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(A Silver and Zero production) Fallen
Silvia's eyes suddenly widened. "Wait, why do you say that?" She asked fearfully. "P-Please dont go...please..." her eyes filled with tears, but she was to timid, to shy to force anything on anyone, or do much at all. If Alex was going to leave her, she would be powerless to stop him. "Alex...Alex please dont leave...not like everyone else...I love you." she whispered sadly, thinking she had offended him. the very thought made her heart ache horribly, and it showed on her features. "Please...I would rather be your slave then have you leave me..."


The Dojo, though silent, was full. Everyone one was on the ground, their legs crossed and silent as they stared at the back of their own eyelids. "We are meditating." Said a voice next to Alex. Looking down Alex would see Alexander sitting next to him, the same as everyone else. He had erased his presence so thoroughly that, until he talked, he might not have existed at all.

"Have you decided?" He asked him. still not opening his eyes.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Um....Yeah...Uh. I'd like to learn how to fight....Um..." D stuttered, and looked at everyone. Weird....Really....really....Weird his mind said. "Um...Do you guys do this, everyday?" he asked.


"Silvia, I love you. I want you, for the rest of my life. I could care less for the rest of the world, as long as I have you. Lover, slave, either. I love you. I adore you. I want you with me," he whispered, and he then laid his hand on her stomach. "And if you want....we can add a child into our lives?" he whispered, and kissed her lips, gently.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Alexander nodded. "In order to fight, you must be able to clear your mind and calmly focus on the problem at hand. Cleansing your thoughts allows you to learn faster, act quicker and make effective decisive movements. If someone aims a punch for your face, you can do more than dodge or block, you can break your opponents arm with only a little effort, if you can think fast enough." Alexander opened his eyes and began to stand. "If you want to learn how to defend what is precious to you, this is the right place." He picked up a small brown package he had next to him. "Here, put this on." He said, pointing him towards the locker rooms. Inside the bag was a Uniform for him to put on. "Then join us out here. We meditate twice so its OK for you to miss the first part, just hurry and dont miss the second part." He looked at Aurora and pointed towards some empty benches on the side. "You can sit there, just please do not interrupt the class." Aurora nodded and looked at D, worried about him.


As Alex laid a hand on her stomach Silvia shivered and placed a hand gently over his. "I only want to be with you, forever. To be your lover, to be your woman. I wouldnt even care if you did bad things to me or cheated on me, all I want is to be close to you. Please, if it will keep you with me, then I will have a hundred of your children." She looked at him longingly, not wanting him to leave, praying he wouldnt leave her there on his bed with a broken heart.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Alex smiled at Aurora and kissed her cheek, before walking to the locker rooms. A few minutes later, he walked out in his new get up and walked over to Alexander. This outfit is itchy! And we couldn't spring for shoes? he thought as he sat down near the ground and looked at them. He sat down a grunted a bit as he twisted his legs into Indiana sitting position, and closed his eyes. Clear my mind.... he thought, before Aurora suddenly popped in his brain. Aurora my mind....Aurora my mi-OH GOD DAMN IT! "Uh...Alexander? Er...Sensai? How exactly do I clear my mind?"


Alex smiled and kissed Silvia's nose. "I'll never leave you, Auora. I love you," he said, and suddenly began to make love to his girl faster, his cock going in and out of her, and picking up speed, as he licked and kissed Silvia's flesh.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Alexander grinned and shook his head. "I think our second session will make it easier for you to cleanse your thoughts. Stand, we are starting our warm up. After that we will have our second meditation." As he said this everyone stood and got ready. Although Alexander said warm up, and one who knew him or his class knew that warm up meant pain, lots of it, and none of it from punches.

"All right, everyone ready?" He asked the class. "Yes Sensai!" the responded. "We are going to take it a little easier this time around for some of our new members. Twenty spider push ups, ten on each leg! Go!" Everyone dropped and started doing as instructed, some getting all the way to ten on each side while most came up short. D would normally be among those first to fall, but half the reason Alexander allowed Aurora to watch was so D would be pushed like never before. Could he really come up short with her watching him? Could he let so many other pass him up? Maybe, but Alexander was sure he would try earnestly to do his very best with his girlfriend watching.

"OK, ten second rest!" He declared. Those ten seconds pass far to quickly. "OK, everyone, lay flat on your back. when I so go, lift your legs five inches off the ground and hold. Ready?" Another YES SENSAI, followed and he yelled "Go!" And the real pain began. Although Spider man push ups were hard, at least moving allowed you to distract yourself. With just the pain on your abs from supporting your legs weight, and no movement to distract you, the burning was worse than before. And what was worse, Alexandr waited until half the class had dropped until he called for a ten second rest. If D made it with half the class was up to his determination.

Things continued like this for half an hour more. Long, painful stretches, grueling form of exercise and short little rests. By the end of it, D and more than half the people in the room would be in tons of pain and utterly exhausted, but ,for those who stuck it through as much as they could, they would feel a sense accomplishment and wore their pain as a sort of badge of honor. Even more so, as Alexander allowed them to sit on the mat and rest, their sore bodies would feel twice as alive and the pain would fade in only a little while, though the fatigue would be much much more stubborn.


(Aurora my love?

Silvia: Gasp* Your cheating on me!?)

Silvia moaned loudly and rocked her hips against his, wanting to feel every second of their time together. "Ohh...Alex....I love you...Make me yours..." She begged softly, wanting to be his, to belong to Alex so that he would know that she loved him more than anything. Silvia'e sweet, pure voice filled the room with her moans and as her orgasm built up she couldnt help but reach up and kiss Alex as her final moments neared. She wanted this to be perfect, and she hoped Alex did to.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
((Alex: NO! And besides, you said I could....(He suddenly grabs her and kisses her, silencing her))

D groaned as he did spider push ups, and his body felt like exploding. He groaned in pain as he fell down, only able to six spider push ups, three on each leg. He groaned and looked up and saw Aurora watching. He let out a small grin and a thumbs up before trying again, this time going to ten spider push ups before falling again, and looking dead.

When everyone yelled out Yes Sensai, after the ten second break he groaned and said, "No sensai...Ahhh..." he groaned, as he lifted his legs up and kept them there. He looked like he was about to start crying, but he did surprisingly well, almost making it to the end, but he soon fell, just like the other half of the class. "This...was....a.....horrible....idea...." he groaned as he laid on the ground, dead.


Alex kissed her neck, and face and soon he was thrusting into her at amazing speeds. He looked into her eyes, and heard her cute moans and cries, and heard her tell him she wanted to be his. "I love you, Silvia. I will be yours forever, for as long as you want me. I won't let anyone hurt you," he said, before kissing Silvia's lips, and letting out a muffled moan as his seed shot into her body.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
At the same time Silvia came and her pussy held fast to Alex's cock, moaning all the while and kissing him timidly. She could feel his warm seed surge up into her stomach and began to take root, she could almost feel the new life within her. "Alex..." She moaned softly, half closing her eyes. Silvia was not very strong and tired easily and the after glow of sex often put her to sleep. She yawned cutely, still hugging Alex and laid his head against her breasts when he pulled out of her and fell into a light sleep.


Alexander walked up next to him and smiled. "Dont give up, that was the hard part, the rest is easy be comparison." He then turned to the rest of the class and said "Meditation, five minutes, start when ready!" Almost all of them went right into it, crossing their legs and closing their eyes. If D did the same then Alexander would tell him something. "If you want to clear your mind, start with this. By now your body is full active. Every vein is pumping with blood, every muscle awake and working, every bit of your heart pumping. Feel it beating within you, the resounding sound of your very life at its peak, and match your thoughts to it. Match it all to the constant and stead beat of your heart, and your mind will fall into peace."
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
D groaned and looked up at Alexander. "Thanks, Yoda," he sighed. He laid on the ground for a few seconds, before sighing again and slowly getting up. Oh great plan, Daniel! Get yourself into the The Gym of Gore. The Workhouse of Woe. The Dojo of Destruction. The Building of Badness. The Structure of Stress. The Place of Pain. The Home of Hate. The-

SHUT UP! a voice in D's head ordered.

"Okay...My heart...My heart...Bump...bump...bump...bump..." Bump....bump....bump....bump...bump....bump...bump his mind continued, with nothing but the sound of his heart in his head.


Alex kissed Silvia's nose and pulled the blanket on them both. "I love you," he whispered, and kissed her lips once more, before holding her in his arms, and the two falling asleep, side by side...
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
As Alex listened to his heart beat, and his mind aligned with it, he could begin to feel every action in his body. His breathing as it slowed down, his heart as it beat, his blood as it flowed through him, replenishing him. He could even feel his muscles, tingling with exercise and energy as blood flowed into them, making them stronger and larger, if only by a few mili inches. and his mind last track of time, and eternity of peace passed and there was only calm. The work out released natural endorphins into his brain, when caused the feeling of supreme calm and even pleasure. Combined with his meditation, it allowed his mind to reach a level of peace he could only have experienced while dreaming.

And then, all to soon, it was over. "Everyone up, meditation is over." Alexander said calmly, and the calls began to rise to their feet. D's world came back, not in a flash, but slowly as his mind was moved back the present times. "Now we get to what you all came here for." Alexandr said, taking his place in the front. "Kick boxing!" He showed them the basic stance, and some basic punches. "No kicks today, first you learn to box." He said. He came over to Alex and adjusted his stance a bit. "You want your rib cage covered so keep your arms in tight, and when you punch, dont pull back, it gives you away and slows you done. You dont want them to see it coming."

After a half hour of practicing the actual martial art, the class ended. "Good work everyone, I expect you all back here tomorrow at the same time." He took at towel and wiped his head before looking at D. "Good job by the way. Keep this up and no one will want to mess with you ever again. And, no one will have the right to be jealous of you if your fit and dangerous. Oh and get ready, the first week is the hardest, tomorrow your going to feel this work out." He patted D on the shoulder and then turned around, heading for the showers.

Aurora came up and hugged D hard. "Wow! Your so good D! You didnt give as much as some of the big people!" She cheerfully, hugging his arm tightly.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
A smile grew on D's face as he felt the wonderful peace. He thought he could see Aurora and him, kissing and each other's arms. Happy, strong, and living the perfect life. And like that, it slipped away.

D looked at Alexander and sighed, before standing up and taking a rather badly done stance. He let Alexander help him with it, and tried to throw a punch, and he did, though it was flawed, it still would have hurt if it hit someone. Sweat fell from his head as they did this for half and hour and he watched Alexander compliment him. "T-t-t-t-thanks," the nerd gasped, before falling on his butt. He tried to catch his breath, before Aurora suddenly hugged his arm, causing his sorearm a wonderful, painful, shock. "Thanks, Aurora!" he said, before pulling his arm back and kissing her cheek. "Let's go home, okay?" he smiled.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.