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In the Year 100X... (Crimson / Kyosan RP)
OOC: Crimson: *sticks his tongue out* It's not like I was hiding like some people. *tosses a rock into the bushes*

Zorromon: Ow, who threw that?! ....Uh-oh.


Ada chuckled a bit before telling him, "First, I think you should undo this spell on me, handsome. Somehow, I don't think the villagers will appreciate this form." She stretched her wings a little as she enjoyed the last few moments of her new reptilian power and body.

Crimson cleaned himself off before telling Kyo, "Ha ha ha, master. At least I didn't try to make it a wolf sandwich with you in the middle." He stuck his tongue out playfully before he agreed, "But yeah, I'm ready to go once I get my clothes back. I packed some of the treasure into this." He handed Kyo a small bag filled with a fair amount of gold coins.
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
"Hmm, good point pet, maybe that was a good idea." Kyosan seemed to agree, laughing for a moment before then addressing Ada. "Alright then. I'll undo the spell and we'll all get ready. We can take some of that potion with us as well, since it does a little more then just heal after all." Chortling gently, and giving Ada's draconian muzzle a light kiss, he then focused his mind again- the magic beginning to surround her again to change her back before jumping to his feet, and heading over to collect things from many of his draws and cupboards.
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
Ada sighed peacefully as she felt her body return to normal. "Ah. I miss being big, but it's nice having my senses back to normal. Thanks for letting me experience that, teacher." She then used her telekinesis to summon her clothes along with Crimson's. After getting her underwear and traveling robes on, she smiled as she clutched her simple staff. "All ready."

Crimson quickly dressed in his light tunic and pants before he grabbed a small pack and some containers to carry a good amount of the potion and some supplies. "Alrighty, I think we're all set, master."
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
With a flick of his finger, Kyosan managed to pull out from the wardrobe clothes of his own, before warping them onto his self. Grabbing a few pouches of equipment, he then slotted them all into a bag, before zipping it shut- the giant bag suddenly compressing in on itself before becoming that of what seemed to be the size of a money pouch, before handing it over to Crimson. "A little bit of alchemy goes a long way. This saves us quite a bit of space, drop it in with the bit of treasure." He smiled, before slowly stretching. "This day's going to knock me out for sure."
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
Crimson nodded, amazed by the properties of the alchemy bag. He set the small bag away with the treasure before he told him, "Don't worry, Ada and I will take care of you if it's too much to handle."

Ada nodded as her paw softly stroked Kyo's cheek. "Just try not to overdo it, hmmm. I'd hate to see you get hurt, handsome." She then followed the two towards the cavern's entrance.
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
"Well, it'll knock me out at the least. It requires a lot to cover up the cave, and," Kyosan paused as he stood near the cave's entrance, lookingonto them both gently and then smiling softly. "I'm... trusting in you both." He chuckled, before heading out into the bright daylight as he covered his eyes with his arm for a moment.
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
Crimson nodded as he followed along happily until they were outside. "Okay then. Well, we're ready whenever you are." He stood behind Kyo, ready to catch him.

"Exactly. Just cast the spell and try to fall back into our arms." Ada held out her paws as well, ready to help catch Kyo should he lose consciousness.
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
"Alright then. Get ready," Kyosan murmured, before stepping slightly back. He took a moment to sigh, before then suddenly ramming his claw heavily into the ground- burying up to his arm into the soil before a torrent of water seemed to flood up in a wave, washing over the cave as it slowly began to disappear and replace itself with that of a solid cliffside. Gritting his fangs as he continued the process, he soon entirely disguised the land that they had once been in, before smiling and pulling his arm out. "Up to you two now, I'm trusting in..." He murmured softly, before then suddenly the drain of the spell kicked in, the dragon grunting lightly before he collapsed backwards, into Ada's arms as he soon lost consciousness.
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
Ada caught him before she told Crimson, "Unroll on of the bed rolls, he needs a chance to rest before we travel to town."

"Well, I certainly wasn't going to carry him the whole way," replied Crimson with a chuckle before he prepared the traveling bed for Kyo.

Ada lowered him on softly before she sighed in relief. "Well, I think he'll be alright once he comes to."

"Hmmm, so what should we do while we wait for him to rise?" Crimson thought for a moment before he smirked. "Let's draw on his face."

Ada promptly cracked him over the head with her staff. "I don't think "drawing on his face" constitutes as responsible behavior."

"Neither does giving your brother a near concussion, but that doesn't stop you, does it?" Crimson groaned a bit as he looked for a pond or some water to soak his head and new lump in.
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
Almost half a day later, after the dragon's powerful spell had knocked him unconscious, his eyes slowly fluttered open, blinking weakly before murmuring. "Huh... where am I..." He groaned, shuffling slightly as he tried to pull himself to sit up, finding his strength still sapped away by the magic.
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds