragic, tragic, tragic..." the voice had no source. Rena couldn't see anyone, and the door was still locked. "Oh, don't worry. I'm not a demon. I won't hurt you....unless you want me to."
Aurora looked a little saddened as D mentioned the Dojo. "But...I thought today was going to be about...being with each other." She said softly. She then smiled and hugged D tightly as he told her that they would have all the fun that they wanted and snuggled into D.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
((I edited my post. I hope you don't mind if I introduce a new character))

D looked at Aurora, and saw her eyes saddened. He took a deep breath and sighed, before smiling at Aurora. "Okay. I guess I can go tomorrow. Besides, Aurora, Rena saved us. We all deserve to be happy. We'll still be together, Aurora," he assured, and turned red as he leaned forward to kiss her lips.
Aurora kissed back softly as her lips met D's. She kissed him for as long as he liked, pressing her shapely body against his as she did. When they stopped kissing she would ask him what they were doing that day, where they would go.


Rena looked around suddenly and a crystal dagger materialized into her hand. "Who are you?! Show yourself, if your not a demon then maybe I wont flay you!" Rena was not in the mood to be played with, and her red eyes were full of pain as much as they were anger. Her tear streaked face looked about for the voice, trying to find its owner.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Yeesh. You don't have to be so touchy. I said I'm not going to hurt you," the voice said. Suddenly, Rena would feel a breath of air in her face, and a young boy, a few years older than D, appeared right in front of her, mere inches from her face. "Hey," he greeted. He had a white shirt on, and black pants, but his strangest feature were the white and black wings on his back and his blue and red glowing rings. "You can put that away. I'm not going to hurt you."


D wanted to keep the kissing going, but doing so would make his hormones and dick go wild. He gently pushed back, blushing beet red. "Heh...Um...Well, we could go eat at some nice restaurants? Maybe walk through the park? Hit the arcade?" he suggested, still blushing. "Maybe see a movie."
Rena gasped and tried to back up, bring the dagger up under his neck in mere milliseconds. "Get back! I'll slit your throat if you dont!" She growled, fear and confusion clear in her eyes. She didnt want to be attacked again, to be taken and raped by yet another creature, to have what little was left of her precious life to be taken from her. Her heart was pounding, her hands were trembling, and she would kill him if he didnt give her some space.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Easy up, easy up," the being said, walking back, holding his hands up showing he had no weapons. "How many times do I have to tell you? I'm not here to hurt, rape, maim, kidnap, or mess with you. Ah, but where are my manners? You can call me....Hmm...Ezekiel, I guess. Or just Zeke is cool two. My full name is Ezekiel the Chronicler," he explained.

"Long story short, I used to be just like Aurora. Well...Not JUST like her. I never had breasts the size of watermelons...At least I think I didn't," he joked. "Ahem, where was I? Oh right. I was an Angel, like Aurora. Flying around, helping others, kicking Demon ass, such and such. I was a major player up there, the ladies loved me. Unfortunately, my pride, flirty, and mean personality didn't sit to well with Mr. G, and bammo! Here I am in the Mortal realm, a Fallen Angel. I have one job here, and you'd think it would be easy. I write down what happens. I write the books of ALL the demons, angels, and mortals lives, everything that's sentient, I have written down into a book," he explained.

To show what he was talking about, a white book appeared in his hand, with Rena's name imprinted on it. "It's not as bad as you'd think it be, at least not for me. I kinda like it," he said as he began reading the book with Rena's name on it. He then began reading it, copying Rena's thoughts exactly at various points of her life. "Everyone has a book. Satan, Mr. G, you, me, young Daniel, everyone. It's my job to write them down, and send them to Heaven to be organized into the Great Library," he explained. "Ya following me so far, sweetcheeks?" he asked, making Rena's book disappear. In it's place, a red book titled with Mike's name on it appeared, and he began reading that as he waited for Rena's response. "Oooh...Looks like Mike wasn't too happy about that little scuffle he had with Daniel."