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(A Zero and Silver Production) The Unforeseen Stay
Hunter slowly rose, and looked at Grace. "Hello, Princess," he smiled. "How do you feel? Need anything?" he asked as his stomach growled, but he ignored it. He simply looked at the perfect woman before him and smiled, finding her beautiful beyond belief.


Alex chuckled and looked at Serenity. "Turn that bastard into a bitch?" he wondered. If I've learned anything, it's that anything involving Mike is a risk. "I'll think about it. For now, I want to forget about all that trauma we just went through. Serenity, come here on the bed with me. Silvia, go into the closet and put on a bikini.. and dance," he commanded as the room grew and a stripper pole popped out of the ground. "And dance for Master, like the beautiful slut you are..." he said.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Grace nodded softly and lay her head back down, hugging Hunter more tightly. "Im...Hungry...can we get some food?" She asked, a little to timidly. "I...I need something to settle my stomach." she said, looking paler than normal. How long had it been since Grace had eaten anything filling? When was the last time Mike let her drink any water at all?


Serenity nodded and flew down gently, growing in size until she managed to reach five feet even and laid down next to her master, blushing cutely. "I-Im sorry master...I cant grow any bigger right now." she said softly, as she looked down at her own toes. She wanted to cuddle into his side but needed his permission to do so. Fairies were very affectionate creatures, and so they required allot of affection to maintain. Serenity had been deprived of the most basic of companionship for a long time, a simple hug or kiss on the head would make her heart weep with joy.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Alex suddenly pulled Serenity over to him, and sat her down his lap, where she could feel his slight erect rubbing against her. "Well Silvia? We're waiting," he smiled, before wrapping his arms around Serenity stomach as she sat on him, kissing her neck and moving one hand up to rub her left breast. "You're not afraid of me touching you, are you, Serenity?" he asked, remembering that he had never treated her in a sexual way since the simple blow job she gave one of his tentacles.


"Of course, Grace," he said, and looked at the bag he had, which had a few leftover fruit that he had fed Ren. He looked at Grace and gave her the bag. "Here are some leftovers, but I can go to the kitchen to fetch more food for you if you want," Hunter offered.

He was hungry as well, but he controlled himself as he took out an apple and held it near Grace's lips for her to bite it. He would eat when he knew Grace was full, and if need be he would leave to go collect more food for the perfect blond princess. His Grace...The Princess of Angelo Kingdom. Hmmm....King Hunter, Lord of the Angelos?

((Hey Silver, can I ask you a question? Which of our rps is your favorite? Just out of curiosity thing))
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
(Well, its switches around really, like for awhile I thought I was going to drop Animators, but I got back into it, and for awhile I thought I was going to drop The market, but its still going. Right now Im enjoying The unforeseen stay and I have high hopes for the market)

Serenity whimpered as she was suddenly pulled over and forced to straddle his lap. She closed her eyes and put her hands above her head, tears in her eyes as she expected to be given several blows to the head, but instead received a hug. She looked up at her master just as he began to rub her breast and kiss her neck.

"N-No no master." Serenity said, her heart still pounding in her chest. "Im...I like whatever you do to me." she said softly, and although that was her default response to the question, it was actually true at the moment. She hugged him back just a little, afraid out of her wit what he would do to her if he actually felt her hug him since most humans in her world thought of her as such a lowly creature that a hug from her was like hugging a rat. And she would be beat for it.

Still she risked it a little as she felt his hand rub over her breast and make her gasp as he manipulated her soft flesh from behind her green dress, which had grown with her. The more subtle things, like the kiss and the hug made her heart flutter and made her hope, truly hope that Alex would be a kind and loving master, where as others had tricked her just to crush her again.

Silvia blushed as she fumbled to dress herself in the Bikini and then stepped up to the pole, blushing as she did. Although Silvia was a beautiful creature and in shape as far as her race went, she was still a very physically weak creature. Still, with her psychic powers she could make herself weigh less and carry through with her moves despite her physical in inadequacies.

She began to dance for them on the pole, spinning and straddling it, graceful and beautiful as she did, using her powers to help her, making her glow slightly, which only added to her allure.


Grace opened her mouth to bite the apple but hesitated. She seemed afraid of it for a reason, and the reason was very easily defined given what she had been through. She remembered the first thing Mike had done tp her, he made her bob for apples, but she was not bobbing for apples, she was bobbing for gags, and she was tied up, and Mike would take her by the hair and thrust her head under the water and hold it their until she nearly drowned, let her catch her breath, and do this over and over until she finally caught one of the shiny red balls in her mouth.

The apple brought the memory back, and it pained her deeply. But Grace was strong and took a bite, chewing carefully and then swallowing. She did this until she finished the apple and then sighed. "Hunter...I dont know....I dont know what to think anymore." She said, hugging her knees and shaking a little. "I dont know..."
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Hunter watched as she ate and he gently rubbed her cheek. He listened to her cries, and continued to rub his furry hand against her cheek. "Grace...Talk to me, and I will try to help."

What he loved about Grace, other than her strength and beauty, was her purity. Her inability to truly hate, her willingness to sacrifice, and her pure, sweet kindness. If Mike had somehow broken that, had somehow tainted her purity... He didn't know what he would do. Would he still love her? Would he still be so willing to do anything for her? Would he abandon his kingdom, for her, if she was tainted? He didn't know...


Alex continued to kiss Serenity's lips, and grope her breasts. "You have a lovely body, Serenity. Just like Silvia," he commented. Come to think of it, both girls were alike. Both had a powerful potential, but due to slavery and sex, their bodies were weaken. Both had green hair, both were sexy, beautiful, and submissive, and both were his.

He ordered serenity to look at him, and when she did he kissed her lips, before pulling back and beginning to take her green dress off. As he did this he looked at Silvia, and Serenity could feel his cock grow. "Yes...Keep going Silvia. Rub yourself against the pole, touch yourself, image you and Master, his cock fucking your tight, wet, pussy."

When Serenity was undressed, he began to grope and play with both her tits, and made her look at him so he could kiss her lips, his tongue forcing itself into her mouth and exploring it.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Grace shook her head. "You...You sacrificed two girls to save me...thats terrible. They will suffer things I wouldnt have, because Mike admired my body to much to mar it...but not theirs. He will hurt them much worse than he hurt me....but...its so terrible....I dont...Im not angry at you..." Tars filled her eyes. "Im almost....almost happy...that Im not there was so" she broke down then into tears. Mike had tortured her in anyway he could and still not break the deal, and he was very very creative.

He had done so well that Grace was not angry at Hunter for sacrificing two girls for her, but at the same time she felt terrible inside, knowing that they would be treated even worse than her all for her freedom. And then she realized that she had saved one girl just to put two more in a worse position. She had not done well at all, she had caused suffering, she had caused pain...and she knew that if given the choice, she would not go back to Mike. And it tore at her heart like nothing else every could.

Perhaps this meant that Mike had tainted her purity, since she would not sacrifice herself a second time....or perhaps her purity was proven by the fact that she was breaking down and hating herself for it. Could it actually be that Mike's cruelty was one of the single things in the multivrse capable of overcoming Grace's purity?


Serenity blushed as she was complemented and groped. She felt so good, just to be in someones arms, holding and kissing her instead of pinning and beating her. As her dress rose up she lifted her arms to allow its removal and blushed cutely at her master. She bit her tongue but managed to stutter " you you really think Im....pretty? I mean, you dont have to! I dont! Im a I cant be as good as a human...but for a fairy, Im a...a little pretty?" Serenity was on the verge of tears just from the effort it took to ask that question. She couldnt remember the last time she had been complemented on all.

The five foot tall fairy trembled softly on his lap, looking up shyly at him and waiting for a verdict, just any verdict at all. "Y-You dont h-have to answer me though...." she added quickly, looking away. "Im...just...Im..." She wanted to say "Just curious" or something to that effect but that could not excuse her questioning her master. "Im sorry...please ignore me master." She whimpered, feeling as though she were already testing his patience. She was a slave almost all her life, and since she wasnt human, she was not treated well at all. So Serenity never asked for anything, never asked anything, never looked directly at her masters, and never questioned them at all. Anything less than this was a painful beating, which humans provided easily since they were so much larger than her.

(Silvia's dance will be continued in the next post. I will be back later, I need to go to the Doctors office)
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)

Alex suddenly kissed Serenity, silencing her. "You are very beautiful, Serenity, compared to a human or any other species." He then began to rub his erection against her pussy, as he licked her neck. "Your breasts are nice, and though they're not huge in size, they are a lovely size," he said as he squeezed and rubbed the two flesh orbs. "You're skin is soft, and you have this wondrous smell. I want you, Serenity, and I will have you."

He suddenly reached down and pulled down his pants, and his erection popped out, rubbing itself against Serenity's pussy. "Tell me, Serenity, has anyone had the honor of taking your virginity?" he asked.


"Grace..." Hunter whispered, and he placed his hand on her shoulder. "Grace, it was the lesser of two evils. I had to do it, your people need you, and...I love you. I truly, truly love you. When I was....forced to hurt Ren, she offered herself to a slave to me. But...I couldn't. I need you, Grace. You are the most beautiful, most amazing, wondrous, perfect beings I have ever met. Grace, I know I don't deserve you, but I need you. I promise, we'll find a way out of this Tavern, we'll go back to our people, and when we do it I....hope you can find it somewhere in your heart to love me back," the wolf sighed, petting her head. "I know it hurts to think about it, but many people need you, more than people needed the two girls. The lesser of two evils, my love...."
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Serenity blushed and kissed back timidly when she was kissed, falling into it almost instantly. She looked at him with shy eyes as he told her she was beautiful, compared to any race. She felt her face heat up and she covered it out of embarrassment. "Master..." she said softly as he continued to describe her perky BB cup breasts, just under a C, her soft skin, strange in that it was so smooth it seemed almost pourless, and her scent, which smelled mildly like cherries at the moment.

She moaned softly as Alex licked her neck and rubbed her breasts, the touching and foreplay was more than she was used to. She pressed herself against him for a few moments and then pulled back with a blush. As small creatures, Fairies naturally liked to be held and stroked, particularly softly on the head. It made them so happy.

Silvia spun on the poll, her puss barely covered in the thin cloth of her bikini, grinding against the metal of the poll. She stopped while facing them, behind the poll and moved up and down sensually, dancing while grinding on the poll and slipping it between her breasts, allowing it to press firmly against her hard nipples as she danced for her master.

When Alex questioned her virginity she looked down and shame and nodded. "My past masters...some of them used me to..rightfully used me to release sexual tensions...and they bred me with Doxies once....Im...Im afraid I am far from untouched master." Serenity bit her lip and looked at him. Normally she would have ducked her head and covered her fragile skull with her hands, since every time she broke the news to a new master wishing her for themselves they ALWAYS took it out on her, as if it were her fault. But Alex was different, she hoped he was anyway. She trusted him enough to not flinch away...not just yet at least.


Grace shook her head and hugged herself tighter as Hunter spoke. He then proclaimed his love for her, and she was not that surprised. She had seen his room, and his actions showed that he was at least obsessed with her. But she found comfort in that now. She whimpered softly and cried a little more, edging closer to Hunter and leaning against him for support, both physical and mental.

"Its...Its wrong...Mike...why does he do such things?" She asked no one in particular. "He...He is going to make those girls wish they were never born." She said sadly with a grim certainty. "Please...Hunter, I know about the deal you made with him...could you please check on them? Just...check?" Grace wanted him to do so much more but she knew he couldnt, or wouldnt. "Just let them...let them know they are still in our thoughts...that we havent completely abandoned them...not yet."
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Hunter embraced the hug and savored it, smelling her, and being tempted to rip off any clothes they had and take her. But he resisted. When he heard her plea for him to go and see Ren and the girl Alex brought, he quickly nodded, obedient to her wish.

"But you must do something for me. Do not leave this room, do not go anywhere. Just stay here, and rest," he ordered. He then stood up and walked to the door, but stopped and looked at her. "Do you want to get you anything while I'm out?" he asked.

Once Grace answered, he began his trek to Mike's room, and when he got their, knocked on the door, and awaited to be let in.


Alex's cock grew harder when he saw Silvia squeeze the pole with her breasts, but Serenity could notice the man become upset when he heard of her virginity being taken. He frowned and hugged her tightly and kissed her neck. "Poor girl...." he said. "Don't worry, you're with a good Master now. Silvia. If you don't have any more amazing moves to show us, come here and give your fellow slut a kiss. Show her she is safe with her Master and fellow lover," he commanded.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Grace told him that she could use some water, and that he should get something to eat while in the kitchen. In truth, she was not all that thirsty, the juice from the apple had not quenched her, but helped a great amount. She simply wanted Hunter to go get something for himself, she knew how hungry he was.

Down in the dungeon a voice echoed and said "Enter." As Hunter opened the doors, he would find that Mike was in a chair next to the door, scrutinizing his latest work of art. Flare and Ren were both bound together, back to back, with their arms tied to a hook above their heads. Ren wore a blind fold like before, and Flare had a gag that made her drool helplessly onto her chest. They both sat with their tails tied to their collars so that their butts were completely unprotected and they both hang over a metal plate, and bellow them on the sides were two automated spanking machines. Both Ran and Flare were holding their legs up, trembling from the exertion since hunter could only guess for how long they had been hanging there like that.

Ren, whos legs were already injured, whimpered and dropped one for a moment, letting it rest against the metal plate for just a moment. Right away, Flare's spanking machine began to spank her hard and fast and she cried out and screamed. Ren sucked in a breath and pulled her leg back up, and the spanking ceased, but Flare had lost her concentration and her legs dropped right afterward, causing Ren's spanker to activate and spank ren several times before Flare was able to pull her legs up. They fumbled around with the balance for awhile before finally they were back to where they started, whimpering as they struggled to keep their legs up.

"What do you think? I call it, "shared pain"." Mike said with a smile as he watched. "One of them could rest and try to force the other into submission so that at least only one of them would be suffering while the other rested, but they insist on trying to defy me like idiots. Team work will get them nowhere here." "Shut the fuck up!" Ren screamed, nearly dropping her legs from the effort. "Shut up! We are not toys! We are people!" She screamed, her blind fold wet with tears. "So what do you want?" Mike asked Hunter, ignoring Ren altogether.


Serenity gasped as she was hugged and kissed. "Y-You not mad at me?" She asked in a small voice. Silvia was then on the bed with them, and she began to kiss Serenity's neck from behind as they sandwiched her. Serenity gasped as the gentle kisses covered her neck and back, feeling pleasure where before there had been only pain. "Th-thank you master...thank you so much..." She whimpered as little serenity fell to tears, never having known any gentle treatment from her masters.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)