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(A Silver and Zero production) Animators!
((Alright, I'll edit it))

Peach blushed red as her clothes disappeared, and noticed the other girls looking at her body and sexy undies. The three girls happily ate their food, thanking their Master before they began to eat at their meal. Hinata was about to eat, before Mike grabbed her breasts and moaned. She turned red and looked at her food, not looking at her glorious lover. "A-as long as you love me Master, I'm perfect..." she moaned.


Alex walked to the room where he left Orihime and the others and entered it. He really hoped his clones weren't raping them again. They needed their rest! If there were any, he would order them out. If there weren't any inside, he would walk over to the orange haired girl and would shake her awake.

"Orihime. Wake up, dear..."


The clones allowed Temari to rest. The lead clone picked her up bridal style, and smiled down at her. He then walked out of the room and brought her to the bathhouse the original had used for Sakura, Hinata, and the others. He had his clothes disappear, and he sat down in the pool of water, and placed Temari on his lap.

"How do you feel?" he asked the pleasure drunk girl, as he splashed some warm water on her body.


"She looks like she's going to cum," one clone commented as he licked her tit. The clone fucking her moaned and began to fuck her faster, and harder, quickly moving into superhuman speed of fucking. Right before Tenten would most likely cum, he let out a moan and thrust his cock as deep it would go, and unleashed a wave of his white sperm into her body. "Even after all this, her pussy is wonderful," he moaned.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Mike smiled and kept laying with her nipples for a little while. "Hmm, so your perfect?" He asked into her ear as he nibbled her lobe a little. "So how do you like your food?" he asked as one hand left her breast to take the fork and bring it up to her lips with a bit of her breakfast. "Come on, take a bite." he whispered, kissing her neck softly.


All the girls were on the bed, hugging and cuddling. A clone sat on the side of the bed, slowly stroking Hinata's thigh, but not fucking her as he watched them all sleep adorably. Orihime was on the other side, snuggled into Ino, sleeping soundly. When she woke up she rubbed her eyes and looked up. "Are you master?" She asked, wondering if it was him or a clone.


Temari only moaned softly as her body entered the warm water. She arched her back against him, making her breasts stick out and softly whimpered to be held as she was washed. She nuzzled the clone and kept her eyes closed as he washed her.


Tenten came hard even before the clone did and arched her back in ecstasy as she road out the waved of pleasure pulsing through her body. She was still very weak, having only eaten milk and bread, and dirty from her lack of care, but at least now she could forget about all of that as she fell into deep sleep, a sleep that would require allot of pain to shake her from. Otherwise she would sleep for the rest of the day as she felt the hot seed inside her reach her womb.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Hinata nodded and moaned louder as her lobe was nibbled. She wanted to repay her Master's kindness, but she did not. Her Master did not give her permission, sadly. She took a bite of the food, and licked her lips as she ate the food. "Thank you, Master," she moaned as her neck was kissed. She happily ate more food that her kind Master gave her, happy with her new life.


Alex nodded at Orihime and he picked her up and carried her out, bridal style. "I'm sorry to wake you up, my love, but I needed your help," he said, and placed her on the ground so she could stand. "Tell me, Orihime, you love Master, right? You like being with him, right?" he asked. If she said yes, then he would say, "But you do miss your friends, like Rangiku, right...? Don't lie to Master."


The clones took a few pictures of Tenten, but allowed her to rest. Most of them then left, except one, who cuddled up to the sleeping girl, keeping her warm.


If there were no interruptions, the clone would continue to clean Temari. Whenever the girl awoke, she would find herself in a black, two piece bikini, on her bed, with the lead clone being the only other person in the room. "Sleep well?" he asked.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Mike smiled and fed her a little more, still kissing her neck and ears softly as one hand played with her tit and the other fed her food. Then he left with one last kiss and smiled as he took a plate of sweet rolls and headed for Sakura's room. Once there he would pull up a seat next to the pregnant girl and say "Hello my dear Sakura, how are you feeling?" He smiled at her as he stroked her belly and breasts, tickling her pussy with his finger lightly when he reached the end of her stomach.


Orihime blushed and nodded shyly. "I...I do miss them master....but I want them to be happy even more than that. I love you master...I really do, but my friends...I've always been so useless and in the way...I dont want them to be put through more sadness because of me." She was being honest, having no clue that Alex had already captured one of her friends and was holding her against her will.


Tenten moaned softly as she was held in the clone's arms, but other than that she just kept sleeping,


Temari opened her eyes slowly and moaned softly as she felt the covers slide across her mostly bare skin. "Where...Where am I?" She asked softly when she saw the clone, blushing slightly and pulling the covers up more so that her body was hidden.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Don't be so hard on yourself," Alex said. "You're very beautiful, and very strong. You also suck cock like a pro," he chuckled, kissing her cheek. "It's a joke Orihime, don't worry. Now then, on a more serious note," he said, and moved his hand. "There's someone you might know in the next room," he said, and moved his hand in the air. He wrapped one arm around her waist, and Orihime would see an illusion of Rangiku, laying on the bed in the room Alex left her in. "Recognize her?"


"Hello," the clone smiled. He then cocked his head in confusion, and said, "Where are you? Isn't it obvious? You're home. This is your room, and I am your Master. Well, a clone of your Master, at the very least. "Don't you remember?"


Hinata was sad that her Master left, but she understood he was a busy man, so she began to happily eat her food. Sakura moaned as her stomach was touched, and giggled like a child as she felt her pussy being played with. "I feel good Master. Fantastic whenever you're near me," she smiled with a child like grin.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Orihime gasped. "Rangiku...You didnt hurt her did you master?!" She asked worriedly. "Please dont hurt her! Do it to me master, I am your slave." She said, hugging him and holding his head lightly to her breasts. "Please dont do anything else to my friends..." She begged with tears in her eyes.


Temari shivered and shook her head. She was trying to remember but could only get flashes of memory, it was as if her mind had been shattered like a china plate, all she could find were fragments. "Master? Your my master?" She asked softly. "Im...Im cold..." She said softly as she shivered. She wasnt really cold, but something inside her needed to be held, it was like she was incomplete if she was just...alone.


He smiled and stroked Sakura's head. "How big does your brain feel today my sweet?" He asked her as he tore a bit of sweet roll and offered it to her mouth. His other hand smoothly stroked her rounded belly, enjoying the softness of her skin.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Orihime...You know when I set my sights on a woman, I go after them. You're living proof of that. Now I promise, she has no current physical wounds. She won't be missed, I can assure you of that. Besides, I want her here. With you. Doesn't that make you happy?" he said. He brushed the tears away and kissed her forehead. "Look, Orihime, it comes down to two options. You can either help me ease Rangiku into her life as a slut, or I can do it by myself, and probably hurt Rangiku emotionally, and perhaps even physically. It's your love. I've already showed her you acting like a slut, so there's no point in denying it when you see her. And either way, I will break her, and you will see her. It's up to you how it all works."


"A CLONE, of your Master. I am not the real thing," he corrected. He then smiled and walked over to Temari and kissed her cheek, before wrapping an arm around her waist and pulling her close. "It's okay. As long as you're good, the Master will always be with you," he promised as he kissed her neck. He suddenly stopped though, and licked her neck, and asked, "Do you not like this...?"


Sakura happily ate the sweet roll and she licked her lips. She looked up at Mike, and cocked her head at the question. She then smiled and said, "I feel smart enough Master. Do you want me to do anything for you? Do you want me to make you feel good?" she blushed. "I like making my Master happy..."
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Orihime shook her head sadly but she knew her master woudnt be denied. "But..." She never finished what her mind was saying and simply nodded sadly. But...your hurting me...more than you...ever have She did not think that Alex would read her thoughts, and Alex may not have been reading her mind at the moment when she said that, but it was how she felt. "I...I will help master." She said softly. "Im sorry...I will help." Pain pulsed through her soul as she imagined her friends joining her. Rangiku, Tatsuki, Karin and Yuzu, Nel...She had to stop herself from crying now, knowing that Alex would be displeased with her, even angry hat she felt that way.

"N-No...please dont go." Timari said softly, closing her eyes and laying into him. "It feels...its feel right..." She added, turning to face him and blushing as her heart started to beat quickly. "Clone of my master...Im hungry..." She said, looking up at him pleadingly. "Will...will you feed me?"


"No no, just stay here and relax." He said as he rubbed her stomach. His hand then drifted down to her pussy and began to stroke it as he fed her another sweet roll. Just as he did, Sakura would feel pleasure in her womb and pain as well as she began her birthing cycle. Sluggo's children wanted out, and she would have to give birth to at least seven of them before it ended. "Oh, you look like sluggo's babies want out. You feeling OK?" He asked as he spread her pussy lips and leaned over to kiss her large breasts.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Alex sighed as he heard Orihime's thoughts. He kissed her forehead and asked her to look at him. "Orihime, I know you're in pain. I promise, I will try to go easy on your friends. But I will need your health," he said, and hugged her. "I am sorry, my dear. But I cannot help myself. It is one of my...many flaws," he said.

When he pulled Orihime was now wearing a pink shirt and matching skirt. He then led her to Rangiku's room and asked her to walk in. "I'll be listening in over our mental link. Go inside, and say hello to her. I'll tell you what to do do. Now please, my dear...Go."


Sakura moaned as she felt the pleasure and pain in her body, and she looked up at her Master. "I'm feeling better than good, Master. I feel amazing. Sluggo's pleasure almost as good as Master's," she smiled, before moaning again, Sluggo's children moving within her. "I like it, Master....I want to thank Sluggo sometime, Master."


"Sure," he smiled, and moved his hand. Suddenly a large plate of various foods appeared on the bed before the two. "Pick whatever you like," the clone said, and when Temari suddenly the food she picked floated into his hand. He then held it up to her mouth, and said, "Eat." He would continue this cycle for a bit.

That was until he took a bite of whatever food Temari had picked and suddenly kissed her lips, mouth feeding her, and exploring her mouth with his tongue. He would pull back a minute or so after, and lick his lips. "Which way do you prefer me to feed you?"
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Orihime looked pleadingly at her master, but she knew deep down that he would not value her over his own pleasure...which was why he was the master. "Yes...master..." She said sadly and walked to the door. She took a deep breath and tried to not seem sad, but she wasnt good at hiding her emotions, and Rangiku was one of the best at telling how she felt, despite her facial expressions. Then she was assaulted again by a flood of guilt and sadness. Its all my fault...its because of me that this is happening...I cant...I cant protect my friends...I cant do anything but hurt them...if it wasnt Alex then it would have been someone else that came to take me... The flood of emotions quickly overwhelmed gentle Hime's mind, making her feel like the lowest of the low, and worst of all, she knew that Rangiku would tell.

Her hand was on the door nob, shaking as she tried to close it and open the door, but she couldnt do it. Biting her lip, she turned around to face Alex tried her best to steady her voice and say, "I-Im sorry master...c-can I have a few...few moments alone?" She put on her best fake smile to hopefully not cause Alex any pain either. Even though she was being held against her will, Orihime did have feelings for Alex, and knew he wasnt a bad person, not at heart. But what he was asking was to much for her to do at the moment. On the inside she was like an old brick castle in the middle of an earth quake, falling apart.

She needed to break down a little somewhere, to cry her eyes out before she went to her friend. At least that way she wouldnt break down on Rangiku. She couldnt do that to her. She thought all of this, but didnt say it, and hid her trembling hands behind her back as she waited for Alex to answer. In truth she wanted to fall into his arms and cry her eyes out into his chest, but she knew that doing that would only distress him. Even if it didnt, it felt weird for her to seek comfort from him when he was the one causing the pain, at least to a degree. And then there was always the ever present possibility that he would deem now a good time to fuck her if she did...and she simply couldnt handle that right then.

So she stood there, doing her best to keep herself smiling and reassuring, while on the inside she was already crying, already bleeding. Alex could see it, if he wanted to, but if he tried then Orihime would try her best to obstruct him, though it wouldn't work at all.


Mike giggled and stroked her belly. "Maybe later, say ahh." He said as he fed her another sweet roll as the first slug baby began to wriggled out of her, falling into a bucket placed under her. The slugs were small, and wiggled wildly as the exited her, stimulating Sakura all the way out. Some even tried to crawl up onto her thighs after escaping, clinging to her clit for a few moments before falling away.


Temai gasped as she saw all the foods and ate a little bit from the plates, but did not actually seem all that hungry. When Alex suddenly kissed her and mouth fed her, she felt as though her appetite had just been wet. "Thank you...but Im not that kind of hungry..." She said with a small blush. She looked up at him and then down at his crotch for a few moments. Her small hand timidly stroked him there and she looked back up. She waited to see his reaction, her eyes begging to be fed...
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)