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(A Zero and Silver Production) The Unforeseen Stay
Mike smiled and wiggled his finger at Alex. "Ahh, but that would be telling wouldnt it? Tell Silvia I said high." He said as he took out a feather and began to tickle Grace's sleeping form until she woke up.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Heh....Its funny...No matter ho much I hate you, how much you disgust me, how much I want to torture you and kill you...I can't help but think, that in another world....You and I are best friends," Alex chuckled bitterly, before running after Hunter and Ren. "I can lead you to Angy, but remember. The fairy, Serenity, stays with me," the human said, and Hunter nodded as Alex walked ahead, he followed. "Coming, Ren?" Hunter asked as he walked.
Ren shook her head and stepped back. "You cant be serious, your going to let that freak win? He is just a human, I could strangle him with my pinky! And your going to sacrafice two innocent women to him and just leave? We arent going to trick him? So he can just kidnap whoever he wants and get away with it?!" Ren was pissed, very very pissed. "This is bull shit! I will go back in there and kill him right now if you insist on being a dumb ass!"
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Before you go...I would advise you to be careful. I tried to fight against him, and I died. I was killed. He knows things about this place, he has poisons and who knows what else with him," Alex warned. "Besides, he's from my world, and in my world, human are very powerful, more powerful than those of your world, I would assume."

"If you fight him, and beats you, he will take it out on my Grace! I will not risk her!" Hunter growled. "She is pure, kind, and perfection! What would you have me do!? I will NOT let my Grace's purity be taken by such a...fowl demon!"
"Then do something else! Grace willingly went into bondage to save one woman right?" Ren asked, looking at Alex. "Then she will hate you for making her sacrifice be in vain! Worse than vain, you are giving him two more women! Two more! She will hate you for what you did! There has to be another way! And think a diamond storm will fix this easily." She said with a huff.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"I am warning you, this man killed me. I would be dead, but I got lucky. He could probably do the same for us...Even if we were to fight against him, we would need help," Alex said. "A lot of help."

"Help...I know a mage, perhaps he can help us," Hunter stated. He then closed his eyes and tried to talk to Mickal mentally, like he had before. Mickal, are you there? I need a word with you, it is important. Grace has been kidnapped by a man named Mike. Do you think you can help?
.....No. I am sorry Warleader, but I have already made a pact with that human. I can not kill him. He is tricky, watch out or he might also get you into some kind of pact. He has magic, be careful about what you promise him can not lie to him.

Ren stomped her foot and turned to go back. "I will kill him in one strike with a single diamond. Then you can take your Grace back from his corpse." But just as Ren turned, Hunter would need a burning need to stop her. It would drive him to near insanity to refuse the instinct within him, he had promised to protect Mike, and he could not lie to him.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Sigh, you are too late. I have already made a deal with him. I will protect him, and give him two broken woman, and in return, I will receive Grace. This human must have a weakness, there must be a weapon strong enough to beat him, or a being who knows of a way to outsmart him? Hunter before groaning loudly. He quickly grabbed Ren's shoulder and gritted his teeth. "STOP. Ren...Mike's magic...If you go after him, you cause me pain...Stop please!"

Alex looked at two and realized he should bring Silvia with them. Get her to Angy, where she can be healed, and then get her to open the door for them, he thought.
Ren stopped but looked only confused. "Magic? He is just a human isnt he? You cant be harmed by a mere human." She said shaking her shoulder free. Still, she did not proceed. I am sorry lord, but I can not betray him. Already I am feeling much pain from the information I have given you and I am only able to defy him this much because of my barrier. Simply deliver his women be done with him.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Of course, Mickal. I apologize. Rest now Hunter thought. He then groaned and shook his head and looked at Ren. "No...He's more than human. He must have found something that helped him create spells, but whatever it is, his magic is tearing me up inside. We have no choice, but to do as he says!" Hunter yelled.