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(A Zero and Silver Production) The Unforeseen Stay
Flare thought for a moment but shook her head. "Not that I can remember. Im looking for my friend Rain, she's gone missing and Im starting to worry." She said, still tugging a little at his tentacle. "Um...can you let go if my wrist please? Im not going to just run away." She said timidly.

The woman he had captured growled out something in a different language but relaxed. She then said, in a somewhat cobbled together accent, "I will not attack if you release me now. But I will come for you if you are responsible for this." She waited, being very still as she did.


Ren moved her head away. "Please...dont. There has to be another way...please dont." She begged him, knowing that although his touch was soft for now, it would not remain that way for long. "Please Hunter, you are a warrior, cant you understand why I cant give up? Why I must die fighting?" But despite her words, it was clear that Ren was at her limit, she could only keep fighting for so much longer before she was forced to submit by her own sense of self preservation. Unfortunately, that might still mean breaking her arms.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Yes, yes, yes. Fine," Alex sighed and released the woman. "Now run along," he said. He then looked at Flare, and her arm and said, "A precaution. Then do you know a man named Hunter? He looks half like a wolf, but stands on his own two feet. Black vest, talks about his Great Saxon Kingdom...?"


"Heh...Do you know what it feels like to be in love? I would do anything for Grace, and....that scares me. Because I am putting everything, my kingdom, my responsibilities, everything about me, behind Grace. She comes first. She has me under her finger. Somehow...that perfect being made me her servant...." Hunter growled, and he was obviously upset at the thought of being the Princess's slave. "I am Hunter! WAR LEADER OF THE GREAT SAXON KINGDOM...! And here I am, a slave to a Princess...Is that irony?" he wondered, talking to himself, or Ren.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
The woman growled, grabbed her club and smashed Alex's tentacles, those that were still around her, and then began to walk away. Flare flinched at her actions but after she left continued to think. "Oh wait, I remember now! Hunter is looking for Grace isnt he? I was helping him find her, me and Rain, but then he disappeared and Rain disappeared." She said sadly. "Now Im all alone."


Ren shuddered. "But...why cant there be another way? Your not even trying to beat Mike, your just giving in to him! Your a leader, your a warrior, between the two of us we should be able to think of something!" Ren insisted, though she didnt actually have any idea on what to do, since Hunter had to protect Mike. She moved a little and winced as pain shot up her legs, looking at Hunter with pleading eyes.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"If I try to fight Mike, then I will suffer. I will be hurt. It would do more harm than good. Not to mention what he could do with Grace if I tried to go against him...." Hunter whispered. "Now, Ren, for your sake, accept Mike as your Master," he sighed, and slowly reached for her legs again.


"So you do know him," Alex smiled. He then sighed and looked at her sadly, the tentacles pulling back. "Hunter has found his lover, Grace, but an evil man, Mike, has taken her prisoner, and will only return her, if we give him two women in return, as his...playthings," he explained. He then looked at Flare, and placed an hand on her shoulder. "Will you be willing to sacrifice yourself, for Grace and Hunter? I promise, before you go to Mike, I will do my best to make you as happy as can be! Your favorite food, I will make, a wonderful bath, and anything else I can give you to make you happy sacrifice your freedom to Mike."
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
"W-Wait! Not just yet!" Red begged with tears in her eyes. Her leg twitched a little as Hunter reached for it, but could not move. "Please...stop..." Ren choked out as she watched in terror as his hand drew closer to her shaking leg. Her toes clenched and she closed her eyes, tears spilling out as she did.

(Am working while posting so I will only post in one RP for now)
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
((Alright, but I gtg later. Also, edited above post))

"You know what will stop me, Ren," Hunter said, holding his hand just above her leg. Grace....I hope you find it in your heart to forgive me, and love me, if you ever find out about the things I did for you..... he looked into Ren's eyes, pleading eyes meeting pleading eyes. He did not want to cause her more suffering, he just wanted Grace. In a way, Ren was a lot like himself. Willful, strong, and powerful....
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
(How much later?)

Flare shivered for a moment as she tried to take in the words. "Sacrifice? L-L-Like he is going to kill me?" She said, clearly frightened with her ears down as she tried to shy away from Alex. "I...I dont want to die...cant you just catch me instead? I thought that was what humans did." She whimpered, not understanding what he was trying to say. To a pokemon, all Alex was saying was that he was going to catch her and then trade her to another trainer, which was common in her world. but he added words like sacrifice and made it sound so deadly it made her think differently. "Dont you have a pokeball?" She whimpered.


Ren said nothing and kept her eyes closed. "Please...dont do it Hunter." She begged him softly. "I cant submit, I cant submit. You wouldnt understand, you havent been through what I have been through, you havent seen what I have seen. Please...we have to find some other way." She whimpered, trying to buy herself some time at least.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
((Half an hour, I'm leaving))

"I'm sorry, but no, I don't," Alex said. "Look, Mike, he....won't kill you," the boy said. "He'll....He'll make you his slave. He'll fuck you, and hit you, and treat you badly, if you are bad. But he'll do the same to Grace, if you don't help us! Hunter loves Grace, and he doesn't want that to happen. Imagine if you had someone you loved, and they were taken from you, and would soon be tortured if you did not give the man two slaves! Please, you have to help!"

((Come to think of it, does Alex have a Pokeball for Silvia?))


Hunter grabbed Ren's leg and looked at her. "I'm sorry," he sighed, and was just about to break it when he stopped, an idea suddenly forming into his head. Mickal, do you have anything that could tame Ren's will? he asked.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.

Flare paled a little. "But why is he mean? I can be a good pokemon! I can learn to fight well and I would be a loyal...and what is Fuck?" Flare clearly had no good understanding of human language or behaviors, and that would probably just make it easier for Alex to train her and give her to Mike, unless he just kept telling her how horrible it would be to do this. Flare was very innocent. she had grown up in the wild and watched human and pokemon from afar. Trained pokemon didnt seem to be treated that bad, and they were always fed had had lots of friends. She always thought she wouldnt mind being a humans pokemon...until now.


Mickal was not quick to answer but eventually said, Tame a will? Magically and instantly you mean? Well, I cant make anything willingly turn into a slave, but I do have a particular jeweled collar that will force her to obey orders and act kind and submissive. Its called a queen's truth I was saving it for Grace in the case that you could not woo her and still wanted her. Should I give you this collar?
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)