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(A Silver and Zero production) Fallen
( He is supposed to make her say that, and then he is supposed to accept it, so make Aurora say "I fill your heart in place of darkness" And then D is supposed to say "I accept")
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
((Sorry. Like I said, I'm playing WET right now.))

Alex nodded and ran over to Aurora. "Aurora!" he whispered, and poked her body, careful not to hurt her anymore than she already was. "Please, Aurora wake up!" he begged, and lightly shook her body. If she awoke, he would plead to her, "Aurora, listen to me. You have to say the words I fill your heart in place of darkness. Do you hear me, Aurora? Say, I fill your heart in place of darkness."

If she said the phrase, which he hoped to whatever deity there was she did, he would say, "I accept!"
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Aurora groaned softly, looking up at D. "D...I...I hurt..." She said weakly, tears in her eyes. "We have to hurry!" Rena said, urgency in her voice. "Make her say the words!" If D repeated it to her Aurora would try and say "I...I fill your...fill your heart in of da-darkness..." her body began to glow, the door lock clicked. "Quick! Accept!" Rena yelled as the door nob turned.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"I accept! I accept! I accept! I accept! I ACCEPT!" D cried, and couldn't help but wrap his arms around Aurora as he heard the knob turn.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Suddenly, D's arms were empty and Aurora was gone in a flash of light. The door opened and in stepped Mike. "Damn Jehovah's witnesses..." He grumbled as he came down with a box of things he wanted to do to Aurora. "Now then my dear, with you secured and your power sealed away, soon your soul will...." He then became silent as he looked down and only saw D and his plaything occupying the room, Aurora was nowhere to be seen. "Whats going on down here? Why are you out of the cage and where is Spero?" He asked softly, dangerously.

"Your to late Maculo! That man has her now, she cant be yours!" Rena yelled triumphantly. Mike turned suddenly and his eyes blazed. "What?!" He dropped the box he was carrying and a blood blade appeared in his hand. "You have dared to take what is mine?!" He roared as he began to run down the rest of the stairs. "I will rip her from your corpse!" He swore as he jumped into the air, bringing the blade down on D's head. But suddenly a shield of light wrapped around D and protected him, making mike scream in pain and fall backwards and away. D, I will protect you! Said Aurora's voice in his head.

The shield slowly unwrapped and became wings of light that came out his own back. The wings suddenly burst into light and disappeared. D could feel it now, the angelic power coursing through him as though he were divine. He would need no instructions, no practice, since its strength came with the knowledge of how to wield the now energy. "Destroy him!" Rena yelled, and Mike rose to his feet and was instantly covered in fire and blood.

When he emerged he hard fit in the basement, now in his demon form. "I shall not be beaten twice!" He roared as he charged forward, raising his huge fist to crush D into a bloody human pulp.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
((Before I post, are there any limits to the angelic powers I should know about? Is it okay if I use it to give D special armor and weapons? What can I not do with it? I'm not asking you to spoil future plot ideas for me, maybe just a don't do this list, or you can do this, list))
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
(You can basically do anything an angel can do. Make flaming swords or wrath, shoot beams of holy energy, super strength and the ability to focus light into armor and fly and so on. As long as its not ridiculous then I dont mind.)
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
((I shall use my powers to do something ridiculous! JUST TO SPITE YOU! Twisted ))

D closed his eyes as he expected the demon to kill him, but instead, he heard Aurora's perfect voice, and he was safe. He looked up and smiled ear to ear as he took a battle stance. "Thanks Aurora," he whispered as his hands glowed gold.

He watched as Mike turned into a hideous, giant monster and the boy felt his confidence shift. "...I get glowing hands and he gets horns, muscles, and red skin...Let's even the playing field," he said, and suddenly a golden belt appeared around his waist.

"I heard this is how heroes in Tokyo bring the pain...Hen...shin!" he declared as a golden aura surrounded him. When Mike's fist hit it's mark, he would realize he hit absolutely nothing. Instead, Daniel was standing on his hand, grinning under his helmet. "You missed."

D's new armor was red and gold, and he was now a few feet taller. Golden wings shot out of his back as he jumped up towards Mike, pulling his hand back. "Damn, I wish I had a catchphrase to say right now," he joked, as he tried to throw a punch at the demon's face.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
But Mike was no push over and he swiftly reached up with his other hand and grabbed D's fist in mid punch. The punch broke Mike's hand and burned it badly, but he was more than willing to take the loss as he threw D's fist out wide and opened his huge maw, release a torrent of evil flames that engulfed D and blasted his holy armor with unholy hate. At the same time he pulled his hand back and fired a punch into D's gut.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
D raised his other hand to try and protect himself as the fire slammed into his body, cooking him and making him sweat. He let out a cry of pain as he felt Mike punch his gut, and he went limp for a second. "...That all you got?" he groaned, and pulled back his free hand and shot it forward. It normally wouldn't be able to reach, but suddenly a blast of holy light shot out of his fist. The blast was shaped like his fist, and he unleashed a series of energy blasts. To add to that, he began kicking at Mike with both of his feet, shooting rapid blasts of energy shaped like his feet at Mike's face.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.