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(A Silver and Zero production) Fallen
"OK." Aurora said as she marked that one up as well. So they had painting and Clay molding, if Alex could think fo a few other things then they would have a list to check out and might even find her club faster the he thought.


Silvia blushed and hugged Alex tightly when he asked her. "I love you." She said softly, holding him as close as she could, her breasts pressing into his chest as she lay her head against him and took in his scent. Silvia was far to shy to break up with anyone, but that was not the reason she hung out with Alex. The reason was because Silvia hardly thought of herself as a person, at least not when she was all by herself. She was very weak willed, and physically weak as well, which made her easy to manipulate and she had been raped before, and in various ways.

Of course, sweet Silvia would never tell anyone, and would never protest. She was not a slut, she was just weak. But Alex completed her. When she was with him she felt a little stronger, she felt like she was whole. Even when Alex did these things to her, she would rather he strip and whip her in front of the whole school then leave her.

Alex did more than just protect her, he was special to her and only her, and she wanted it to be like that forever. so the shy girl held him tightly and guided one of his hands back to her cute butt and hiked up her dress a little for him. "Alex, please, never leave...and never doubt that I love you more than life." She whispered, kissing him softly on the lips and pulling back. Silvia was a person to be controlled, told what to do, and the only person she wanted to fill that role was Alex.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
D looked at any other clubs, and found a choir club. "How about singing?" he smiled, pointing at the club name. "Choir is about singing in groups. You know singing, right?" Daniel said. "Making music with your voice," he explained, just in case.


"You have my word," Alex whispered, he said, and licked her cheek. "Let's get to class, now, and maybe after school you and I can find somewhere private to show, just how much we love each other," he growled, as he squeezed Silvia's ass again, his other hand rubbing her breast through her clothing, before he pulled back both of his hands.

Alex and Silvia were lucky enough to share most of their classes, and the few classes he didn't share with her, he usually skipped out of his classes, just to keep an eye on his girlfriend.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
"Oh! I know Choir!" She said. She had heard singing also on T.V.. So now they had three clubs to look into, Painting, Clay molding, and Choir. Alex could head over whichever he wanted first, there was no real rush.

(Would you like me to skip ahead with a description of each club?)
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
((Edited my above post, and sure. You make description, or me? Or do you want to split the classes between us?))
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
The two of them were very very busy that period, checking with the three clubs they had chosen. First was painting, which had gone of relatively well. Aurora was not overly talented, but she could learn with practice, at least that was what the very handsome Captain said when he saw her art. Charles Defont, a lady killer if ever their was one.

His waist length raven hair, flawless skin, gorgeous green eyes, clean shaven face and toned yet slim body made him seem more like a model then a painter. But no one could deny his talent, which was surpassed only by his love of chasing beautiful women, who usually didnt resist the chase at all. He had taken special interest in Aurora, offering to pay for her entry if she would allow him to use her as the subject of some of his works of art.

Aurora had been thrilled, completely ignoring all the subtle hints he threw her way, being far to naive to notice them. This seemed to only make Charles even more determined to do the obvious, perhaps seeing her as the first challenge he had ever truly faced since she clearly was not responding to him. D would have no problem leaving Aurora here, and Charles, despite his ways, was protective of women and had many girls (actually almost all girls) in his club so she would not be hounded by any guys. It was great if D could over look the obviously more handsome and debonair artist trying to win Aurora's heart.

Next was Clay molding, which was also run by a guy. His name was Fredrick Tossle, a British transfer student who the women just ate up. He was not particularly handsome, certainly not made of the same stuff Charles was, but he was good looking on his own right. His blue eyes suited his short brown hair strangely well and his broad figure didnt seem as brutish as it should have. Mostly though, the whole attraction came from him being foreign. Luckily, Aurora only found the way he spoke funny.

He did not have eyes for Aurora like Charles had, since he already had a girlfriend at he moment, but that didnt mean he didnt have eyes for her. What boy didnt have eyes for her? His club was fairly mixed, with a good share of boys and girls as well. He had Aurora try a little clay molding for him and found that her hands were uncommonly steady and that would help her greatly with detail. He didnt offer a special for her, but he did let her keep her little clay version of D that she made. He even glossed and fired it for her so that it would be water proof and not as easy to break. The funny little doll like clay molding went right into her pocket, where she constantly kept her hand.

Lastly was choir, which was almost all women, even the couch was a girl. Lilith Mansa, or Lil for short. She was luckily no lesbo, and when she tested Aurora's voice she found that it was surprisingly good, almost to good and when Aurora said she had never done it before she waved it away like a white lie. "You voice is way to good for you to be a novice, you almost have an angelic hint to it." She said. Everything was nearly set, there was just one problem. She hated D.

It was not clear why she did, or when she started hating D, but she hated him, and was very outspoken about that. What that could mean for Aurora, D's only friend, may be dire, but not as dire as what it meant to Lil from Aurora. If Lil hated D, then Aurora hated Lil and it took all D's abilities to just keep a spot on the choir open for her.

Now out of option and with the period coming close to its finish, D had to choose or skip another class. Just as they were heading away from the choir however, Alexander appeared before them. It was unsettling how one as big as he could walk so softly. He was reading his book still when he stopped them with an upraised hand and reached into his pocket. Aurora grew stiff, trying to remember if he was one of the good ones or bad ones. "Here." He said, handing D a card. It was a card for his kickboxing class. "Free of charge." He added as he closed his book to look at them. "And dont worry, even if there are no girls currently attending, we do have girl's locker room, and showers for her." He stated. Aurora looked at D, not knowing if she should speak or not.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Okay, painting? Seems good. I'll have to talk to Aurora about that pretty boy bitch though. Make sure he doesn't try touching her, or flirting with her. Other than that, it seems like a good idea to put her there.

Clay modeling? Seems like a good idea. I'm not happy about that one guy eyeing Aurora, but I am touched she would make a mini-me and put it in her pocket. So that's two classes for her to go in.

Choir? Ehh....No, bad idea. Lil hates me, and might try ruining Aurora. Or worst, Aurora could kick Lil's ass, and we'll both get in trouble!
Alex's thoughts were cut off as Alexander walked over and handed him the card. His answer was quick to say.[/i]

"No way! I'm sorry, but I'm not letting my Aurora go get her butt kicked by a bunch of guys in kick boxing! Sorry, dude, but there's no way I'm letting Aurora get hurt," D stated, and handed Alexander back the card.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Alexander watched D for a long moment before he spoke. "Although Aurora's natural reflexive abilities are very impressive, she broke both of Rick's fingers in one go and nearly tore his arm our of his socket. I would love to train a student with so much natural talent but I cant in good conscious ask her to join, where she might start tearing the heads off my current students for their less...savory behaviors."

He stared at D the entire time, never once looking at Aurora. "In short Daniel, Im not asking her. Im asking you. You can bring her along is what I meant when I mentioned the locker rooms and showers, but seeing you today was far to pathetic for me to ignore. You are trying to somehow defend this girl right?" He then spared a glance at Aurora. "The I suggest you join my club and learn how. Otherwise Rick will be back, and he will not just go after you. And if he breaks your arms, how is Aurora going to hold your hand when you are both in the hospital?"

Aurora watched, stunned at what was going on. "I am offering you a free, no test training spot in my club so that maybe when Rick or Peter catch up with you, you might be able to do more than hide behind your alleged girl friend. And do not think that simply being brave and taking their blows will do you any good either."

He turned his attention to Aurroa completely now and said "She cherishes you dearly for some reason, enough so that she would stand not only in Rick's way, but in his whole gangs way so that you would not suffer. She will not stand by and let you be beaten into a D shaped pulp." He pushed the card back to him.

"Dont throw the card away and think about it. I have never approached you before because I could not help you, you had nothing, no friends, no family, no club, nothing, nothing to defend, nothing that was important to you, in other words you had nothing to lose. I might as well have tried to teach a dead gold fish how to fight cats." He stepped back and began to open his book again. "But this gold fish isnt dead anymore. You now have something you can lose, and you probably will of you either dont step to defend what you have." And with those final words and a wave of his hand, he left, turning a corner and disappearing from view.

(Alexander is a hero, deep deep down)
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
D felt his face just got a shotgun blast to the famous. Except the shotgun blast, was made out of truth, fear, and realization. He was about to say something, but saw him disappear already. He looked at the card, and knew that Alexander was right. He needed to be strong to protect Aurora. He needed to rise up, from the punching bag, to the punching man.

He turned his head at Aurora and placed a hand on her shoulder. "It's okay, Aurora, I'll explain later. Just know that, that guy, was a good person," he smiled, before realizing he needed to tell Aurora a whole bunch of stuff.

"Okay, Aurora, I want you to go to Clay Modeling, and painting class. When you're in either class, make sure NO ONE, except me, touches you here, here, or here," D said, and pointed at her butt, breasts, and pussy. "Also, if that Charles guy asks you to go anywhere with him, tell him, "I'm dating Daniel Blake, right now, so I'm not interested." Or ignore him," he explained. This plan is doomed to fail! he thought.

" is a REALLY good friendship Like you and me! That's what boyfriend and girlfriend are. You're my girlfriend, because your my good friend, and I'm your boyfriend, becomes I'm your good friend," Daniel said, and kissed Aurora's cheek. "Boyfriends and Girlfriends kiss each other on the cheek, to show each what good friends they are, understand?" he said.

((Waves a GO ALEXANDER flag around))
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Aurora nodded and smiled. "Aurora knows now!" She said with a smile. She didnt really, but she thought she did. "Will you take Aurora to get signed up?" She asked him as the bell rang. The next class would start soon. She didint want to be left alone, but she would bear it for D, if he would just escort her this last time.

(Feel free to post and then skip ahead to either lunch or after school)
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
D nodded and escorted Aurora to the painting club, and when they got there, to show he really was Aurora's boyfriend, kissed her cheek, and whispered for her to do the same, in front of the kids in the club.

After that, the day passed pretty thoroughly. D shared a class with Silvia, and Alex, and noticed how Alex would pass notes to Silvia. Judging by her red blush, it was probably something vulgar. As the bell rang, he noticed the two suddenly walk into the the janitor's closet, and it didn;t take a geniues to figure out what they were doing.

The day continued to go by, and true, D got in trouble for skipping his first class, and got in trouble for being late to his second class, and got in trouble for walking pass a bunch of popular kids, and got beat up by said popular kids. All in all, it was a normal day. The school day was nearing it's end, and D was running to the clay modeling class to find Silvia.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.