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(A Zero and Silver Production) The Unforeseen Stay
Hunter was just about to try calling Mickal, when he remembered that he two was a Saxon. What if he heard that Hunter was now Grace's sword? He sighed and tried to think of something that could help. Perhaps he could try asking Alex for help? Or perhaps he could walk around, try to find someone else to help?

Hunter decided on the second idea, and with that, began to walk around, wondering if this walk was a hunt for allies, or merely to clear his head...


"Serenity, please! I won't sell you! I love you, and I would love for you to bear my child!" he said. "I do not WANT to sell you, I see no reason why I should! I love you, as I do all my slaves!" Alex yelled. He then looked at Silvia, hoping for some help. "Is there anyway we can make her listen? Do you think you can send what I'm saying directly into her mind? Seeing her like hurts me. I do not like it when those I love suffer..."

((I gtg Silver))
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Silvia shook her head. "I dont think that would be wise master...I think its best if we let her calm down on her own. She will eventually return to reality." She said, but if Alex ordered it, she would do whatever he asked. Serenity remained in the corner, trembling and shaking, crying all the while, her heart split in half by the memory of her two dead sons...her sons! Her children....The pain was almost unbearable and she began to turn gray with sorrow. "I..Im not sure whats happening to her master..." Silvia said softly as she watched the fairy turn stone gray.

But it stopped soon enough and Serenity began to cry normal tears again as she came back to her senses slowly. " master...just one...please...I will never ask for anything else...please...please let me...keep my babe..." She sobbed softly, her eyes closed as she flinched. In her mind she was being beaten off her child, the man punching her and kicking her until she passed out. She had tried so hard for her babe...she had taken so much pain...but she could never defeat her master.

As she slowly came out of it she looked up and more tears spilled from her face. "Master...can I...can I maybe ask for one thing? Please? didnt buy you wont lose any money...and Im and expense since Im a useless fairy...please master...just one thing?" If Alex said yes then Serenity's face would not light up, would not change at all. "Thank you m-master...can you kill me? Please master...its all I want...just...please...protect me from the pain...dont let it happen again...kill me dont even have to get up...ju-just order me t-to die...please order it master."

Silvia covered her mouth in horror at the fairy's request. Serenity wanted to die, so that she would not live through the pain of losing another child...of having it torn away from her. Alex knew it when he first saw her. She was scarred, and deeply so...but he may have failed to understand just how deeply Serenity had been scarred, just had badly the world had been to her. Serenity was perhaps the only person Alex knew, that would be able to take the run out of torture for Mike, who would find that everything he had done had been done worse to her, and the things he would have to do, such as kill a baby, were way to immoral and horrible, even for him.

(Night then)
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"No...No, I...I would never do that, Serenity!" Alex argued. "I love you, I do not want to hurt you, and I especially do not want to kill you!" he said. "Serenity, it's okay. We can have children, and we will both love them! You have my word, Serenity, that I would never knowingly hurt your or our children. I am more than your Master, I am your lover. Trust me on this," he begged.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Serenity slowly nodded her head slowly stood up. Suddenly the full brunt of how badly she had misbehaved hit her full in the face and she fell to her knees again, tears collecting in her eyes again. "I...Im sorry master...I dont deserve to even look at you." She said averting her eyes. "Your so kind to me and...and I misbehave...there is no excuse for that...Im so bad...I cant believe I..."

She hugged herself again and hated herself for being so disobedient and difficult. She crawled to the foot of the bed and knelled there. "Master...please punish this dumb slave for being such a horrible servant...I lost composure...stained your floor, made annoying and inappropriate to come when called...and didnt trust my most gracious master. Creatures as low as me do not deserve mercy the first time we are bad, much less the second...please punish me master...I am filthy with sin.

Alex was going to have to teach Serenity her own self value. Even Silvia could tell without mind reading that Serenity had been trained from birth to think of herself as the lowest and most disgusting creature in all of creation. It was why she felt ashamed when Alex loved her and why she treated herself so badly and stalked horribly about herself. She had no self esteem or sense of self worth at all, when she was in fact a diamond in the rough.


As Hunter walked, he would come by Alex's room, and hear the shouting and crying from out there. From the sounds of it, Alex had the fairy, and apparently the fairy's child in some kind of torture because she was crying and begging with a sorrow his trained ears had never before heard. It was chilling to think that the most despairing cries he had ever heard in his life were caused by someone who wasnt a Saxon.

He would also catch a faint but familiar scent that Alex had brought with him. The scent was weak, maybe untraceable, but unmistakable. Alexander was somewhere in the Tavern.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Hunter didn't want to interrupt whatever was happening in Alex's room, so he turned around and was about to just walk off before he froze like a statue. "Alexander?" he whispered in surprise. Alexander was the Champion of the Saxon Kingdom, and one of Hunter's closest allies.

He quickly blocked off all other distractions and senses, and quickly began sniffing the scent of his old friend. He quickly began running after it, hoping his old friend could help him.


"No...No...Serenity, get up, look up, at me," Alex said, and placed a hand on her shoulder. "Serenity, Silvia, and I both will be there for you. You have been a very good girl, and in return we will both love you."

"Serenity, whether you have my children or not, I love you. You are my fairy, my slave, my lover. I want to have kids with you, and Silvia. I want you both happy, with me, and I want to live long, happy lives together," he said. "Now please, stand up and look at me." If Serenity did, he would embrace her and hold her in his arms, and motioned for Silvia to join.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Alas, the scent was to weak to track accurately, and Hunter would be forced to look for his Champion. But then he may have finally noticed the other scent...the scent of Cassandra, the Brittinian queen. She was here as well, and she was a dangerous opponent.


Serenity slowly stood up and flinched as she was suddenly hugged by both Alex and Silvia. She gasped for a few moments before finally relaxing and returning the embrace. "Master....why are you so kind to me? I...I thought fairies were supposed to be treated like...fairies. Why are you so kind to me when no one else has ever been?" She asked softly, so confused and lost in the strange logic of kindness towards her kind.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Hunter wondered what to do. Try to find Alexander, or look for Cassandra? Seeing Alexander as a closer friend, and ally, he kept looking for him, but also kept a nose, eye, and ear out for the powerful queen. Considering he had no weapons on him, fighting her with be dangerous.


"Maybe to others, but not to me. You are one of my slaves, and you are a very good girl. As long as you are good, I will always love you, and I will always do my best to protect you," he whispered, holding her. "You're a very good girl, Serenity, and your past Masters were bastards and psychos to treat you so badly. I promise I won't be like them. Here, in Silvia, and my arms, you are safe, and you are loved," Alex promised, and kissed Serenity's cheek. "Silvia is always a good girl, and so I treat her like my lover, my daughter, my wife. If you are good, then you will be treated well, and I will love you both."
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Serenity began to cry softly again in their arms. "Im...Im happy master...I havent been happy...truly happy in so long...I cant even....remember..." She wept softly into his shoulder. "Im...Im loved...really loved...for real...for once...for the first time..." She trembled as she cried and tried to hug them back. "Thank you master...Im so happy you are my master.." She said softly.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"It is my pleasure, my dear Serenity," Alex smiled. "I would be proud to have you bear my children, and I hoep you will love them, as much as I love you. And Silvia, I hope you love them, like they were your own."

Don't worry, Silvia. You and I will have a beautiful child, someday soon
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Silvia nodded and smiled. She understood. Serenity would cry awhile longer and remain in Alex's arms for as long as she was allowed to be there. Never before had she been loved like this, and she never wanted to leave the warmth she now felt. Alex could do a great thing now. unlike what he did with Flare and nearly did with Angy, he now had a chance to, for once, help fix someone. To not break them down into a slave but raise them up into a person...or at least a loved slave. Serenity was so far bellow that it was painful to think about. She had lost children, her children, to her master and had been forced to breed with vicious doxies. And that was only the tip of the ice burg. Starved, beat, insulted and deprived of nearly all affection, Serenity was sick inside, she needed healing, she needed the love that she should have been receiving all along. Alex was now in a position to help her not only finally be loved, but finally see herself as something other than a hideous little tool fit only to suffer and serve. She was a person, a mother now, and Alex could make her feel that way. Could...but that didnt mean he would.


Hunter would suddenly catch Alexander's sent again as he neared the kitchen, and would find a piece of the Black Knights shoulder pad on the floor just outside. Inside the kitchen was a wreck, and Cassandra's scent was mingled with Alexanders. And blood had been spilled. Fallowing Alexanders scent trail, Hunter would find the champion near the hot springs, partially floating in the water, bleeding from a wound on his chest and hardly staying afloat as his unconcious body slowly bled out in the warm water.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)