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(A Silver and Zero production) Fallen
"Fine, I'll come out." said a voice from behind them in place of in front of them. Suddenly Mike was standing right behind Aurora, who turned around and stared at him with terror filled eyes as he towered over them, still in his human form. "Boo." He said and Aurora screamed and moved backward, pushing herself and D into the room...which wasnt there. As D and Aurora plunged into the darkness, they both feel through the unseen floor as though they had simply stumbled into a pit. They were falling and falling, but to where they could only guess.


Silvia kissed him back as they shared their orgasm and continued to kiss him lovingly even after it passed. She moaned softly beneath him, nuzzling into him or his hand and closing her eyes gently. She looked like she was in peace, content and happy. Her soft smile was warm and oh so pure. She left what to do next up to Alex as she took a small nap in his arms.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"AHHH!" D screamed as they fell. And fell. And fell. And fell. The world around them was gone, all they had was each other as they plummeted into the darkness. As they fell, the boy did the only thing he could think of. He grabbed Aurora, and held her as tight as his mortal body would let him. He held her close, and awaited whatever came next in the eerie blackness...


Alex smiled at his love, and kissed her forehead. He then held her in his arms and happily sighed as he hugged her. He placed the blanket over the two of them, and kissed his lover once more, his arms around Silvia, holding her breasts as his dick turned back into it's unerect form. "I love you," he whispered, before falling asleep.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
When D awoke, he would feel himself lying down on a hard flat surface. Opening his eyes he would find himself in some kind of basement, but bars separated it into sections, like a prison, and he was behind the bars. Still, the place was not very large, and he could see everything outside the bars and what he saw would likely terrify and enrage him. Directly opposite his cage was Aurora, unconscious and hanging from the wall.

But she was not hung by just her arms, and she was not being held up by shackles. Aurora's naked body hung three feet off the ground against the wall because someone had taken a nail gun and nailed her hands and now large wings into the wall. Blood trickled down from her palms and large beautiful wings. But that was not all. All over her naked body were pentagrams drawn in her own blood. On her stomach, above each breast, on her forehead, just above her shaved pussy, her shoulders, thighs, knees and elbows, and on her back and ass cheeks.

She groaned softly, weakly, but did not wake up. D himself was just behind the bars that split the room in half, not to damaged but sore from his fall. He would not be able to break the bars or bend them, and they would burn his skin when he touched them. If he looked around to see if anyone else was in the room, he would find no one...until another soft groan brought his attention to his side of the cage. Someone else was there with him. She was in the same position as aurora, nailed to the wall by her hands, and covered in pentagrams. It was the girl from the shop!

But there was two large differences between her and his angel. One, she did not have any wings to staple, and two, she was bruised, beaten, and her pussy bled slightly as though she had been fucked recently. Also, if D looked closely, he would find that her pussy was in fact occupied by a rough, black dildo and her nipples were captured between weighted claps. She looked up at D with pained eyes and gasped in pain. "Y...You have...escape.." she whispered weakly before coughing and wincing in pain.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Uhhh....Crap, that hurt," he groaned. D stood up and looked around, rubbing his head. "Aurora? Aurora where...Aurora...?" he whimpered as he saw his friend hung up on the wall. "AURORA!" he cried, running up to the bars. He grabbed them and tried to bend them or break them. ANYTHING! "AHHHH!" he screamed, feeling his hands burn and he jumped back, blowing on them.

"Damn it!" he screamed when his hands healed mostly. He rose up and kick the bars, both hurting his foot and burning his shoe a bit. "AHHH!" he groaned. He turned his head and wiped his tears. The sight of his friend, and...and lover like that...It tore him up inside.

That's when he noticed the girl from the mall. "Oh god..." he groaned, feeling his stomach churn as he realized that not only was his Aurora horribly injured. This girl was too. He shook his head and ran over to the girl, and tried to help her. he tried to take the dildo out of her, and tried to get the nipple claps off of her. He ignored her, and said, "What happened? Where are we?" he asked.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
"That man...he is a demon...if you dont hurry and leave...he will destroy Aurora." The girl gasped, thankful for the removal of the horrible implements used on her. Still, she was hanging helplessly by her hands. "He sealed my power...and devoured most of it...I have little strength left." She whimpered. "I cant...cant even move." She coughed softly again, it was clear that whatever happened to her would happen to Aurora soon if nothing was done.

Somewhere above them, footsteps began to sound. "He...He is coming!" she whimpered in terror. she tried to pull her hands from the wall but her strength came up miserably short. "I...I cant get free...he is going to devourer us..." she whispered. Suddenly a doorbell could be heard and the footsteps paused and began to turn back the way they came.

"Quickly!" the trapped girl said. "The bars are enchanted with demonic power, you have to ram through them and suffer the pain, you have to get to that woman and run!" She gasped, again trying her strength against the nails, and finding no give to them at all. D had to think of something quick, he had to get to Aurora, he had to get out!
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"But what about you?" D asked. "I-I can't just leave you here!" he whispered. "I...I can't do this! I'm just a kid! I don't have any powers or skills! The closest thing I've even done like this is play Doom 3 and I didn't even beat that game! I was too scared!" he cried. "I can get you out..." he whimpered, trying to pry the nails out of her body. "I-I can...Then you can help me and Aurora get out of here..." the boy cried, but he soon realized he couldn't help her. Tears fell from his eyes, and he stopped trying to free her, and he began repeating the words, "I'm sorry."
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Suddenly D would feel something lightly touch his head and he would find the girl leaning over and placing her forehead lightly against his. " have to save...her.." She said softly, her eyes closed. "Save her...and then come back for me...your the only one who can..." She groaned softly and then they both heard the door slam and the footsteps return. "Get to her...I can tell you how to save her...but you have to...have to get to her..." she said urgently, looking pleadingly at D.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
D looked at the girl and wiped his eyes. "Right...Right..." he said, before pulling back, his body shaking in fear. He looked at the bars, and took a deep breath, before charging forward. The pain would probably be unbearable, but with any luck he would be able to break through them. He would groan in pain if he got through, but quickly rose up and charged at the bars that seperated him and Aurora. He braced himself as he slammed himself into them. If, or once, he got to the angel, he would get up and look at Rena. "Now...what?"
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
When D finally burst through the bars he could hear the footsteps getting closer and closer, nearing the door. "Y-You have to wake her up first! She needs to be awake! Once she is get her to say "I fill your heart in place of darkness" And then say "I accept!". I will tell you what to do after that! Hurry!" She said, clearly terrified as the steps reached the door at the top of the stairs.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Alex nodded and ran over to Aurora. "Aurora!" he whispered, and poked her body, careful not to hurt her anymore than she already was. "Please, Aurora wake up!" he begged, and lightly shook her body. If she awoke, he would say, "I fill your heart in place of darkness. I accept!"
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.