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(A Silver and Zero production) Fallen
"I...I couldnt impose." Rena said with a small blush. "I wouldnt live long enough to pay you back..." She added silently to herself. Aurora smiled gleefully as she ate her breakfast and heard that D was going to stay home today. "Yaeee!" She squealed with joy, her large wing opening wide as she hugged D. Since her wings were under her shirt, and she had opened them, it had lifted it up above her shoulders and she was effectively hugging him naked, her breasts pressing into his chest as her face nuzzled his. Rena blushed and turned around quickly, letting them have their moment.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
D wanted to push Aurora back. He wanted to tell her to calm down. He really did...Sadly, his body would not obey his mind. Nor would his penis, as is hardened and sprang up once more. His eyes shut, and he suddenly pulled Aurora into a passionate kiss, one hand grabbing and playing with her breasts, and the other squeezed her cute, sexy ass.

His tongue pushed itself into her mouth, where it wrestled with Aurora's as the two kiss. They probably would have gone on the floor, making love, if D wasn't finally able to control his body. He tried to push her back, out of the kiss, and if he was able to, told her to take a shower.

Once she left, he found he was blushing red, and his cock was hard and trying to get out of his shorts. He was gasping for air and he looked at Rena, turning even redder. "I...Um...I...I think I love her..." he whispered, so quietly he didn't know if he thought it or said it. Hi hands moved down, covering his erect dick, as he looked at the ground. "I-is that bad...?"
Aurora cried out in surprise as she was kissed and groped. Her ass was so smooth and soft, and her nipple jumped to attention with only the lightest touch. Her skin was like soft velvet, and her body was perfectly warm and shaped. She fell onto his lap, since she had been leaning over to hug him as he ate, and straddled his hips automatically, her naked pussy rubbing light against his clothes dick.

She blushed hard at first, her eyes wide as she felt his hands on her body, his hard member rubbing against her, and his tongue dancing in her mouth, bit slowly she relaxed and began to kiss back timidly, her arms still wrapped around him, her soft wing wrapping down around both of them. But suddenly she was pushed back off the chair, left standing with her wings drooping, allowing her shirt to fall back over her lushes body. She stared at him, confused for many moments before she grabbed her arm and wordlessly left to shower after being ordered to, confused by the whole experience, and hurt by his rejection.

Rena turned after she left, blushing a bit herself. "Its not bad..." She said softly. "But it is the reason she cant regain any power....her chastity belongs to god...since you have taken it you have caused her to surrender something to you that should only have been meant for god. He wont accept her back until she runs out of power or dies now." Rena seemed to think that D had already done the deed with her, which was an expected assumption given the situation.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
(You changed your name, Silver? Shocked )

D licked his lips, trying to figure out what to do. He made a mental note to talk to Aurora after her shower, before sighing. He then looked at Rena, rubbing his head as his blush died down. "A-Aurora and I haven't....done that yet. She's still a virgin. But, do you mean if I...make love to her, then she won't be an angel anymore? She'll be like a regular person? Will demons stop trying to hurt her?" he asked.
(I did)

"Oh, I...I had assumed..." Now it was Rena's turn to blush. "I...Im sorry, I thought that you and her had...well no, she will still be an angel, I thought that you had already been...with her since before you rescued me. It will change very little, all that will happen is that she will be unable to return to heaven until she has exhausted all her power or until she dies like a human, and she wont be able to recover her power while on earth. Right now she is replenishing the power she used yesterday, but if she was not a virgin, then she would be unable to recharge her angelic energies...there is a third complication but I dont think I have to worry about it with you. Your no monster after all." She said with a small blush, turning to clean her plate.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"It's okay, don't worry about it. If....she goes to Heaven, will I ever see her again?" D asked. "I mean, if I make love to her, and she uses up her powers, or....dies... will I ever see her again?" he asked. "And what's the third complication, just out of curiosity...? And is there anything else I need to know?"

((Hmm...It'll take some getting used to....Oh well. Goodnight, Silver...Maero. Whatever. I'm going to sleep))
Rena thought for a moment and then shrugged. "Im sorry, I dont really know the answer to for that other complication, well its simple. If you take her virginity and then go to hell, she will go with you. You are binding her to yourself, so please dont get sent to hell if you ever do decide to take her innocence."
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
D nodded his head and rubbed his temples. "I...cannot believe this is my life. I feel like I'm going to wake up from a dream! I...I mean...In a way, this is the life I always wanted. I wanted strange, mysterious, mind-blowing stuff! Like from an Anime or Cartoon....But...Dear god, I never knew it was anything like this," he sighed.

He looked up at Rena, and seemed to be miles away as he said, "I'm really unpopular. I'm bullied, teased, and basically on the lowest form of the social triangle. I'm the kid nerds bully, to make themselves feel better. I have no friends, plenty of enemies, and my life was painfully dull."

"Now look. I have an angel girl who I love, you, a Conduit from Heaven, I just kicked a demon's ass, and now I want to go to school, just so I can kick Butch's butt for teasing me all those years, because god damn it if I can take on a demon, I sure as hell can at least stand up to a bully!" he yelled.

He then sighed, and went back to eating his food. "Don't get me wrong," Daniel said between bites of food. "I kind of like this new life. But...I mean, can you believe I used to be one of the most unpopular kids at school? There wasn't a girl there would even look twice at me. And if they did, they probably thought I was either A: A nerd. B: A loser. C: Ugly. Or D: All of the above. And NOW, I have a sexy, nice, amazing, PERFECT, angel woman who I love, and you, a hot, very cute, though less attractive than Aurora, girl!" he declared.

He then realized what he just said, and turned red, and looked at his food. "Um...S-sorry..."
Rena shook her head and said "Dont...Dont worry about it. Im not an angel so it would be hard for me to compare with Aurora." She said softly, though she was stung a little by the comment, if indirectly so. She had only so many years of her life left, she really didnt want to be reminded of her inadequacies. "And thats life for you, one day your one person and the next day who knows." She said with a shrug. "I wouldnt get to proud of the devil defeat thing though, you had aurora's power then, and she was basically created to kill those things. Dont go making a fool of yourself now."

Sitting down for a moment Rena sighed and looked out the window. For D, little had actually changed from how it had been yesterday. Sure he had Rena in his house and Aurora had decided to grow out her wings for a day, but that was a small change compared to what she was going through. Everything Rena owned had been in her shop. She lived there, she worked there, and all the merchandise and the business itself had been passed down. Now it was all gone, and she had no way of ever getting any of it back. Even if she did, she wouldnt have the time left to start a family of her own or even repay her losses.

Rena would day in a few years, but in truth it was more like she had died the other day, and now she was just sitting in purgatory as what remained of her life force slowly drained away. But Rena was disciplined and smart. She had woken up earlier to weep, to let it all out, and to not be heard. Now she was able to keep most of the sadness out of her visage. The very last thing she wanted now was to make Aurora and D worry or feel sorry for her.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
D nodded, and suddenly stopped as something dawned on him. "I'm sorry. Here I am ranting, while you...well...What happened to you is worst. My wounds will heal, I'll be able to figure things out mostly, but you..." he sighed. He leaned forward and placed a hand on Rena's shoulder, trying to be supportive.

"I, and Aurora, owe you our lives. If there is anything, we can do to make up for it, don't be afraid to ask," he patted her shoulder, and grinned. "Hey, what kind of food you like? You, me, and Aurora can all go get some of it? Maybe have a party to celebrate being alive? How many people can say they met a demon and lived, huh?" he said, trying to make her feel better. " know...I'm sorry for insensitive like that. My bad," he said, looking at the ground in guilt.