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(A Zero and Silver Production) The Unforeseen Stay
Silvia mentally nodded and found Serenity sleeping in a large bed in the center. She was so small she looked like a little doll in it. She was looking healthier, but not any happier and Angy was having to nearly force feed her. Silvia allowed Angy to heal her and then got dressed a clean green dress Angy provided. Soon Angy was asleep, tired out from all the healing and conked out in a chair, allowing Silvia to sleep on the bed next to Serenity if she wanted.

Master, she is asleep...what are we going to do with her? She seems very nice to me... Regardless of the answer, Silvia would open the door for them to slip in.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
You understand the torture you went through with Mike, and the pain I felt with him hurting you, yes? That is what is happening to Grace and Hunter right now. Mike wants to slaves in exchange for Grace back. Besides...This girl nearly killed Master. Shot his leg, making his blood fall upon the ground you stand upon...She is not as nice as she seems Alex said, sighing mentally as he remembered Angy and his past.

He and Hunter walked in and the two looked at the one another. Silvia, can you use your psy powers to lift Angy out of the room?
Silvia's answer came a second later when Angy was lifted out of the room and towards them, still on the chair and still asleep. She stirred and began to wake up when she stopped and hovered before them. "Wha?" she grumbled softly as she opened her eyes, not understanding what was happening.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Hello," Hunter greeted, walking out of the room and placing his strong grip on the sleepy Angewomon's shoulders. "My name is Hunter..." he greeted as behind him. Silvia, pick up Serenity, Alex ordered as suddenly his tentacles shot out of his hands and attempted to restrain Angy to her chair.
Angy squeaked and began to struggle but was soon tied to the chair by the tentacles. Silvia left the room a moment later with Serenity snuggled up in the blankets and sleeping in her arms. "Whats going on?! Wha-" Her eyes landed and Alex and she understood. "Alex! What are you doing!? Let me go! You can not be allowed to Hurt Serenity! You can not!" She screamed as she struggled and flapped her wings.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Hurt her? YOU HURT HER! You tore her away from me! I promised I would leave you alone, Angy, but you refused to allow Serenity to be with me. IF you had allowed her to stay with me, then I wouldn't be here right now. Hell, I would have helped you leave this place, but now...Now you will pay," Alex growled, and used a small tentacle to gag her, pushing it into her mouth. Not too far, or too big, and still allowing her to breath, but silencing her mostly. "Silvia, wake Serenity up," Alex ordered.

He then looked at Hunter. "You go broke Ren, I'll break Angy."

Hunter nodded and looked at Angy. "For your information, I am not doing this for revenge. I'm doing this, because if I don't, the women I love will be tortured, for the rest of her life..." and with that, Hunter walked back to his room.
Silvia nodded and shook little Serenity gently until the timid fairy awoke. "Whats going on?" She asked softly, looking up at Silvia. She then looked over at Alex and Angy being gagged and gasped. She tried to move but was to weak, she had hardly eaten since she had been separated from Alex. "Master? Master!" She cried out from Silvia's arms.


Ren was still passed out on Hunter's bed when he came back. She groaned softly as he entered but did not awaken.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Hunter locked the door and reached into a desk and opened it, and took out a ball gag. He then put it on Ren as she slept on his bed, careful not to wake her. If this worked well, he began to rub his fingers against Ren's pussy, wanting to get her wet before he fucked her.


"Master is here, Serenity," Alex smiled and kissed her head. "Serenity, this is Silvia, she is another of Master's lovers, like you. I'm here to take you back, to be with me. Angy lied to you. She didn't want you to be with me. She hates me," he saidm, pointing at Angy.
(Ren isnt tied up so she is just going to pull the ball gag out when she wakes up...)

Ren moaned softly into the gag, though it took a little while to get her wet. She was blushing and moaning soon after he started and her nipples were poking through her fur. Still, she remained asleep for now.


Angy tried to defend herself but could do nothing more than struggle helplessly against the tentacles that bound her. "What are you going to do with her?" Asked Serenity innocently.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
((....That's just a slight error in my plan! Do not question me! (Points at name) I am MASTER Zero. You are just Silver))

Hunter grinned and stood up again, wiping his wet hand against her fur. He then walked over to the desk again and pulled out a pair of Saxon made handcuffs. He then used one to cuff Ren's hands together, and the other to cuff her legs together. "Perfect," Hunter said, and returned to fingering Ren's pussy.


"A man, need my help. I can only help him if I...turn Angy, into a slave. It is harsh, I know, but if I do not, this man will never see his love ever again," Alex explained and looked up at Angy. "No hard feelings. I'm doing this for my friend and his lover, not out of spite..." the human said and looked at Serenity and Silvia. "Come on, I'll show you to your new home, Serenity, with Silvia and me," he said, and led the two back, with Angy tied up in his tentacles to the chair.