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Xeno panic!
Kat didnt scream and didnt struggle as the tentacles pinned her. She was frightened, her heart was racing, but she managed to keep her composure. "Alex, Xeno three three eight. I might have known." She said softly, her voice trembling slightly. "What is your demand? Freedom for you and your hosts?" She asked quickly. If Alex seemed at all surprised by her comment, then she would give a small smirk and say "I have watched you everyday since you have been here and have reviewed all of your data. I suspected you may try to escape soon...just not so soon." Still she managed to keep her calm and didnt struggle against him at all. She was on an entirely different level then the other girls. She watched him carefully through her stunning golden eyes, waiting for him to respond, knowing that she was helpless to anything he may do to her, knowing she had no chance in hell of escape or over powering him.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Alex's tentacles picked Kat up and brought her to her bed and pinned her there. He said nothing, and he quietly got on the bed, and began using his hands to squeeze and play with her furry tits, as his mouth began to lick and kiss her slit, wetting it for his cock that would soon fuck her. He also add in a single digit, increasing the pleasure for Kat. In the back of his mind he also wondered if the kitten was a virgin or not.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Kat blushed lightly as she was pinned to the bed and the front of her PJ's, both top and bottom, were opened, revealing her impressive tits and tight pussy. Kat was not a virgin though, and so Alex would not be able to claim her first time, though that didnt make her any less sexy. "Please, Alex...dont do this..." She begged him softly as he licked her pussy, wetting her, though he did not in fact make her wet. "I will give you whatever you like...but you must spare me..." She said softly as he worked on her, blushing a little more as her nipples began to harden. Kat had an incredible will, she wasnt even the least bit wet on her own yet, despite Alex's skilled tongue, and her nipples were only starting to get hard, even as his pro hands molested them. "If you dont...then I wont give you a-anything." She added, stuttering only slightly as she felt him insert his finger into her.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
((I'm tired, so I may be going to sleep soon))

Alex stopped and stretched his head all the way up so they could see eye to eye. "Oh? How can I trust you? What if you betray me? Or what if I do break you? Make you into my slave, like the other girls. What then? How can I trust you that you will free my girls and I and leave us at peace. And I mean all of them! Agatha, Silvia, Amy, Rhona, and Angela!" he said. "Better start talking. My dick is getting hard..." he teased.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.

Kat bit her lip, she knew all to well what impregnation meant. "I cant, I cant make you trust me. But I can tell you this, any other way wont work. I already foresaw this situation, if I am impregnated or otherwise violated and controlled I have already given the command to belay all my orders. If you rape me, you strip me of my command, and all your girls will die. Its standard procedure after the indecent with Xeno one zero four." She was not lying, her heart beat and smell told Alex that. If he raped her, or broke her, then she would be useless to him. Still, he would feel a pulse from his inner Xeno. She was a strong woman, a healthy host, and a beautiful creature with distinct black fur and brilliant golden eyes. His instincts would pull him towards wanting to collect her as he had with his other girls, but his mind may think differently.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Alex looked deeper into her eye, before licking her cheek. "I need something...Some kind of way to make sure you and I have a deal. Maybe I should try putting my finger deep into your brain, maybe mess with it a bit," he growled, before laughing. "Kidding, kitty cat. But I do need something. What do you creatures call it...? A contract? Where I sign a paper and then I sign it?" he said.

With his mind split in two, Alex seemed a little...scatter brained, it seemed.

"Can we do that? I mean, how do I know you won't backstab me, kitten?"
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Katt trembled as he mentioned messing with her brain and the lick to her cheek had made her heart race even more. "A contract? Mere paper and ink? If you make this into a legal issue, then all the suits in this station will not only keep you here, but fire me and half the staff. Im sorry, its just wont work. Humans and Anthros can hardly sign legal contracts. Xeno's arent even a recognized race." She shook her head helplessly. "There is no way for me to guarantee your freedom, you just have to trust me." In fact there was a way, if Alex split another bit of himself off and kept that on her, and then rejoined the rest of himself, then he would be able to stay with her and make sure she didint betray him...but then could he keep himself from fucking her with such a small mind? Or maybe if he took her as a hostage and forced the others to do as he wanted he may be able to escape with all his girls AND her. Or maybe he would trust her, the doctor that had sent her own assistant into his cage for some reason, and tricked him before....
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Trust you...? After you sent Agatha to me? Backstabbing her? After you made my Angela go blind? Give me ONE good reason, why I should trust you, little kitten!" Alex growled. "I need to know you won't bother me, or my girls ever again...I want to be freed. I want them free! Give them their lives back, give us a home, and leave us alone!" he commanded. "How can I trust you to do all of this for me, kitten? You already backstabbed Agatha...Will you betray me...?" he growled.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Kat shivered softly as he yelled accusations into her face. "You have to trust me because you dont have another choice!" She finally growled. "What else can you do? Rape me and remove me from command? Then the girls and what I can only assume is half your brain will be killed almost instantly. You are asking a great deal from me, I hardly have the authority to free you at all, much less provide a safe home for you and five women! Chances are that as soon as you leave I will be stripped of command and forced to work for free, basically as a slave, for the rest of my life or be "fed" To Xeno Three three eight, or rather "Mike" as he now demanded to be called. Either way, my future doesnt look very bright." She bit her lip for a moment and then added "But there...there might be another way. But first you have to tell me something, why do you want to be free? We will provide all the females, food and habitat you want. No other Xeno, or at least no other sentient Xeno has broken out before, there is not reason to. So why leave?" She asked, her arms and legs starting to hurt from being spread out for so long.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Why?" Alex repeated. "Because my girls want out. Do you have any idea what it's like to have sex with a screaming, crying woman? It's not as good as fucking a willing slave. But what's worst is fucking a sad, broken girl. The habitat, the food, and everything about that place is causing them pain and sadness. They want out. Then so do I," he said, as he pulled his tentacles back, and laid on the bed beside Kat, one arm snaking around her waist, pulling her close. "And as for you working as a slave, there's always an open position with me..."
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.