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(A Zero and Silver Production) The Unforeseen Stay
Angy tried to think of someone, anyone who could go in her place. "W-Wait, please g-give me a mom-moment!" She begged as she desperately wracked her mind. She found no one. In her desperation she began to look around the room for something, anything, she didnt know what, just something to help her. "Serenity!" She suddenly yelled. "Use her, please use her!" She begged. "She is already a slave, she will do whatever you tell her. She is even already trained!" A puddle of tears had collected beneath her, and still she cried, having little faith in her own plan. "Please, she didnt save your life, I did! W-Without me y-you would b-be dead and Mike w-would still have Silvia!"


Ren shied away from him with a whimper and went limp again. "Food...please..." She begged softly. She was starving, she had never felt such hunger. Normally she would be a much smaller digimon by now, but still being a Renamon was unnatural. "Why wont...I...dedigivolve...." She whimpered as her data spasmed again, having no where to go.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"I refuse to use Serenity! She has gone through enough hell! Do I need to remind you of the condition we found her in!? Not to mention how you held her captive after you nearly killed me," he sighed. "Look, I'll leave Silvia here to watch you, and Serenity and I can go hunting for any other possible slaves. Pray we find someone. How about that?" Alex sighed.


Hunter nodded and ran out the door, the door locking itself behind him. He ran on all four, at amazing speeds as he rushed into the kitchen. Grabbing a plastic liter of water, a few fruits and vegetables, and a loaf of bread, he ran back to his room as fast as his wolf body could get him there, where he would feed Ren the food he found.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Ren groaned softly as the bread was pressed agsainst her lips. She nibbled it and swallowed but was to weak to chew the damn thing. The same was true for the vegetables. She was at least able to drink some water but she was fading fast, she needed food in her body now!


Angy nodded eagerly and said "Please, please!" She wanted anything to just by herself more time. Silvia and Serenity were sleeping still in the bed, Serenity lying on the bundle of covers where Alex had been sleeping. She needed some food and water to help regain her strength, to sooner, the better.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Alex nodded and walked over to his closest and opened it, putting on some clothing and underwear. "Serenity, Silvia, wake up," he ordered, shaking them both lightly. "Come on, ladies, wake up," he said.


Hunter sighed and bit a piece of bread and chewed it in his mouth and kissed Ren, pushing the chewed food into her mouth, before taking a bite of fruit and doing it again. "Swallow! Eat! Now!" he ordered as he mouth fed her.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Ren didnt need to be told twice, she swallowed ally the food he fed her, groaning softly, unable to hide her slight blush. Soon all the food was gone and Ren was looking a little better. IT would take a little while for the full effects to kick in but for now Ren was in no danger...But Hunter's future with Grace was if he could not break her.


Silvia and Serenity woke up slowly and both apologized for having to be woken up. "What do you need master?" They both asked.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Serenity, I'd like you to come with me. I want to go hunting for any new possible slaves. Silvia, stay here with Angy, and watch her. If she tries anything, call me on our mental link," he said, picking up Serenity and dropping her into his shirt pocket. Don't be sad, Silvia, I just want to get to know Serenity. Do you want us to bring you food and drinks when we get back? he mentally asked.


"I hope you realized, I only saved you so I could brake you. I need Grace, Ren, and that means you have to break!" Hunter growled.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Please master, if its not to much trouble. Silvia said with a smile as she got up and yawned. She sat down in front of the bed to watch over Angy and say good bye to her master. Serenity wiggled inside his pocket until finally her head cutely popped out. Her long elf like ears a little laid back due to her current weakness. "OK master." She said timidly. "Will any girl do?" She asked as they walked towards the door.


Ren spat and growled. "I will not Hunter! I will not break!" She was not going to give up so easily. "I will die first, it is the way us Renamon are. We are willful, we are ourselves and we are strong. You can never break me." What Ren was saying may not be true, but it may be true enough to keep her unbroken until after the deadline passed, and in that situation there was no need for Ren to be a slave since Grace would be lost. Hunter had to either find another girl, coax Ren into willingly becoming Mike's slave, or find someway to break her faster.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"As long as it isn't you or Silvia, any girl is fine," Alex said. "Keep an eye n her Silvia," he said, and gave Silvia a goodbye kiss before leaving with Serenity. "Let's start at the kitchen. We need to get some food for you and Silvia, anyways," he said as he walked.


"Either you break or I will make you relive this moment again and again! There is still food here, just in case you start...doing that again. Now...Say Mike is your Master!" he yelled, and pushed a finger into Ren's ass as he begun her session once more.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Ren screamed and grit her teeth. "Never! Never Never Never a thousand times NEVER!" She yelled in defiance. Feeding her had kept her from dying and brought back her strength, she was not going to be easy about this.


Serenity nodded and they entered the kitchen. There was no one there, but there was food. Serenity looked around at the drawers and blushed as her tiny tummy growled. "Can I have a mushroom master?" She asked, blushing hard as she asked for something she had never been given and never asked for. She just wanted to see if her master would be kind enough to actually let her try a food she liked, and not feed her bird seed, sunflowers or at best, assorted nuts.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Sure. Let me just see if I can find a mushroom. Ah," he said as he pulled out a mushroom from a barrel. After cleaning it in some water, and a towel he handed the small mushroom to the fairy in his pocket. "Eat up, Serenity," Alex smiled, as he began grabbing some fruits for Silvia.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.