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(A Zero and Silver Production) The Unforeseen Stay
"There lies the problem," Hunter stated, and hugged Grace from behind, holding her warm, soft, and sexy body in his arms. "Due to some complications, the man, Mike, kidnapped Grace. You know me, Alexander, and you know how I feel for her, and so I had no choice, but to get her back. To get her back, I had to agree to protect Mike for as long as we are in this place. This means, I, or no one else, can hurt or attack him, or else I will feel horrible pain," he said. "Now you see why this is such a challenge. I would like those girls freed, but how can I when any attempt would make my insides burn like hellfire?"


Alex smiled, loving his two cute girls. "I am a very lucky man," he said, petting both on their heads. He then walked over to the bed, and laid down on it. "Which one of you would like to ride my cock, and which one of you would like me to lick their pussy?" he asked, motioning down at his erect cock, which was almost to it's complete size.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Grac snuggled back into Hunter, closing her eyes as he wrapped his arms around her and began to take a nap. The two heal techniques sucked her vitality, and she wasnt even used to having to use them at all, much less two in the same day. She cutely rested in Hunter's arms, looking like a beautiful doll in his arms. Alexander appreciated the sight and nodded to Hunter's words. "Well...that does complicate things. Is there anyway to get him away from the girls long enough for me to get them? Am I correct in assuming only an attack on him will set this off and that he does not directly control the link?"


Serenity positioned herself above his cock. Although it did hurt a bit to take him into herself, and she had not even been able to take him all the way into herself without feeling pain she felt that she should be the one to suffer if anything and that Silvia should receive pleasure. Silvia shook her head sadly and hugged Serenity from behind and whispered "Sweety, let me. I want to bare his child more than anything, and you seem to already be pregnant, so please let me have a turn." Under the new circumstances Serenity had no choice but to nod and move out of the way and sat next to them and looked at her master. "I...Im not sure master. I havent done anything worth a reward that doesnt pleasure you." She said hesitantly. She felt like she was taking to much, she had never been really rewarded before and so being given this much unconditional pleasure and strange to the captive fairy. Alex could make her happy just by petting her head and allowing her to cuddled up next to him. But licking her pussy was so much more, it was much more than she had ever been given.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Hmmm...Perhaps if we tell him there's a way out of this Tavern in the basement? I have been there, and I was attacked by a large, tentacle monster. Or perhaps we can say there was a beautiful girl? Mike is a cruel, disgusting man who takes pleasure out of other's pains. He has led me, and Mickal, into being forced as his allies. I would advise being careful with him," he sighed, petting his Grace's body. "I don't want to take any big chances. Really, all I want is to go back to our home, and convince our people to be allies with the Angelo people."


Alex cocked his head in confusion, before closing his eyes and taking a deep breath, feeling Silvia's wet walls hold his cock. "What are you talking about? You've learned so much, thanks to Silvia. Come here, Serenity. I think you deserve to have your pussy licked and kissed by Master, for being such a good little girl," he said, motioning her over. "Come on, I want to taste your wet fairy cunt..."
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Grace moaned softly and cutely in Hunter's arms, a small figure wrapped in fur and warmth. Her skin was so soft and warm, and her hair smelled so fresh and felt so soft. Her cute body snuggled deeper into Hunter's arms, and still she slept. She felt safe there, in Hunter's arms, and knew nothing would harm her for Hunter himself.

"Does this Alex like Mike as well? If not then I would think that getting him on our side may help. A lie is a risk, if he realizes its a lie before he falls for it then he will shut down on us and we will have to force him away from the girls, which sounds like it would hurt you. With Alex then we have three people on our side. Its worth it if you think he will help us.


Silvia moaned softly and began to move up and down on Alex's shaft moaning softly, though already her legs were getting tired. Being a psychic type had its weaknesses after all. Serenity, who dared now disobey a direct order, quickly positioned herself above her master. "Oh...Master, this is wrong." She said before he licked her. "Im a fairy, I shouldnt soil your tongue with my juices. Im so confused..."
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Never believe that, Serenity. You are not just a fairy. You are a beautiful young woman, and I love you, like I love my Silvia. You are beautiful, pure, and I love you," he said as his tentacles wrapped around both Silvia and Serenity, helping Silvia ride his cock, and pulling Serenity down so Alex could suck and lick her pussy.


"Alex...Well I know he hates Mike, like I do. Perhaps he can help us," Hunter said. "But he is not Saxon, and...he gave Grace to that mad man once, where he tortured her. It was only after we gave Mike those two girls, and my loyalty, did he release Grace," he sighed. "Still, Alex will probably be able to help us."
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
"It is up to you my lord...but if we do this, we may risk someone greater." His eyes darted to Grace's sleeping form, tucked cutely away in Hunter's arms. "Entering a battle of any kind means risking everything. Why do you want these girls back so badly? Acquaintances? You didnt hand them over for nothing Hunter, only your love for Grace pulled you into it, and so what could be strong enough to make you want to risk her to pull them out?" Alexander stared up at Hunter knowingly. He didnt know how or why, but Hunter was obeying Grace's wishes and doing things he would never do.

To risk what he held so dearly in his arms, Alexander only hoped that it was Hunter's own will and not some kind of mind control. Still, if it was Hunter's will then Alexander did not care. He would not allow Grace to fall into Mike's hands again, and was sure that Hunter would bear hellfire to keep Grace out of his torturous hands.

"If you wish, we can start now, the sooner the better." He added. "We can leave to find Alex and recruit him, or go it alone. Or simply not do anything at all." If Hunter chose not to do anything, then Grace would not complain. But the weight of their torture would rest solidly and eternally on Grace's innocent shoulders, and the guilt would begin to smother her. This was what drew Hunter to Grace, but while it may have been her most attractive feature, it was also the most costly. To keep Grace happy, Hunter would have to do as she said, and as she wanted, and she wanted those girls to be free.


Serenity blushed at his words and felt love flutter in her heart. "Master...I-" she was cut off as Alex's tentacle went to work and his tongue found her delicious cherry flavored pussy. "Ahhh!" She cried out from the pleasure of it, moaning loudly as she felt a loving tongue caress her and love her like no one ever had. Silvia moaned as well as she bounced up and down on Alex's cock, thankful for the tentacles and the help they provided.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Hunter sighed and gently laid Grace down on the chair, and stood up. He paced the room, shaking his head. "Alexander...Grace and I have come to agreement. She is my slave, my slut, and my lover, while I....I am her solider. Her sword. Her weapon. We own each other..." he said, staring at the wall. "Alex and I raped and sold those girls to Mike, in exchange for Grace. They are there, because of us...Grace feels guilty for it, and wants them free, and so do I...."

He sighed again before falling on his butt. "What am I to do?" he asked. "I love Grace for her purity, her angelic radiance, but if I don't do this for her...Then her guilt would eat her and the Grace I loved would die..." he sighed, and looked at Alexander. "I'm not. I'm not her slave. I am not under mind control. I am...." he sighed again and looked at Grace. "I am in love...Damn love," he mumbled, before looking at Alexander.

"So where does this leave us? If we go back to our world, Grace and I will marry. Best case scenario, Angelo and Saxon have a wondrous peace for the rest of our lives. Worst case scenario....Well, I'd rather not think about that."


More tentacles came out of Alex's body, and they played and some rubbed the two girls' breasts, while two moved up to their mouths, and rubbed against their lips, begging to be kissed and licked at the very least. As he did this, Alex's cock became harder as Silvia's walls held it tight, and he worked hard on licking and kissed Serenity's pussy.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Grace groaned softly as she left Hunter's arms and was placed on the chair, her smaller frame starting to tremble in the cold due to how little she was wearing and how warm it had been in his arms. Alexander simply sighed and nodded. "That I can understand. It is surprise, you are probably the first Saxon to fall in love, true love, in decades." He stood and walked over to Grace and gently picked her up and walked back to Hunter, offering him a hand. "Im not sure what Grace is, I long ago determined she wasnt human. She matured very quickly, this year being only her seventeenth and yet look at her. A woman in all regards. Her beauty pulses beyond her skin and figure. She looks only a little bit like her mother and nothing like her father. And she is pure, pure in a world we have fought so hard to taint."

IF Hunter rose, he would hand the bundled up ball that was Grace to him. "Never let her go Hunter, for if you do, you will never find someone else like her. Not in your life time, not in your children's or grand children's life time, and perhaps not even in my life time. She is one of a kind. Do whatever you can to protect her, and maintain her." If Hunter took Grace, then she would snuggle back into him and sigh softly. She was, at least, carefree in her dreams. Looking down at her now, she seemed like a single white gem placed atop a mount of black soot. So beautiful, so rare. "Tell me where to find Alex, and I shall seek him out and ask him if he wishes to join us." He said with a bow.


Serenity moaned and cried out as suddenly her breasts were being pleasured at the same time as her sweet pussy. "Ahhh! Master!" She moaned, leaning back and giving the tentacles better vantage points. the cute fairy moaned and whimpered, her trembling legs adorable as she shook gently with pleasure around her master's head. And then came the other tentacles. Serenity gladly took it into her mouth, kissing and licking first, taking it into her small hands and licking down its length before sucking on it, trying to use the skill Silvia had taught her.

Silvia herself could use the skill perfectly, and was. She kissed the tentacles and frenched it before taking it into her mouth and deep throating it. All the while she moaned and shivered with pleasure as the tentacles at her larger, pale breasts went to work, quickly erecting her nipples into hard points and flushing her breasts, making them firmer and larger. And even while this went on she and the tentacles thrust her up and down rapidly on Alex's cock, her walls holding him as tightly as ever, loving the attention and love from her one and only master.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Alex moaned as he felt the two girls' bodies, inside and out. Their tight, wet, sanctuaries, their large breasts, their soft, warm skin, their perfect bodies...It was amazing. He pulled his mouth from Serenity's pussy, and licked his lips, his face slightly covered in her juices. A tentacle moved out of his shoulder, and pushed into the fairy's pussy.

The tentacle was smaller than the others, made specifically for the small, adorable woman. He also had the tentacle fucking Silvia fuck her faster. He knew just where to fuck the girl, and he pounded upon her G-spot like a jackhammer.

"My little girls...So sexy. So perfect," he said as they were fucked.


Hunter did stand, and he took his lover into his arms. As Alexander spoke of what Grace was, he smiled and kissed her soft lips. "I know what she is...She is perfection. True, true perfection..." he whispered. "Alex's room should be right outside and nearby. I believe his name is labeled on the door. If he's not there, try Silvia's room."
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Serenity cried out softly as she felt the tentacle smoothly slide up unto her, and bit her finger cutely as she road the appendage, which was just thew right sizes for her. Silvia cried out in pleasure and it was clear that they were both about to cum, Silvia and Serenity reaching their limits. "Ahh! So good!" Serenity moaned for a moment before taking the tentacle back to her lips while Silvia continued to suck, fuck and pleasure her master.


Grace kissed back ever so slightly as Hunter kissed her, she was so precious, so beautiful, and so his. She was warm in his arms, and soft and comfy, and if given the choice, Grace would secretly choose Hunter's arms to the bed. Grace had given herself completely to Hunter, and then another aspect of her purity became clear to Hunter. She was so pure, so kind, and honest that even to a sinner like him, she was completely loyal to him. Already she trusted him with her life, her liberty, and her safety, and not just trusted, but fully trusted. Only a day ago Hunter had been trying to rape her, and she had been forced to guard herself at every waking moment that he was around him for her own protection.

And now she wore what he wanted her to wear with no complains, gave her virginity willingly to him, and rested everything she had in his arms with a trust that most could not attain without years and years of reliable service. The point was that she trusted Hunter as though she had always trusted him, it was something that the War Leader would have never experienced until now. Any Saxon in his arms would tremble with fear, any slave would not dare fall asleep, no one, not even Alexander, had ever given him such unconditional trust and even love.

And it was unconditional, Hunter would know this. Grace was fully into her role, she was a slave, and unless her purity was corrupted or shattered, she would keep her word and always be his slave. Hunter on the other hand was not bound by anything at all. He could act as Grace wanted, or truck her to believe he did, or simply openly show her that he was not interested in being her soldier, and would could even go so far as to attack an enslave her people. Grace was bound, he was not. But his every action and inaction would affect his most precious possession.

If he betrayed her, outright and brutally, or simply didnt keep to his deal, he would hurt Grace, wound her deeply and directly. She had no shields from anything he did to her, Grace's heart was bare before Hunter, and with his actions he could break it like a twig, or protect it. It was a wonderful, terrible thing. Hunter had so much control, so much that he would have to step lightly and measure his actions...or otherwise wound his prize irreversibly.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)