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(A Silver and Zero production) Animators!
Alex stared at the various clones and Ronin ninja around the complex and smiled at his Uchiha ally. "This is quite the establishment we're making," he commented. He listened to his 'friend' talking about the various things that had happened, and he was surprised to hear how long he was gone.

Once Sauske was done talking, Alex said, "Anything else happen? Does the village know where we are? If so, we may need to change locations, perhaps talk to Orochimaru about an alliance..." he said, leaning against the wall as he watched Tenten being spanked and punished. "Ooohh...I like what you've done with her, but she still isn't broken? Heh, she's surprisingly strong willed..."

He then moved away from the wall and rolled his shoulders, before looking at Sauske. "Actually, I was planning on acquiring another woman, a girl named Rangiku Matsumoto, from another land. You probably don't know her, but I was hoping to acquire her. Perhaps I'll have a few clones clean Tenten up and make her play around with Temari..." he thought, moving his hands and making about a dozen clones appear.

"If you don't mind, Sauske, I'll be leaving. Keep up the good work," he said as a blue portal appeared to the Bleach world. He suddenly stopped though, and looked at Sauske, smiling crookedly. "I'd also like to...alter our deal. Don't worry, you can still kill your brother, and I'm still giving you great power, but I would like to watch, as you kill him. I want to see the look on his face as you beat him."

"Au revoir!" he said, if nothing was in the way, walking through the portal. "Oh, and make sure the clones don't try fucking the other girls! They need some rest!"

As he left, the dozen clones looked at Sauske and then at Tenten. Half of them left the room to go see Temari, as one of the remaining six asked Sauske if it was okay to unhook Tenten from the machine and clean her up in a bath.


Peach did as she was ordered to, and she moaned as he grind her pussy at the knee. "Master...." she whispered as he nibbled on her lobe, kissed her neck, and stroked her body. She had a weak blush as he teased her nipple, and she smiled shyly. "I...I like it Master. You give me such happiness. Such pleasure. I like being here, like this," she smiled, and if Mike looked into her eyes, he would see she was telling the truth, but there was also a tint of fear in her, fear of Mike, of the torture she was forced to go through, just a while ago by his minions.


If Alex was allowed through the building, he would activate his holo-computer, and looked for Rangiku.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Sauske shrugged and told them to do whatever they liked with her, and left the room, leaving Tenten and the clones alone. The ninja girl moaned softly and squeaked weakly with each spanking. She came again a second later, her juices mixing with the rest of the puddle beneath her.


Timari wiggled and squirmed in her bonds, trying to find someway to get free. She had only been there for a few hours, she could still find a way to escape! At least that was what she thought until all the Alex's marched in and surrounded her. She watched them warily, trying to figure out their intentions.


Alex would find that Rangiku was where one would expect her to be. She sat, drunk, at the bar drinking saki and teasing two guys she didnt know. She would not be hard to break into a slut, though making her submissive might require some work.


Mike smiled. The honesty was good, the fear was even better and he tilted her face and kissed her deeply. "Grind yourself against my cock, please me." He ordered. He wanted some quality time with his new toy, he didnt get them everyday after all...or maybe he did. It hardly mattered. "As you do, go ahead and tell me about your old life, and how your new one is better." He added wickedly.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Alex smiled as he found Rangiku, and he pressed in a new set of codes. Suddenly his body began to glow, and he closed his eyes as he began to shrink. Where a powerful, and intimidating warrior once stood, now stood an ugly, short, and skinny, and laughable teenager.

"God, I look stupid," he said, laughing at how he looked at himself. His skin had darken, and his muscles were gone, and he seemed so flimsy and weak that the very wind could blow his body away. His hair was curly, brown, messy, dirty, and a bit past his shoulders. His clothes were now a white polo shirt, which had dirt and grass strains all over it, as well as blue jeans, which were torn and also dirty. He continued to laugh at himself, looking his body over. Sure, he was still super powerful, but he looked so pathetic...

"Well I wanted to put her into a sense of security. If she sees me, and doesn't take pity on me, then I don't know what is pathetic," he sighed.

He then took out of his pockets, a small stack of photos. They were of Rangiku, and the pictures told a fake story. That she had seduced a group of children, molested them, forced them to fuck her, then fucked them with a large strap-on, beat them, and finally them left them out on the street, covered in their own blood. The story obviously didn't happen, but the pictures looked so real, that if the public saw, Rangiku could have been thrown in jail and labeled as a child beater and rapist forever.

He placed them in his pocket, and disappeared, leaving to the bar where she was at. He appeared within the bar, to be exact, the bathroom, and walked out and looked for the beauty. When he finally found her, he walked over and stuttered, "C-can I talk you p-p-p-p-privately?" he stuttered, if his plan worked, the beauty would take pity on this teen, who looked like he hadn't eaten, for a while, and that he lived out on the street.


The six clones smiled down at Temari, and began to rip and tear her clothes off, being careful not to break the ropes. Once they were done, they looked at her naked body with lust, and erections.

"You're a very sexy girl, Temari," one clone commented, pulling off her gag.


The clones thanked Sauske, and ran to Tenten, freeing her from the machine, and getting rid of it, for now. They took off all the dildos, any type of gag, and anything else on her and laid her on the bed, four clones pinning her on the bed.

"Hello, Tenten," the leader greeted. He wanted to see how she was before they played with her in the bathhouse.


Peach blushed harder, and nodded, rubbing herself against his erection as she said, "I...I love how you give me pleasure. I never had that in my old life..." she whimpered. "I...I like that you let me play with other girls. Back in mushroom kingdom, that sort of thing was looked down upon, and hated...But...But I couldn't fight back my curiosity about...What would it be like to be with a girl..."
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Rangiku, drunk as she was, took pity on the apparent peasant and said "OhhOhh Kay, but no fu(hic) funny business." She said with a wink before drunkenly fallowing Alex to wherever he was taking her. "So whats this all (hic) about sweet heart?" She asked him sweetly.


Temari screamed and yelled from behind her gag as they clones stripped her bare and struggled openly as she was made naked. When they had her completely bare she glared at them, particularly at the one that had commented on her, and spat in his face as soon as the gag was off. "Go to hell you fucking pervert ripoffs!" She yelled, wishing she could summon just a little wind to cut herself free.


Tenten groaned and tried to speak but found herself far to weak to. She hadent been fed in three days, and the torture had drained her off all her strength. Even then she looked sickly and skinny before them, though her magically altered breasts and ass remained the same. Finding that she did not have the strength to speak, and that her arms were needlessly pinned and so she couldnt flick them off, she simply stuck her tongue out and glared at them, showing them that she was not broken yet.


Mike smiled and stroked her body as she talked, petting her sides, playing with her breasts, running his hands through her hair and spanking her sexy ass all in turn. "Oh so your a bit of a lesbo hu? Well that helps, though it looks like all the girls are strangely lesbian. "Moan for me peach, and tell me more. What about Mario and Bowser? Did either of them ever give this kind of pleasure?"
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
As soon as Tenten opened her mouth and stuck out her tongue, one of the clothes got on top of her and kissed her lips, pushing his tongue into her mouth, exploring her mouth, his tongue moving within her jaw, as the clone's right hand moved down and rubbed and squeezed her right breast, while the other hand wrapped around her neck, forcing her into the kiss.


Alex took her hand in his and led her outside the bar, and behind a tree. "I...I know who you are. I know you're a Soul R-Reaper and everything," he stuttered. "I-I-I-I-I..." Alex stopped and tried to take a deep breath, before exhaling. "I want to go against you in a match. A f-f-f-fight. If you win, I'll be your s-s-s-servant. I could do all the paperwork you don't like doing, and get you sake whenever you want! I'll do anything for you!" he said, avoiding her eyes in fake fear. "I-if I win, I get one wish...Okay?" he whimpered, looking down and twittering his fingers.


"Y-yes, Master. I always imagined me and Daisy having a fun time together," she blushed, moaning as her ass was spanked by her Master, and Mike could see the wet spot on her panties grow even wetter. "I...I loved Mario. But it was a platonic love. I-I saw him changing clothes one day, and I saw his p-p-p-penis. It was nowhere near your size, Master," she moaned, turning redder until she resembled a apple. "And Bowser...Bowser always kidnapped me, but he...he never did anything to me like you did...."


Suddenly Temari was kissed by the lead clone. One hand undid her hair, letting it fall, while his other hand forced her into her kiss. Before Temari could bite, kiss back, or do anything she would feel a warm, pleasurable feeling go throughout her body. She would feel her breasts and ass grow, until they matched Tenten's in size.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Tenten whimpered softly, and did kiss back a little, though it was hard to tell if her reluctance was due to her yet unbroken status, or her complete and utter fatigue. Tenten was so tired that they could release her arms and she would do nothing more than twitch slightly as she felt her breast being rubbed and pleasured by the clone on top of her.


Rangiku seemed to sober almost instantly, though her drunk blush was still there. "No." She said simply and began to turn. "How could I?" She muttered as she began to walk away. Rangiku was not a bad person, and to those who were weaker and younger than her she was almost motherly. Why would she ever agree to basically enslave a human child? Even then, she wouldnt be able to bring him along, her captain would never allow it. If she were less drunk then she might have questioned how he knew so much about her and such, but all the sober she had was in use already, she couldnt spare any for logic or things like that.


Mike smiled and laughed before pulled peach back onto his chest and kiss her cheek. "Ahh so cute. I love you peach, my virgin jewel. Im sorry for trapping you in that horrible castle for so long, can you forgive master?" He asked as he kissed her shoulder and neck, one arm going up and softly groping her breast while the other slid under her panties and began to rub her slit while his thumb played with her clit.


Temari screamed but the scream dissolved into a helpless moan as her ass and breasts became larger and much more sensitive. "Wh...what are you me.." She asked when the kiss was done, moaning as she felt the air lightly blow across her nipples and nearly bring her to orgasm. IT appeared the program had glitched a bit and made Temari super sensitive in her breasts and ass. The clones could easily fix the program on their own...or spread the effect to cover her whole body and have some unique fun with her.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Wait!" Alex said, and quickly grabbed Rangiku's hand. "If not that about the Espada?" he asked. "I know information that you can use against them. Please! Give me a chance! I'll get you anything, do anything!" he said. "And besides...I won't leave you alone until you help me," the boy said, and he gave the best pitiful and sad face he could.

True, this plan wasn't the best, but Alex had a major lust to this girl. She was probably his favorite Bleach girl, simply because her breasts were the biggest in the anime. Not to mention her long, beautiful, blond hair, and her already slutty attitude.


The clone kissing her pulled back and licked his lips. "Hungry, slut?" he asked, taking down his pants to let his erection pop out and he rubbed it against her pussy. "Hard to believe you're not broken yet, but I'm sure you will. Soon, two," he said as he slapped her tits. "Come on, say something. Fight us. Argue that you're not a slut," he teased, as her arms were released and her tits were slapped.


"Ahhh...Master," Peach moaned as he touched and kissed her body. She loved the feeling of him kissing her neck, and rubbing her pussy with his fingers. "T-thank you, Master. I-I love you two," she whispered lustfully. "I forgive you long as you love me, I will always forgive you..."


The clones smiled, and did just that, making the sensitivity grow all over her body. "My, oh, my..." a clone said, seeing that Temari's pussy was wet from the air itself. "I don't believe it...Temari of the Sand Village is getting turned on by being seen naked!" he laughed. "Naughty girl," he said, and her ass a slap. "Oh! Before we forget!" the clone said, and placed his hands together and made a few signals. "Sealing Jutsu!" he said, and his hands reached forward and squeezed her two asscheeks, where tattoos appeared and both announced that she was Alex's slut, and that sealed her chakra. "Nice ass..." the clone added, rubbing and squeezing the girl's butt.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
That caught Rangiku's attention. " do you know so much" She asked, trying hard to talk sober. With a sigh she popped out a soul candy and ate it, separating her form her soul form and making her sober as her soul candy person (I cant remember what you call them) walked around in drunken circles. "Who are you? How do you even know my name?" she asked seriously, her hands resting on Ash Cat's hilt. When Alex undoubtedly told her to fight him and find out she sighed and drew her sword, or rather pulled her sheathed sword out of her waist wrap and said "Fine, I'll try not to hurt you." and lunged forward, intending on ending the fight quickly but placing the sheathed blade at his throat and showing him he was no where near as fast as she was.


Tenten winced when she felt his dick rub against her, but that was nothing new by now. She cried whimpered softly and twitched each time her breasts were smacked, the painful treatment clearly effecting her but she had no strength left in her, and only her own will sustained her now. She cried out softly as her breasts became red from the smacking, tears gathering in her eyes and spilling over as she weakly used her right arm to try to shield her breasts from the abuse, but simply placing it back where it was would defeat her last defense. Tenten was helpless.


"Thank you my Peach..." He said as he licked her skin and continued to stimulate her until he was sure she was in the verge of orgasm. "How do you feel?" He asked her as his hands stopped, jut short of her climax. "Your so soft, like a Peach, and you even smell like one." He said as he licked the side of her face. "From now on you are my bed mate. You and Hinata. Do you understand?" He asked as his finger lightly touched around her clit, teasing her but giving her no release.


The wind blew across Timari's clit, and she came almost instantly. "Ahhhh!" She cried out as she arched her back as much as she could. She was so senstive that simply touching her was almost enough to make her cum. And so with each spank that they gave her, she came and screamed in pain and pleasure. "St-Stop that!" She yelled, trying to inch away as her ass was suddenly grabbed hard and she screamed again, cum three times rapid fire. She groaned and came again with the next slap and continued to have orgasm after orgasm as her ass was rubbed and squeezed. If they added more stimulation then she would be broken in no time....
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
((Bleach wiki says it's Momone, a pervert))

SHIT! I DIDN'T MEAN NOW Alex thought as Rangiku charged at him with her sword. He jumped back, and tried to act clumsy, which he showed by tripping and falling on his back if he dodged the attack. "W-wait! I-I didn't mean now! And besides, how do I know you'll live it to your end of the bargain if I win?!" he stuttered, with a false terror.

One of the clones pulled her arm aside, taking her last defense. "Hey Tenten," the leader said. "How about a deal....You let us play with your body, and you act willing to it, I mean, and we will give you food, water, and a bath," he said, and produced a loaf of bread in his hand, holding it before her mouth. "Well...Deal?"


Peach's eyes were looking like they were about to cry! She was on the verge of cumming, but her Master would not allow it! She looked at him with a pleasured drunk smile. "I feel so good...Being your slut its...its...its the perfect life," she whispered, as tears of joy fell from her eyes as she found she would be his bedmate. "Thank you Master! Thank you!" she cried. "Master...? May I hug you? Please?" she asked.


"You thinking what I'm thinking?" the lead clone asked, before producing a jar of pure pleasure.

"If you put that on her, it'll shatter her mind with ease....Perfect!" another clone laughed, and looked down at Temari, slapping her ass. "Prepare to go crazy with pleasure. You'll soon be calling our Master, your Master," he said, as the clones each put their hands in the large jar, and began coating the oil like slime on Temari's lovely, sexy body. "How do you feel, slut?"
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Rangiku stopped short and sighed. "What? do you have some kind of contract?" She asked him softly, though a bit of annoyance did come through. She didnt have time for this, she needed to know what he knew. "Look, just tell me what you know OK? A friend of mine was recently taken away by and espada and her friends suffered because of it, including me. Im a shinigami and your a human, if you know so much then you know that I can easily defeat you." She said trying to bring the boy to his senses.


Tenten's eyes filled with tears and she weakly stuck her tongue out and the tip lightly touched the hard bread. She wanted it so bad...but she couldnt be broken, she couldnt give in! It was better to die before betraying her village and herself. She closed her eyes, squeezing the tears out and shook her head weakly, trembling with need, though not sexual need, but the need for food. They were starving her, if she didnt eat anything soon, Tenten would die. She only looked good because of Alex's jutsu, but on the inside her organs were shutting down. When she had been fed it was only small amounts of bread and water, and with all the sexual activity they forced her through she need allot more energy to keep going. She would have plenty of reserves if her body could use the fat in her sexual places, but Alex's jutsu stopped that from happening. To Tenten, all they were offering her was another chance to starve her with bread and water, and not actually feeding her.


"Mike smiled and turned her around so she was facing him and said "Of course." He also lightly rubbed his dick against her pussy, stimulating her clit and probably sending her over the edge. He couldnt wait to get them all back to his house. He was getting tired, and was eager to get some sleep with her new bed mates. And tomorrow he would be able to enjoy his time with his sluts, from his brand new peach flavored one, to Sakura, who would once again be dumbly loyal to him and give birth to another cluster of slug eggs.


(Damn you want to kill her?!)

"No wait! Whatever your doing p-please do-Ahhhh!" Temari cried out as they began to rub the pleasure gel all over her body. Seconds afterward, she was gone. By the end of it Temari was dripped in the stuff, completely slick with it. Her expression said it all. She was smiling lustfully,m her tongue hanging out of her mouth helplessly as her eyes stared into nothing, glazed over and foggy. Without even having to touch her the clones had basically broken her. Just blowing on her would make her cum several times, and even as it was Temari was cuming ever five to six seconds.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)