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(A Silver and Zero production) Fallen
Rena groaned softly and nodded weakly before closing her eyes. The house they were in was an old abandoned one set to be demolished. It would be easy enough to escape, but not easy to hide having a naked girl in your arms. D would feel some power left and, upon wishing to be home would find himself and Rena right outside his front door. No one had seen them, yet, but he would have to hurry if he wanted to save her.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
D teleported himself and Rena, they would soon apear in front of his house, with Rena in his arms. He found his door was still open, and he quickly ran through it. He closed the door behind him, and gently placed Rena on his couch. "I'm going to go get a first air kit, you just stay here try and rest," he said, before running off to check if anything was stolen and look for his first aid kit.

He soon found nothing seemed to be stolen, and came back with the first aid kit. He placed it on the ground, and quickly began working to heal Rena's wounds. he still had a lot of questions left for her....
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
D's hands began to glow each time he neared Rena and this helped him since it seemed to fill her cheeks with color and helped her hands strop bleeding and he mended her. He would also have to clean the blood an blood pentagrams from her body as well. When he was finally done he would have a beautiful naked woman lying helpless on her couch, still weak from her terrible experience.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
D sighed and rested on the floor and massaged his eyes. He had just kicked a demon's ass...He had just saved a beautiful girl, and an angel. He sighed and felt like he would fall asleep right there. "This is crazy," he bitterly chuckled. "So are you going to rest or answer my questions?" he asked Rena.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Rena nodded softly and said "I will...but first, can you please get me a blanket? Im kinda naked right in front of you and...I cant move." She said with a soft blush. And then D may have realized that now he had seen two beautiful women in the nude, and this one was lying on his couch. Once she got a blanket...or not, she would ask him what he wanted to know first.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
D turned red, and nodded his head. "Umm...R-right..." he said, running off. He soon came back with a blue blanket and placed it over Rena, careful not to hurt her. "When can I see Aurora again? Who was the demon guy? What about you? How do you know all this stuff? You made a sword appear in your hand! Will more demons come to get me or Aurora? Will I be able to become a superhero with these powers?" he asked.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
"OK...wait..." Rena said softy as she tried to make herself more comfortable beneath the covers. "First, Aurora is fine, she is occupying your soul currently. If you want her to be with you physically...your going to have to release her. I dont know how to, I have never played host for an Angel, but you will know how if you try." She then took a breath or two and said "That was Maculo, a demon of vengeance, a very very powerful demon. Your lucky he wasnt using a host or he may have destroyed you. That was all his own strength...He wants to devourer Spero...or Aurora as you call her. I dont know much more than that, he just seems to hate her with great intensity, and what he did to me was only the tip of the iceberg compared to what he wanted to do to her."

She shivered then and closed her eyes. "I am a conduit, a spiritual medium. I have no powers of my own, but the residual energies around me allow me to create things out of nothing and gain power. Its not as impressive as it sounds, Maculo beat me easily. He tried to steal my power, but there was no power to steal, and so he tore away half of my soul...and ate it." she looked up at D with a pained expression. "My life span will probably only last to...maybe thirty five now. I know what I know because of my grandfather's shop...or at least what used to be his shop. Its gone now. Due to my power, I am able to glimpse some knowledge from the spirits around me. Other than that, I hear things, and feel things."

She then tried to think back to what his other questions were. "Let me see...I dont think so, I mean, demons dont really like to work together unless forced to, and I didnt sense any others. If Maculo is dead and back in hell, then I think you will be safe. As for super powers....I wouldnt recommend it. You will just bring more trouble to yourself and if you keep Aurora trapped in your soul for that long, then she will totally evaporate into a spiritual form and wont be able to return to a human body." Rena sighed softly and dodnt know what else to say...she was at his mercy.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
D scratched his head and took everything in. "Aurora really is an angel...demons...she's in my soul...? Man, this is crazy," he sighed. He then looked down at his body, and thought about how he could release Aurora. He then looked at Rena and felt bad for her. She had just lost half of her life...

"I'm so sorry. Is there anything I can do to help? If not for you, that demon would have Aurora, and I'd be dead. We owe you our lives," he said. He felt bad for Rena, and his eyes showed that. The girl had half of her life stolen from her... "I could make some food for you. You can stay here, at my home for as long as you like. I can even get some clothes from my mom's room you could wear," he offered.

He then stopped, and sat on the ground and looked at Rena. "Aurora....Will....she have to go back to Heaven? I mean, why is she here in the first place? When I found her, she was in a crater in the park. She had no memory, and she as basically a child. Did she fall out of Heaven or something? Exiled?" he asked. He then sighed again, and scratched his head. "Why is this happening to me? I'm just some nerd kid," he groaned.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Rena shrugged. "I dont know the answer to those things...Im just a medium." Suddenly, a bright flash exploded from D's shirt and Aurora was suddenly on the floor before him, naked but clean, her large wings covering most of her as feathers fell softly all around them. She groaned softly and curled up a little more, sleeping softly.

"She must be tired out. I have only heard of it happening a few times, but I think that when you use that power, you are using her finite amount of angelic power. She cant recharge unless she goes back to heaven, which means that you cant just go about fusing with her whenever you want." Rena said softly. She smiled a little and added "And thank you...since my shop it gone...I dont...I think I will stay here for just a little while."

Now D had two beautiful naked women in his house! Both of them helplessly vulnerable and dependent on him! Just a few weeks ago he had never so much as seen a naked woman outside of a computer screen! And now this!
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
D smiled, and he hugged Aurora. He was tired as hell, and he still hadn't done his homework. This caused him to groan and shake his head. "Man, I have school tomorrow. Heh...I suppose school will be easy compared to beating a demon, huh?" he chuckled. "Stay as long as you want, Rena. I owe you my life," she smiled.

"It's funny....Before I met Aurora, I was thought up as the loser and the nerd. Now look at me...Two beautiful, sexy girls in my home. Defenseless and all mine...Uh not that I would do anything like that!" he blushed and quickly waved his hand in the air. Rena would have to admit it was funny watching the blushing boy stutter and burn red. "I mean you're very good looking! Not that I'm looking! I mean, you are beautiful, just not as much as Aurora! N-not that I look at Aurora when she's naked or anything! What gave you that idea!? No, I mean...I....You want anything to eat, because I need a nap," he sighed, rubbing his head. "Sorry, Rena."

If Rena didn't want anything to eat, then he would take Aurora in his arms, doing his best to hold her weight, and place her on his bed before joining with her in a blissful sleep. He wondered about tomorrow. If Butch or anyone else tried to bully him, well....After fighting a demon, average bullies just didn't seem like a problem. True, they'd probably kick his ass still, but he would be able to stand up for himself now, at least a bit taller. He felt proud at that fact, and he hugged Aurora, as he realized it was thanks to her appearing in his life, that he became stronger.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.