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(A Silver and Zero production) Animators!
((Only with sex...Just like the French President Felix Faure ))

The lead clone laughed, and grabbed Temari's face and kissed her lips passionately, his tongue probing her mouth and wrestling with her own, trying to see if simply kissing her would make her cum. The other clones had untied Temari, letting the lead clone hold her up, one hand on her butt and the other rubbing her right breast, and his erection rubbing against her pussy as the other clones began to pull down their pants and jerk themselves at the sight of Temari.


Peach smiled and hugged him tightly, her moan going into her lord and Master's ear, as her body was rocked by orgasm, her panties now wet and soaking thanks to her Master's dick. "Thank you Master! I love you so much!" she screamed, hugging him tightly and rubbing her face into his neck. "I love you Master!"


"N-no!" Alex said, and stood up. "I'm fighting you! Even if I lose!" he said. "I want your word you'll honor our deal!" he said. He then reached into his pocket, and pulled out a document and pen. "Here, sign this," he said, handing her the pen.

The document was basically a deal that if the loser did not hold up to their end of the bargain, then they will feel a great, physical pain, and bad luck would fall upon them and their loved ones. Really, it was more theatrical then need be, but it was a binding document, nonetheless.

Once they both sighed, the document would turn into a blue portal, which they would walk through. They would then end up in a forest at night.

"Right, now that we have that settled, you may attack me," he said, taking a battle stance. "And don't think I'm weak! I-I know how to fight!" he said, and attempted to punch the air, but when he did, Rangiku saw her hold it in pain. "OW! CRAMP! CRAMP!"


The lead clone shook his head, and ripped the loaf in half. "How about this, then? You kiss me, and you get half the loaf," he suggested. If she still do not go for it, he would offer the whole loaf of bread.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
IF it was the kiss or the other stimulation to her body hardly mattered. Temari screamed in utter ecstasy and came a hundred times all at once at the direct physical touch to her lips, ass and pussy. Even her breasts pressed against the clone and her mind was a swirl of uncontrollable pleasure. She twitched and spasms rocked her body as she came so many times all at once over and over again, her eyes now completely devoid of intelligence, leaving only pleasure.


Mike hugged her back smiled as she came and declared her love for him. He then shushed her softly as her orgasm wore off and rocked her gently. "Sleep now my sweet Peach. Just like the other girls, fall to sleep. When you awake, we will all be back home." He said softly into her ear as he held her tight and rocked her slowly, his hands stroking her back.


Rangiku signed the contract, barely looking at it as she did and was more than a little surprised with the result. "What? Where are we?" She asked him as Alex took his battle stance. "Fine." She said, drawing her sword. "Lets make this quick." She said with a flash step, trying to end it fast and figure out just who or what Alex was.


The clone would not need to offer more bread. She cried out softly and puckered up as best she could, her body screaming, dying, she needed food! A kiss wasnt so bad, she could do a kiss, at least thats what she kept telling herself as she waited for him to kiss her and then to give her the bread.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Alex smiled and decided the time for games was over. Whenever she tried to attack him with her sword or whatever kind of attack, he would hardened two of his fingers and hold back the attack with hopeful ease. "I think the time for games is over. Time for this disgusting shell to be torn off!" he laughed, as his skin was practically ripped apart like a cloth. He then stood in his normal form, wearing his black trenchcoat with a blue dragon imprinted on it. "And it only gets better," he smiled as white armor appeared on to his body.

He stood, eight and a half feet tall, with blades all over his body, and his eyes glowing blue. "Now then," his metallic voice said. "LET'S FIGHT!" he declared, three blades shooting out of his knuckles on each hand and he sharpened them against each other.


The lead clone smiled at this and leaned forward, and kissed Tenten's lips, kissing her as his free hand rubbed and played with her body. He kept it going for a whole minute before pulling back and licking his lips. "Good girl," he said, before biting the loaf and tearing a part of it into his mouth. Before Tenten could accuse him of going back on their deal, he used his free hand to pull her back into a kiss, pushing the chewed food into her mouth, which he kept doing until all the bread was gone.


Temari was suddenly pulled down to her knees, and found cocks rubbing both her asshole and pussy. With her body so sensitive, and with the pure pleasure rubbed onto her body, the two cocks would give her great pleasure. Also, while all of Alex's clones had large sized cocks, the original made sure none of them were as well endowed as he was. Still, they allowed for a good warm up for his cock.

Both cocks were slowly pushed into her ass and pussy, while another was held in front of Temari's face. "Suck it," a voice ordered. Her hands were also grabbed and placed onto two more cocks, and orders were given to stroke them.

All as they did this, a clone outside preformed the same jutsu that they had used with Hinata. And just like Hinata, every reflective surface showed the female ninja of the sand being fucked and gangbanged, and being reduced to a whore.


Peach smiled and rested in his arms. "Master...I'm sorry," she whispered. Before Mike could find out why she said that, Mike would feel Peach's soft, sweet lips on his own. She then awaited any punishment he would give, and if there were none, she would sleep with a smile on her face in his arms.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Rangiku was shocked, to say the least, but said nothing. She now had more reason than ever to capture him and learn what he knew. She released her shika and surrounded Alex in the bladed ash mist it produced. She then closed it in on him, and suddenly Alex was under attack from every angle by un-blockable amounts of invisible blades.


Tenten's eyes were full of tears as she accpeted the food kisses and swallowed every bit. The bread wasnt the most nutritious thing she could eat, but it was by far better than nothing. When at last the bread was gone she whimpered lightly. Her tummy was hurting from receiving the food so quickly after eating nothing. And to add to that, she was really thirsty now. She dared not speak, or rather try to speak, knowing that she was teetering on the edge of collapse, and closed her eyes and tried not to think about how thirsty she really was and how much she missed simple cool sips of water from the ninja school water fountain.


Temari and screamed as she felt the cocks simply touch her two entrances and fell on her face unless supported by something. She came again and again, she could hardly breath as her mind was tortuously subjected to orgasm after orgasm. As the cocks were pushed into her her world went white. the cocks in her hands and in front of her face went unattended, she couldnt even see the girls around her being fucked and humiliated. Temari's heart rate sped up, she was beating almost fifty times more than what a normal heart she be beating. They had to remove the glitch or the cream, one of the two if they wanted to keep playing with her and not have her die, or at least be somewhat responsive. As for Temari's mind, none of them could even guess what may have happened to it.


Mike smiled lovingly at peach and held her body close to his. He was starting to grow attached to his new slut. She wasnt like the others, who had started as fighters, and perhaps it was her upbringing or her training but Peach was so sweet and adorable she was replacing Hinata on the list as favored slave. He enjoyed the feel of her, the smell of her peachy skin, the warmth of her lovely body. He had intended on reducing her to a completely slut, more so than the other girls...but he reconsidered, she was fine the way she was now.

He enjoyed the moment he was having so much that for a while hour he simply held her sleeping form on his arms and softly kissed her skin. "My princess." He whispered softly into her ear as he held her. What was it about peach that made him feel this way? Perhaps it was because her body was more mature than the others. Rukia was unchanged, and Ino, Sakura and Hinata were all basically children with enlarged breasts. But it was more than that. He shook his head and grinned. He was getting soft, perhaps later he would punish peach for that kiss...but he doubted it.

Snapping his fingers, they all disappeared and entered an even deeper sleep. They were all back at their new rooms, clean and changed into their new sexy sleep wear. He picked up Rukia in his arms, she wore a thin silk breast wrap and matching white panties. He took her to her room, which was much like her old room in that it was Japanese and styled after the feudal era. He laid her down on her bed, the only not matching feature in the room and pulled up her covers, tucking her in.

He then went back and got Ino. She wore a thin see through gown with long sleeves and soft interior and cute white cotton panties. He went to her room, which was a larger version of her dream room and placed her in her bed and tucked her in as well. He then went and got Sakura, whos room was connected to Ino's room by a door which he left open. Just like Ino's room, Sakura's would be made in her favorite color and style. The big difference however was that her bed was not a normal bed, but more like a hospital bed with stirrups. Sakura wore the same thing as Ino, but instead of being a long noght gown hers was more like a mini skirt, and she wore nothing to cover her pussy. This worked find since he placed her feet in the spread out and elevated stirrups before he tucked her in as best he could, her pussy still exposed to the air.

As he walked out he couldnt help but rub her stomach gently and slide a finger down between her pussy lips. He then returned and got Hinata. She wore a sexy set of custom black undies. He smiled down at her as he took her, not to her room, but to his. Mike smiled as he looked around, truly a room fit for a king. He laid her down on his bed, which grew larger to accommodate her and then went back to get his new slave.

He picked Peach up and kissed her lips as he did. She wore a lovely set of a see through Lingerie that Mike had chosen just for her. He took his time walking back to his room, staring down at his beautiful prize as he did. He couldnt help but kiss her soft lips a few more times before he got to his room and laid her down on the bed. He then slipped between the two girls and turned to Hinata and slipped his arms under her arms, grasping her large tits and began to play with them as he pulled her up to his chest and kissed her cheek, his erection sliding between her legs and grinding her pussy as he did. He loved this position, it was his favorite to fall asleep to, he thought has he played with Hinata's nipples and ground against her pussy, falling asleep soon afterward.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The lead clone looked at one of the others, and he nodded, before running off. The clone suddenly came back with a plate of Chinese food, and a cup of milk. He placed the food and drink on the bed and the clones stepped back. "You don't have to do anything. Just eat," the leader said, motioning at the food. "Don't think too much about it, just know you're no good dead." What she didn't know, was that the milk was Hinata's breast milk. With all the alterations Alex made on Hinata's breasts and ass, they wondered if the milk would have any intresting effects on Tenten.


Alex smiled, and suddenly a portal to Hueco Mundo appeared under him, which he fell through, disappearing. The scene was quiet for a whole minute, and Rangiku might have considered he would not return. Suddenly though, she would see a black figure up in the sky. "REY SALETO!" he screamed, before a barrage of blue energy beams shot down upon Rangiku. He made sure only to use 25% of his power to attack her, as he did not what her too hurt or dead.

((Ray Saleto is my own made up attack. It means, King Assault, I believe))


"I think we went to far," one clone commented in a hush whispered. They quickly cut the connection to the village, and began taking the super sensitivity from Temari's body, and dropping her to the ground, gently.


Rukia, Ino, and Sakura all softly moaned as their Master carried them. Mike would hear small whispers of his name, and title. He had replaced their loves, family, and friends. There was only him now, Mike the Master.

As Mike rubbed Hinata's breasts and rubbed his erection against her, he would hear a sad whimper. It was almost as though Peach was awake, and now felt alone and cold without her Master. Hinata, on the other hand, smiled and seemed to unintentionally rub back against his erection. Either way, they both soundly slept with their Master, their love, and their life.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Tenten propped herself up weakly and looked at the food with desperate eyes. She was so hungry, and this looked like the first good food she had had in ages. A trembling hand approached the plate slowly. Suddenly, Tenten bit her lip and threw the plate against the wall and collapsed. "" she said weakly. She had an impressive was strange to see in fact, she seemed almost determined enough to let herself die then fall into Alex's clutches. She collapsed onto the bed and breathed heavily as though the slight movement had been a marathon run. Still, the milk remained, and if the clones put it to her lips, she would begin to drink.


(The proper way to saying it in Spanish is Asalto Del Rey, but if I named it I would prefer cruzada del los Reyes, sounds more badass)

Rangiku cursed her luck and tried to jump back and out of the way but hardly made it. When the dust cleared she was hardly standing, some blood dripping down her forehead and her stance low and weakened. She straightened up and attempted to attack him again, using her zanpacto to attack him several times all over.


Temari lay panting hard on the floor, still spasming with orgasm after orgasm for a full half house before at last she lay still. She moaned very softly and continuously, her eyes half opened and glazed over. She was still covered in liquid pleasure, and so she was still very sensitive, but at least now she wouldnt die on them if they began to fuck her. She wouldnt move or respond to sounds of any kind for a whole hour before she finally regained a little bit of her senses and looked around slowly, her eyes still half glazed over in pleasure.


In the morning both Peach and Hinata would find themselves alone in the bed and a delicious smell would emanate from the kitchen. Mike was sitting down at the counter as two of his servants made breakfast for everyone, from bacon to heaping plates of pancakes and waffles with sliced fruits on the side. He would let them all wake up at their own pace, knowing they would all be drawn to the smell into the kitchen. All but Sakura of course, who was tied to her stirrups and would have to wait for her master to come and release her.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
(((Shrugs) Meh))

Alex jumped into the trees, and used a combination of portals and his speed to dodge Rangiku. "So tell me...your breast size? What is it? I'm guessing atleast a D cup! G maybe?" he teased as he jumped around Rangiku, and disappeared through a portal. "Are they real or fake?" he added as he jumped out of another portal and onto a branch.

Suddenly Alex landed near Rangiku and slamemd his foot against the ground, shaking the ground like a quake.


"How do you feel?" one of the clones asked as Temari looked around. "Are you going to start begging for more like Hinata, Ino, and Sakura? Or are you going to continue to resist."


The lead clone glared at Tenten, and the other pinned down her hands and legs, and held her face straight. The lead clone ordered her to drink, as he began to try pouring the milk into her mouth.


Peach was the first to awake, and she rubbed the sleep away from her eyes. "M-Master?" she called out shyly, before smelling the scent of food in the air. She saw Mike cooking in the corner, and slowly got out of the bed, careful not to wake Hinata. "Good morning, Master," She greeted Mike, slowly walking to him.

There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Rangiku cried out in surprise and growled, jumping toward him instead of away, using spirit partials instead of the ground to run at him. "That is none of your business!" She yelled as she thrust her sword at his stomach, trying to end the fire with a decisive direct blow.


(Like Hinata, Ino and Hinata?)

Temari hardly understood them and moaned softly and began to stroke her right arm with her left arm, closing her eyes and relaxing as she did. Just the feeling of her own hand running along her shoulder and arm felt like a relaxing massage, and she could almost purr with the gentle pleasure she gave herself. She snuggled a little more into the bed, loving how it felt against her bare ass and skin and continued to rub her arm, not sexually stimulating herself but demonstrating how sensitive she was even then.


The clones hardly needed to pin her at all, she had almost no strength, and began to drink the milk without much coaxing. She drank it and tasted its sweet unique flavor and instantly wanted more. It made her stomach feel warm and brought some color back to her face. She didnt know what the stuff was, but she knew it wasnt normal milk, not that it mattered at this point.


(in the corner? You mean the kitchen right?)

"Good morning princess!" Mike said happily. Sexy sleepy Peach in her white see through undies was definitely in his top ten of things he wants to see early in the morning. "Come, breakfast is being served." He said as a Servant supplied a plate with some pancakes topped with sliced peaches and peach syrup. Some OJ and a side of bacon followed. Each chair had a name and style that suited each of the girls. Peach's chair was right next to Mike's, which was in the center, Hinata's being one the opposite side of Peach's chair, also next to Mike.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Not answering, huh? Well are you still a virgin? I bet not! I mean, you must have had to fuck a lot of guys to your position! That would explain why you're such a bad fighter," he taunted, before using one armored hand to try and block her sword thrust, and then used his other hand to grab, and tear her robes off with one pull. If he did, he would lick his lips and laugh. "You have a nice body. I bet you'll be an even better fuck than Orihime!"


((Yes...I have renamed Sakura to Hinata....And I shall now name you, BOB. Fetch me a drink, BOB!))

The lead clone walked over and gently took her hand in his, stopping her from rubbing herself. He leaned forward and kissed her. "You want to feel good? Then you have to beg," he chuckled, but nonetheless began to kiss and lick her neck, his other hand moving down to rub one of her large breasts.


The clones smiled at it's effects and continued to give her milk. As they did, some lightly rubbed her tummy, before giving her breasts a squeeze or rubbing her body in a sexual way. "Drink up, Tenten. You're looking better every second..." a clone said, kissing her cheek, followed by licking it.


((Yeah, sorry))

Peach smiled, but also blushed as she realized what she was wearing. "Thank you, Master," she said as she sat down in her seat, and looked at Master, then the food, licking her lips. "Are you sure? May I eat, Master?" she inquired, wanting Mike's permission. "Should we wait for the others?" she added, and if Master was okay with it, she would happily began eating, savoring the delicious food.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Rangiku screamed as her clothes were ripped off but was surprised to find herself unharmed. She covered herself as best she could, Rangiku blushed and charged forward, hacking at Alex s hard as she could with one arm, suddenly realizing that he was the one who had kidnapped Orihime, and that he had even raped her!


(Stopped him from rubbing herself? leaned forward and kissed himself? Im confused as hell as to who is what and what they are doing! LOL)

Temari moaned softly as her breast was groped and her neck was kissed and licked and fell submissively to her back. " good..." She moaned softly, her eyes still glazed and unaware. She was drugged on pleasure, they might even be able to get her addicted to it if the clones tried skillfully enough.


Tenten moaned, the hands lightly running across her warm stomach felt good, and the other hands tracing over her sensitive places only added to that. And on top of it all was the milk, which was relaxing her muscles, replenishing her strength and making her mind hazy and docile with every delicious gulp.


Mike shook his head and told peach to dig in. He would wait for all the other girls to come out, and then he would go to attend to Sakura. He smiled as he watched Peach eat and one of his hands found its way under her bra and began playing with her breast. "Dont mind me princess." He said softly. "Master is just...enjoying himself.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)