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(A Silver and Zero production) Animators!
Peach was setting tired, her dress smelling of her sweat. She took slow, deep breaths and looked at Mike as he talked to her. She looked like she was going to hit the ground, and die there! "Please...C-can I have some water? S-something cool?" she begged. "I-its so hot! How can you stand it!?" she asked, feeling as though she was feeling an army of Bowser's flame breaths.


Alex smiled and gently pulled out of Sakura. "Rest for now, Sakura. Get on the bed," he ordered, and pointed at the bed behind Ino. He then looked at the blond girl and kissed her lips, and then her tears, his still hard cock rubbing against her pussy. "I promise to be gentle," he said, and slowly pushed his cock into her pussy, intending to break her virginity. "I own you now, Ino. Your friends, family, village, no longer matter. In their place, you will love me, serve me, and please me," he said, before kissing her lips, his large cock pushing ever deeper into Ino's pussy.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Mike laughed. "Hot? Guess I didnt notice. Someone turn up the AC." He joked Darkly. Of course the Minions remained silent and he sighed, not really expecting them to laugh or respond. "Get me a glass of water." He ordered. A minion promptly provided one for him and he put it to Peach's lips. "Drink up." he said as he tilted the Glass. The water was warm and smelled slightly like sulfur, but it would quench her. "I hope you enjoy this water, because it is the last cup you will ever drink while you are here." He said grimly. "You see, in this place, life and death is something I control. Nothing dies and nothing lives unless I command it. And so you see, you will not eat, you will not drink, you will not sleep and you will not even go insane. You will know everything that is happening to you, and you will feel it everyday with no relief. Not until I command it." When Peach was finished drinking Mike snapped his fingers and the two Minions began to drag her away. "See you in three months my princess." He said as he waved.


Sakura did so and fell asleep on the bed, tired out from her orgasms and fucking. Ino moaned softly and shivered as she was kissed, but didnt dare bite him. When he spoke of her village she sobbed softly and more tears appeared. "Please...dont say that." She begged him softly as she felt his cock tease her pussy, rubbing against it. Her hips moved back and forth, trying to get off on it but she needed more, which was given to her as her pushed into her. "Wait..please d-dont take my virginity." She begged him. "Im not married...I will be the first in my family to every be shamed like this." She was begging him but even as she did she loved the feeling of his cock pushing into her, and then bumping against her hymen. "Please master, please." she begged him with tears in her eyes. "I already submitted...l-let me keep just...just one more thing."
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"You don't get it, do you?" Alex asked and kissed her lips. "You are married. To me, and Sakura. I own you both, I am your lover, your husband, your god, your father, your everything. I own you Ino, and you will love every second of it," he said as his fingers began to move together. "Pleasure of Eternity Jutsu!" he yelled and hit Ino with a wave of pleasure, right as he slammed his entire cock into Ino, breaking her virginity.


"W-what!? No! Stop! Please, don't do this! I never did anything to you! Stop! Please!" Peach begged as the minions dragged her away. "Please! I'm begging you! D-don't do this!" she cried. She couldn't survive here. The heat, the smell, the air...

"Please, Master!" she cried, hardly realizing what she just said, too afraid of the future pain she would feel.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Ino arched her back in a silent scream as she suddenly came a millions times in a row, her body was one large pleasure center and everything, the air, the feel Alex's lips, the wonderful feeling of his cock deep within her, even the thought of his hands running over her breasts made her scream with pleasure. She moaned and came over and over and over, squeezing hard around Alex's cock as she came again and again. Every muscle in her body tightened and she even cracked the poles that held her, and when at last Alex mercifully ended the jutsu, she would go completely limp and moan softly, unable to speak, move and hardly breath.


Mike paused, but then kept going. "Dont worry my princess, I will be back." He said with a wave to her as he walked away, his back to her. It was good that she had called him master, but he could not trust such a statement until after her stay here. Still, he did decide to have some mercy on her.

Peach was taken to a small five by five room where she would spend most of her time. Before she was place in, all her clothes were removed and she was washed roughly in steaming hot water. During her stay she would have no privacy or shame. She was never dressed, ever, never allowed to wear anything, she didnt even get bed sheets, or a bed. She had to rest in a corner of her room on the hard floor. This also meant that there was always one or more minions watching her, no matter where she was or what she was doing, they were always there. Though they didnt smirk, make remarks or anything like, there cold eyes were almost as bad.

Secondly, she would feel no pleasures, sexual or other wise. Despite her nakedness, never once was she touched sexually, or allowed to touch herself at all. She was not allowed to eat or drink and although she felt intense hunger and thirst, her body would not weaken. Indeed she seemed completely immortal while within these walls. Even sleep was not allowed for the most part, and only three hours nap sessions were allowed, and only under drug induced comas so that she would not dream ever.

Thirdly, she would be physically challenged at everything she did. Everyday she would have to walk the fiery halls of the castle with thick shackles on, ones that made her steps smaller so she had to hobble everywhere, and ones with weights on her wrists, knees, and neck. The ground was as hot as a frying pan and each day her feet would burn, though the next day they would look the same as ever.

And fourth, her hygiene was to be kept, but no pleasant. Being bathes by Minions while your hands were held by ropes over your head was bad enough. They made sure to clean her thoroughly and even gave her enemas when she needed them. They brushed her teeth, flossed them, and did everything else, but none of it made her feel any better since the floss tasted horrible, as did the tooth past and although it cleaned her teeth, it made her breath smell horrible. Her soap was the same, rough and smelly, as was her shampoo. And always she bathed with scolding hot water, and this happened everyday. She would then be literally hung to dry on a chain over the crater, where she would hang by her arms until dry and then be pulled back int the castle.

The means with which they tortured her changed daily, and always brought some new from of pain and embarrassment, and peach could find no comfort. Even the shelter of insanity was beyond her reach, for no matter how hard she may have tried, she continued to be sane day in and day out. Her body, brused, burnt and broken would be restored each time she woke up and it would start all over again.

This continued over the course of five weeks, and then something changed. On the first day of the sixth week, Peach was awoken from her stupor early, though she probably couldnt tell. She was taken to bathe as usual and may have noticed a few new things. One, her shampoo and soap did not reek of blood,sweat,skunk,poo,sulfur, or piss and her tooth paste and floss were minty and made her breath smell fresh. She was also dried with a towel, albeit a bit roughly and then taken given the first clothes she had been allowed to wear during her whole stay.

Peach was given a silky princess choker and her crown, which was all unharmed and placed on her. She was then escorted to a room at the top of the castle. As she entered she would feel coll air touch her for the first time in a long time and be seated at a table. The table had some fruits in a bowl and a pitcher of cold water, but they were all on the other side of the table, where Mike sat, looking the same as the Day had left.

Mike had simply left the castle and accelerated time around it, so that when he turned and walked back in, it had been a month and a week later. He looked at the princess from his seat as he ate and apple, two minions next to him, and two minions next to her. IF Peach tried anything, even reached for the fruit or water, the minions would grab her arms and hold them down on the arm rests.

"So Princess." Mike said, looking at her clean naked body. "How has your stay been?" He then took a bite out of his apple and mmmed as he waited for her response.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The worst, Peach decided, were the horrible excuses for hygiene, and the physical torture. Tears fell down her face as she was 'cleaned' by the cruel, evil minions. She wanted to go insane, as the heat burned her feet. She couldn't take anymore. She was broken by the first week.

She had a hard tim breathing, thinking it was still another torture session. Still, she dare not even look at Mike in fear of more pain. She simply began to stutter, and talk. "M-M-Master? C-can...I....I'm sorry Master! I'm sorry about the way I acted! I'm sorry for disboeying you! Please Master, make this all stop! Please! Save me, kill me, just please, Master...make all this pain stop..." she begged, tears falling from her eyes.


Alex moaned loudly in pleasure and suddenly shot his seed into Ino's body, not once, not even twice, but three times. He kissed her lips passionately, his hands groping and slapping her ass and tits. Finally, the jutsu wore off and he looked at the blond girl, slowly pulling his cock out. "Ino? Can you hear me?" he asked. Hello? Ino? Can you hear me? he mentally asked. "Ino?" he asked, lightly patting her cheek.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Mike smirked. "I got you something." He said softly. He turned around and pulled out a purple dress, soft as silk and beautiful. "I was going to give it to you when you got out of here." He said softly as he walked around the table to show it to her. "You can touch it if you like." He added. "Would you like to wear this?"

He waited for her to answer before continuing, putting the dress aside. "And these apples are the juiciest apples available in this world, they have so much flavor and juices that its hard to eat just one. Would you like a bite of these apples?" He then grinned and took another fruit from the basket.

"No wait, I know what you want." He said softly. He then showed her the fruit, a flawless peach. "This peach was made in my world, in Italy. It is the freshest juiciest one I could buy. Its skin is so soft I have to hold it carefully to make sure I dont bruise it, and it is so full of juice that one bite is like drinking half a cup of delicious peach juice. Would you like to eat this peach?" He asked teasingly, holding it before her eyes. "Do you want to leave and come with me?"


Ino groaned a response but otherwise didnt answer, even her mind was blank. Actually, blank was not the right word. Ino's mind was full to bursting with pleasure, and she could not manage it all. She was currently unconscious and her mind was scattered far and wide. It would start to pull itself together, with time, but for now Ino was way to far out of it to say or do anything.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Peach was starving, and she found the food beautiful, even more so then the dress. She lightly touched it and simply nodded her head, it was amazing, going past most of her old dresses. The food made her mouth water, and she just nodded more. "I-I want the peach..." she whispered. She then heard the question, and looked at Mike and slowly said, "I-if you want me to come with you...M-Master...."


Alex smiled and gave her lips one last kiss, and made it so his mental link would tell him when Sakura or Ino would awake. "I should go check on, Hinata," he commented, walking out of the room, and leaving two clones to guard it. He wanted to see his lover's face, after that amazing, moment of sex the two had.

He walked to Hinata's door, and opened and looked inside. "Hinata?" he asked, walking in. "Are you awake?"
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
"Good." Mike said cupping her chin and kissing her nose. "Go prepare her." Hr ordered. "And be gentle, she is my slave now." And with that Mike left, still holding the peach. The Minions then took Peach down stares to a room she had never seen before. It was like her old room, pink, soft They gave her the dress and shut the door, locking it. On the bed there was a letter.

Dear Peach

Please get some rest and drink up, there is some water in the room as well as a bathroom. Make yourself pretty and put on that dress I gave you and then await me. Dont fail your master now.

With much love, The Master.

The dress was on a chair no far away and the water was on a desk next to it. It was cold and pure, and the room was just the right temperature. But there was no food, not yet at least.

Meanwhile, Mike returned to the other girls. "How are all my sluts doing?" He asked as he entered the room in that very same castle that he kept all his slaves. Time had been slowed down for them so that they were not left like that for seven hours, but still three hours had gone by.

By now Ino would have laid her last egg and her stomach would have gone back to normal, though she would still be chained to the stirrups on the bed. Sakura would have laid her last egg for the day, but her stomach stayed the same and she would start laying eggs at the same time tomorrow.

Rukia and Hinata would still be in the same position they were left with, though the cocks had mercifully stopped fucking them after the second hour.

"I hope you are all feeling well rested, since we are going to a party soon!" He said with some excitement, not expecting it see the same effect on them and hardly caring.


Hinata was still asleep on the top of the bed, breathing softly. She had already been subject to allot so her mind would recover more easily than Ino's but if nothing else, she needed the rest. Even when Alex had left before she had not been able to rest due to the harassment from his clones, and so now was the only time she was actually getting any kind of sleep. She looked peaceful as she lay there, if not a bit cold and sweaty. All his slaves would a need baths soon, all but Tenten, who was still relativity clean except for the stains of her own blood.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Alex smiled and kissed Hinata's cheek and placed a blanket over her. He then exited, and locked the door behind him. "Guess its time to talk to Tenten," he smiled, and walked over to the room where he had Tenten, bound and healed, and opened the door to see if she was awake.


Peach looked at the note and then the dress, and water. She slowly over to the water, afraid it was a trap. Slowly, she poured a cup for herself and drank it. IT WAS REAL! She felt like crying in joy as she poured another cup for herself and drank more water.

After finishing many drinks of water, she walked over to the bathroom and began to shower, cleaning her naked body with good, nice smelling soap, and shampoo. It was like being a Princess again, and she almost cried at the wonderful feeling.

Finally, she exited the shower, naked and a little bit wet, even after toweling herself. She picked up her new dress and put it on, loving the feeling of soft clothing on her. She danced around a bit in it, and admired herself in a mirror. It was like she was home again.

She wiped a single tear that had fallen, and she sat on the bed, laying down on it, trying to rest her body, like her Master ordered.


Ino and Sakura smiled dumbly at him, still a bit drunk on pleasure to talk. Rukia and Hinata looked at him with fear, and a little bit of love and they both said, "Good, Master," but when Mike mentioned the party, Rukia looked at him strangely. "A party? For what, Master?" she asked.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
"My fifth slave of course! I have reached the halfway point of the ten jewels of my metaphorical crown." He grinned as he spoke and walked up to Rukia and Hinata. "And shouldnt you two be kissing? I didnt order you to stop." He watched them for a moment and then turned back to Ino and Sakura. "How are the two of you feeling by the way? Ino, I trust your back to normal yes? And Sakura, how is your stomach?" He asked. He wanted to make sure they were all OK for the party, because this was not a party that would be filled with Computerized characters, oh no! This was a party involving all the greatest hackers he knew, so he could show them his incredible achievement, and gloat.

Even then he had sent the immersion software to all of them so they could join him in virtual space at the party. The software was incomplete of course, they would only be able to enter the ball room, but all who received the invitation were coming to see Mike and his pets. He even sent a message to Alex, which would appear at any moment. The party was still a few hours away, giving them nearly a day to prepare. If Alex wanted, he could come and enjoy that party as well, and show off his sluts.

For this Mike wanted everything perfect, and to start his checklist, he needed to make sure his slaves were in good condition and if not, he needed to know what they needed so he could fix them.


Tenten didnt notice him since her back was to the wall. She was wiggling around weakly, trying to break out. She had produced a thumb sized razor and was cutting through her ropes stealthily, aided by they dark rooms shadows, where she was careful to hide it. but she failed to notice Mike and her plan was exposed. She had cut hlafway through so far, but the small razor was difficult to work.

Before Alex said or did anything though, he suddenly received a voiced message in his head.

Alex, I am throwing a party later so I can show off my program and my slaves. You can come as well, I am sure everyone would love to see what you have done with your lovers. At the party will be all my colleges, those who supported me as I worked, and doubted me. You yourself are an example of my success so feel free bring any of your sluts. Just make sure they behave. Be prepared in no less than Ten hours and I will send transport for you if you want to join me. Make sure you and your partners are clean, well dressed, and I use that term loosely, and most importantly of all, well behaved. That is all for now, see you at the party.

The message then cut out. Alex could contact Mike for more info if he wished by summoning up his own keyboard and typing him one.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)