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(A Zero and Silver Production) The Unforeseen Stay
To grab Ren's arms, he would have to flip her around onto her stomach to reach them since they were tired behind her back. "No...please Hunter...." She begged him softly, her face in the covers. "I dont want to be a humans slave...please...dont make me like so many others of my race...I dont want to fall from grace...I dont want to be a slave to a monster." She looked up at him as much as she could from his position and her hands were shaking with fright, the tender fur and flesh under Hunter's fingers quivered with fear.


The woman was fast, even for a fast person, and jumped back several steps so that they would all come towards her from the front. She then smashed them, all of them, with her club, crushing all the tentacles that had not pulled back. Now however, with her club down, she was vunrable for a few seconds, only one or two, but if Alex kept track and had another attack left in him, he might be able to get one in at her.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Hunter closed his eyes, and sighed. He was a murderer, yes. A killer. But he took no pleasure in this kind of torture. He was a man of honor, and yes, he sexually tortured women, but he always felt they would turn around and accept their new roles as sluts. He never wanted to look into the eyes of those he killed, atleast, not the children or innocent. Soliders...He could kill them, but to look into the eyes of a tortured, innocent soul...That was not easy.

"Last chance, Ren. No matter what you say, I will not accept you as my slave. I want only Grace, and you are not her. Now...your last chance before I break your arms," he said, closing his eyes. "Who is your Master...?"


Alex was not a normal man. He ran as fast as his body could take him, knowing full well the risk of him being killed by the club at any second. He pulled back his fist, and threw it at the woman's face, intending to knock her out with one, good, powerful punch.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Ren whimpered softly and closed her eyes, saying nothing. She didnt want to give up, she didnt want to be a slave, she didnt want to be a humans slave, much less Mike's! But Hunter was not giving her much of a choice. She would either submit...or it looked like he may kill her. She didnt want to be a slave! This is what Ren told herself over and over as she remained quite save for soft whimpering. "Please Hunter...there has to be....another way." She begged him softly.


His punch landed, hitting her right on the forehead, but it did not end like he had hoped. The woman had seen his punch and knew she would not be able to block it in time, so instead of shying away from it, she lowered her head and headbutted his punch. The result was a headache for her, and three broken knuckles for Alex. She had also released the club and as soon as the punch connected, her arms reached up and grabbed Alex's arm, throwing it out wide as she drove her other fist hard into his stomach, driving up to knock the air out of him.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"There isn't..." Hunter whispered as his grip on her arms tightened. "Just say it, Ren! Just accept him as your Master! Do it, and I'll heal you!" he yelled. "Just do it!" he commanded.


"AH!" Alex screamed as he grabbed his hand, and looked at her, before suddenly being punched in the gut. "Damn it!" he screamed, before tentacles suddenly shout out of his back and tried to attack the woman. If they failed, a much smaller tentacle slithered out of his right hand and wrapped itself around the woman's leg, tightly.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
"No! I cant!" Ren yelled back. "Dont you know how it feels? When you just cant do something?! When your very programing says you cant?! I cant! I cant submit! I cant let a human be my master! Never again! NEVER AGAIN!" She screamed, not struggling as she broke down into tears. "Please...just break my arms and leave me alone..." She begged him, wanting to just crawl into a corner as her natural powers healed her. She hoped he didnt know about those, and even if he did it probably wouldnt matter much. Ren would start starving before she healed everything.


The Tentacles actually managed to get her, warping around her waist, arms and legs. But she also go a hold of him. Her hands grabbed his head and suddenly her fingers were digging into his skull painfully. "Release me or I will crush your head with my bear hands." She said, not bluffing. "You cant restrain me before your brains end up on the wa-" Suddenly she paused and was frozen. Serenity hung out of Alex's pocket, exhausted and pale. "I-Im sorry I couldnt cast that faster master." She panted. "Its...its not an easy thing to do." the woman was paralyzed, but her fingers were firmly entrenched into his skull, it would take some work to get loose.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Hunter looked at the Renamon, before sighing. He released Ren's arms and turned her over and pulled a fruit and held it up to her mouth. "Are you strong enough to chew it?"


"Good...job....Serenity," he groaned as he slowly pulled out of the woman's painful grip. He sighed, and suddenly unleashed a wave of tentacles on her, tying her up. "Why is it this place is filled with super powerful beings?" he though aloud as his tentacles wrapped around the woman's body, not once, not twice, but four times, until she was completely covered by four layers of tentacles, with the only place not captured was her head. The tentacles squeezed her body to the point of almost crushing her. "Won't Angy be happy," he said.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Ren growled a little but took a bite and chewed it slowly. "What...What are you doing?" she asked him softly with a half full mouth. She took another bite, unable to help herself. After swallowing she waited for him to answer, not convinced that that he would not break someones arm over something like Grace.


The spell disappaited and the woman began to struggle, hard. Alex could feel her within his tentacles and see her as she fought to escape. She was not going to be even half easy to break, and no where near easy to restrain. Serenity saw this to and looked up at Alex. "Are you sure?" she asked timidly. Just then, behind them, Flare walked out from behind them, whistling softly with a towel over her shoulder. Searching around for her friend Rain, she had decided to check the hot springs a few times. She was somewhat wet, naked as always, and cute with her fluffy red fur, blue eyes and innocent demeanor. She saw what was in front of her and tilted her head slowly before walking backwards the way she came.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Alex looked down at Serenity, before hearing Flare behind him. He looked at Flare, and then at the powerful woman. Whoever the Pokemon was, she would probably be easier to control then this brutal warrior woman. He suddenly shot more tentacles at Flare from his hand, intending to catch grab her leg with them, or any limb for that matter. "We need to talk," he said.


"You can't die," Hunter simply said. "We'll continue this little session after you've rested. I have no intention of stopping. I must have Grace back, and you will not stop me."
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Flare let out a little scream as a tentacles wrapped around her wrist and, instead of being forced to go to him, she walked back to him, hurried on by the tentacles. "OK, OK, Im here, OK?" she said as she reached Alex, her wrist a little sore form the sudden tug. "I just...I dont like getting involved in fights, thats all." she said looking at the furiously bound woman before her. "W-what do we need to talk about?" She asked, her ears down.


Ren groaned but took another bite, and then another until finally all the fruit was gone. She groaned a little, she didnt like fruits and veggies, but it was the best she was going to get. "Im not going to be a human's slave Hunter." She said as strongly as she could muster. "I...I cant. Mike is a horrible man, and he is a human. More than half of my kind has been enslaved by a humans...I cant let myself be captured by him."
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Hmmm...." Alex looked at the woman and said, "If I put you down, do you promise not to attack me? I did not bring you here, I am no wizard, or sorcerer, I am but a man. So leave me alone, okay?" Her mouth was uncovered by tentacles, so she could talk in return.

He then looked at Flare, and thought about what to do. "...Do you know someone by the name of Grace? Long blond hair? Very beautiful? Very nice?"


"You will be his slave, Ren. I will break you into it," Hunter said. "I will break your resistance," he whispered, as he gently pet Ren's head. "I have to...."
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.