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Diablo II (private for me and Crimson Fox)
Since the beginning of time, the forces of Order and Chaos have been engaged in an eternal struggle to decide the fate of all Creation. That struggle has now come to the Mortal Realm...and neither Man, Demon, nor Angel will be left unscathed...

After possessing the body of the hero who defeated him, Diablo resumes his nefarious scheme to shackle humanity into unholy slavery by joining forces with the other Prime Evils, Mephisto and Baal. Only you will be able to determine the outcome of this final encounter...

n Diablo II: Lord of Destruction, you will return to follow the path of Baal, the last of the Prime Evils, into the Barbarian Highlands of the north. Traveling with hordes of demonic minions, Baal intends to corrupt the powerful Worldstone, which protects the whole of the mortal plane from the forces of

Hero's available:

Amazon(female only class) This powerful woman warrior belongs to nomadic bands who roam the plains near the South Sea. The wandering of these groups often brings them into conflict with other peoples, so the Amazon is accustomed to fighting to defend her own. This lifestyle has made her fiercely independent and able to weather severe hardship and travel. While her skill with the bow rivals that of the Rogues, the Amazon is also adept in the use of spears and other throwing weapons, as well as in hand to hand combat. The Amazon is much sought after as a mercenary, in which type of service she will be loyal as long as her own ends are also served.

Assassin (Crimson): The Assassins are an ancient order originally founded by the Vizjerei to hunt down and eliminate rogue mages within their own ranks. Employing secret disciplines to combat and resist the magical abilities of their elusive quarry, the Assassin's bag of tricks includes traps and other infernal devices, martial arts, and powerful mental abilities. Common people know nothing of the Assassins, but they are widely feared and respected by all who employ the magic arts

Barbarian: The Barbarian, a member of any of several tribes on the fringes of civilization, rebuffs the influence of those he sees as soft and weak. Ceaseless clan warfare and the constant struggle to survive in the hostile wilderness are evident in the Barbarian's sturdy and powerful frame. Though perhaps lacking the sophistication of his civilized contemporaries, the Barbarian has an acute awareness of his surroundings. Because of his shamanistic belief in the animal powers with whom he identifies, the Barbarian is sometimes associated with stories of lycanthropy. In fact, he believes that he can improve his superb battle tactics by calling upon the totemic animal spirits to infuse him with supernormal strengths and abilities.

Druid (Casey)(human only class): The Druids are a race of nomadic warrior-poet-kings. Driven from their homelands long ago by their Barbarian brothers, the Druid tribes live primarily in the northern forests. Using mystic secrets passed down through the generations, they summon the elements of fire and wind to do their bidding, and command the creatures of the forest to aid them in battle. Shifting from their human forms into that of wild beasts, gives them abilities far beyond those of other mortals.

Necromancer: (taken by Casey) From the steamy recesses of the southern swamps comes a figure cloaked in mystery. The Necromancer, as his name implies, is an unseemly form of sorcerer whose spells deal with the raising of the dead and the summoning and control of various creatures for his purposes. Though his goals are often aligned with those of the forces of Light, some do not think that these ends can justify his foul means. Long hours of study in dank mausolea have made his skin pale and corpselike, his figure, skeletal. Most people shun him for his peculiar looks and ways, but none doubt the power of the Necromancer, for it is the stuff of nightmares.

Paladin (male only class): The Knights of Westmarch who felled the armies of mighty Leoric are pure at heart and closely follow the teachings of Zakarum, the Religion of the Light. A battle-ready warrior for whom faith is a shield, the Paladin fights for what he believes to be right. His steadfastness gives him powers to bestow blessings to his friends and wreak cruel justice on foes. There are those who call the Paladin an overwrought zealot, but others recognize in him the strength and goodness of the Light.

Sorceress (female only class) Diva: A rebellious woman who has wrested the secrets of magic use from the male dominated Mage-Clans of the East, the Sorceress is an expert in mystical creation ex nihilo. Though somewhat lacking in the skills of hand-to-hand combat, she compensates for this weakness with fierce combative magic for both offense and defense. Solitary and reclusive, the Sorceress acts based on motives and ethics inscrutable to most, and sometimes seems capricious and even spiteful. In reality, she understands the struggle between Order and Chaos all too clearly, as well as her role as a warrior in this battle.

skills: I would like everyone to kinda stay true to the skills in diablo II yet I know it would limit what we could do in the rp so here is a link to the list of skills for each class: that link should help give you ideas and if they seem a little out there then pm me and so forth. one last thing do have low level skill or two when you start no more you can acquire more as we go.
Bio: give me a bit of a back of why you are in the rogue village at the beginning of the game.

I am going to have my profiles put up in a second I marked the two I am going to take so you will know what classes I am going to be.
[Image: dragonimage_76557_72430_pixel.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz
OOC: I chose a few level 1 abilities for them both. We'll learn new skills once we get further along, right?

Name: Rayna
Gender: Female
Species: Phoenix
Age: 25
Description: She's a 6'2" tall bird with fiery red feathers with dusty blond hair and black talons. Her deep blue eyes are stunning. She wears a dark black, traditional assassin's garb.
Class: Assassin
Skills: Claw Mastery, Dragon Talon, Fire Blast
Bio: As the sole survivor of her clan of assassins, Rayna has come to the rouge village seeking revenge against Baal.

Name: Adrienne (or just Ada)
Gender: Female
Species: Fox
Age: 21
Description: Standing at 6' tall, this vixen has deep red fur with creamy colored chest fur and paws. She is crowned with long black hair with dark green eyes below. This vixen wears a dark green, magical robe with silver threading.
Skills: Warmth, Ice Bolt, Charged Bolt
Bio: Sensing the ever growing destruction brought on by the conflict between Order and Chaos, Ada has traveled the rouge village to try and find warriors willing to help her fight Baal and his minions.
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
Name: Casey
Gender: Male
Species: Dragon
Age: 16
Description: [Image: White_Fenrrill_Hot_Coal.jpg] picture his scales lighter than they are in the pic, He wears simple leather armor, a cloak and a pendant skull of the Ruthma priest/priestess hood.
Class: Necromancer
Skills: summon skeleton, poison dagger. and dim vision
Bio: He is a young priest of the Ruthma Mage clan deep in the eastern jungles. His scales are much lighter in coloring since he never was out side of the temples much and even then it was at night when the left the safety of his home to go study for his teaching as a young priest in training. After having ten long years of training he have had enough and decided to leave the temple so he could go and fight the great Prime Evils that were stirring once more on the mortal plains. Yet his mother and father asked him not to go since even though he studied diligently he was the best young acolyte. The young whelp of a dragon talked his parents into letting him leave. After a few days of preparation he left the temples of Ruthma to make his way in the world. He also took an ancient book with him that was supposedly written by Ruthma himself. After a few days meet a female assassin that worked for the Vizjere he was very intimated by her presence and thought she may have been sent after him since he had left his native homeland. Yet the assassin reassured him that she was not out to get him and offered to show him a way to save money on kunni's by tying string into the hole at the hilt of the dagger.. He soon master a skill that let him fling the daggers and control there movement to some degree. Now the months have have passed and he found himself the Rogues Village is.
Name: Diane
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Age: 24
Description: [Image: art-007.jpg] wearing animal furs instead
Class: Sorceress and Druid
skills: Ice bolt, Arctic Blast (summon a chilling wind from her hands), Were bear(increase physical attack power and defense but cannot use magic), and summon spirit bear( summons the spirit of the ancient black bear to protect her and her party members)
Bio: Diane's family was from up north around Mt. Arreat they moved to the low lands before she was born. At the age of five Diane was visited by a local Sorceress and was taken to a tower to be trained in elemental magics. She had a great affinity for ice magic and trained for eight years learning to harness the cold. When the young apprentice was out running a errand for her teacher during a mild snow storm that became a blizzard. A spirit like bear found her and guided her to a cave where a druid sat in a trance like state riding out the storm. As it turned out the druid was there to teach her how to be one with nature and her spirit beast that dwelt within her. For the next twelve years she trained in the druidic arts learning to control nature and how to be one with nature as well.

Casey slowly wakes up in a his white fluffy like sleep pants and goes over to the water basin and splashes some of the cool water on his face to help himself wake up. He sighs glad it was late at night when he got his room. Since most people told him to sleep in the barns of they felt a bit of compassion for the followers of Ruthma. But most shunned him when they saw the skull necklace that marked him as a follower. He walked down to the Tavern below and sat down at the table and yet when he did the sunlight reflected the symbol of the skull and the owner asked him politely to leave or be forced to go. The young whelp of a dragon just nodded and did as he was asked. After a bit he went over the Black Smith to get some more throwing daggers and see if there were any good wood he could make into a wand that he could use for necromancy. He saw a very nice dagger that would be a good buy when he walked into the black smiths shop, he also noticed a nice Yew bow that would be nice to that he could easily turn into a wand for his needs. "I would like to buy the stiletto in your window and the Yew bow you got there," he stated with a bright smile.

The smith look at the young lightly colored whelp of a dragon already know him for some sort of mage and since he asked for a dagger narrowed down what kind he was, "Look boy if you need a yew wand just say so I and I will make one for you to control those abominations. But don't come in hear asking for one of my best bows so you can just turn it into a wand is that clear?" the human states in firm voice.

"Um... uh sorry for insulting I figured if I asked for you to make me a wand that you would say no like most people would," Casey apologized as he bowed his head. "Could you make me yew wand and may I also purchase the jeweled stiletto?" He asked nervously not wanting to act a intimidated by the blacksmith. "I am glad you appreciate the work us followers of Ruthma do," he added solemnly.

"I don't you think you have enough for the weapons at their full price so I will sell them to at half That would be about $400 gold please," the Black Smith stated in a firm tone letting the young boy know he was not going to go any lower since he was being very generous.

The young dragonic necromancer gulped nervously as he heard the price he was sure he didn't have enough gold to pay for even this low price yet he had to have the wand at least. His last one broke on the way here and it was harder to summon a skeletons with out one. The whelped searched his pockets carefully and pulled all the gold he had it added up to $230 pieces. He sighed some, "How much would it cost to get some throwing daggers sharpened?"

"I can't give you any of my wears for free you know...," he trailed off taking a look at the young lad. When saw his still down cast expression he sighed figuring he still new at the whole banishing evil thing. "You know your supposed to inquirer about what you can do in lew of payment," The smith stated with a chuckle, "If you clear the den of evil of the undead and fallen imps. I will sell you the dagger and a yew wand for a hundred pieces of gold. Now if you bring back the head of the shaman that controls the lot of them I will make a shrunken head talisman out of it for you to help enhance your powers even more for another hundred?" he stated trying to get a bit more money one something that can be botched easily of he did not make the wand and the shrunken head right.

The young mage's eyes light up as he look gratefully at human and smiles, "Thanks," he states joyfully as he runs from the smithy and onto the street. It was then that Casey realized he did not know the first thing about the den like the size and its whereabouts, he also need a group to help him banish the evil as well. He scratched his chin wondering what he should do. He decide to see if there where anyone in the bar that could help.

Ooc: Casey as acquired the Den of Evil quest


Diane was walking around in the warm muggy lowlands in complete comfort as she summoned icy wind to cool her off when she got to hot. She was approaching the Rogue Village. The same village the young druid saw in her vision a few months back. She entered the gates as she walked along bumping into an assassin about her age, "Sorry for bumping into you and may nature guide you," she said not realizing who it was. Then her eyes went wide as she realized it was one of the three people from her vision. "Um wait your from my vision we are to meat up with to other people that will be showing up in the middle of town soon a young dragon Ruthma Acolyte and aFox Sorceress," she stated to the assassin.
[Image: dragonimage_76557_72430_pixel.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz
Rayna blinked and gave the Druid a puzzled look. "Pardon, miss, but this is all a bit sudden. How am I to know if you're not trying to trick me? Hmmm...however, I am traveling with the fox sorceress you speak of. I'm sure she can sort it all out. Follow me, she went to find the local chemist to buy some potions." The avian smiled towards the cute woman before she led the blond down towards the item store.


"Hmmm, what to buy?" Ada asked herself while scanning the shelves of various healing tonics and mana potions, trying to find a good set for herself and Rayna. Before she noticed Rayna and Diane enter, "You really are impatient, Ray, I said it wouldn't take long." She then spoke to Diane and asked her, "Hello, can I help you? You appear to have something important to say."
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
Diane chuckles some already expecting the assassin not to believe her. When the young phoenix guided her to a potion shop and to the sorceress. He eyes went wait was she saw the vixens beautiful emerald eyes. "Is that you Ada I almost didn't recognize you from my vision since you have much brighter red fur when you were little. Remember when we trained at the the Ice Queen's tower that was high sorceress Shiva was my teacher?" she asked with a giggle at seeing an old rival for the title of ice princess ever year at the school.
A young necromancer was walking down the makeshift street as he bumped into a person in chain mail. "Um sorry," Casey said as he backed away nervously then noticed the scepter that marked the wolf as a Paladin of Zakarum. The young boy gulped as he backed away nervously as he clutched the pendant that marked him as an acolyte of Rathma.

'Hey wait a minute your that necromancer they have no respect for the sanctity of life since they try bring back the dead," the Paladin said with a growl as he grasped his scepter from his hip and held high ready to smite the young acolyte.
Diane then turned to the assassin, "I can't remember your name but I need you to stand in that corner and wait for a young acolyte of Rathma that will be coming in any moment I believe and I want you to wrap the shadows around him to keep him from being seen. Oh one more thing you will know he will be running in here when you hear the sound of exploding chickens," she said with a chuckle knowing that the young necromancer was going to be more trouble than he was worth at times.
[Image: dragonimage_76557_72430_pixel.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz
"Ah, I remember now. Sorry I didn't recognize you at first, Diane, but you've really grown over the years since our training at the Ice Tower." The vixen then stepped closer and gave her old rival a friendly hug before she asked her, "So what brings you here to Rouge Town? You said you had a vision involving us three and this necromancer. Was there anything else that was in the vision?" Ada had a feeling this was very important since some visions were premonitions of the future to come.


Rayna nodded towards Diane and told her, "Fine, I'll see if I can find this necromancer." The avian assassin walked outside and searched the nearby streets before she decided to wait on the street corner, wondering if the druid was correct with her vision. The sound of exploding chickens...was she serious about that?
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
Next to a open butchers market there were hanging five chicken tied and tousled ready to be cooked. Casey trembled in fear as he stepped back nervously when the wolfed walked towards him. He stated to build up mystical energies around his body to such it state where one could almost see the magical energies.

"You're going to be sent back to hell now demonic priest," the wolf growled as he wolf started towards him his holy scepter held high ready to smite the young acolyte.

He started to hyperventilate, his subconscious mind raced to find a way to use the energy he had built up. The energy soon found its way to the five hanging chickens as he breathed in the chickens would shrink some and breath the chuckles would enlarge more and more each time. After a moment a chicken exploded, then another and the last three all with a sickening pop in a large gory mess of bones and poultry meat going every on just about everyone in the general area. then the young whelp gulped as the Paladin was knocked out. The young acolyte turned around and ran for it as he ran down the street and turned the corner where the assassin was on.
Diane hugged her old rival in a warm embrace. "Yes I did and we four a going to be traveling I believe we are to set out to rid the land of the prime evils, and cleanse it in the process.," she stated with a warm smile. "I wouldn't mind if you wanted to share a tent like we did so long ago you know?" she blushed some since they explored each other body that one time. "But do realize it will only be for one night only...,' the druid trailed off not wanting to let her friend know that the young necromancer was going to try and when her during their travels.
[Image: dragonimage_76557_72430_pixel.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz
Rayna sighed once she heard the exploding chickens before she turned to see a dragon about to run past. With a firm arm, she pulled him into the shadows with her to help him get out of trouble. Noticing his skull pendant, she then knew that he was the young necromancer Diane had seen in her vision. "Relax kid, they won't find you now." She then let go of Casey's arm and explained herself, "I realize this is sudden, but you need to come with me. There are people you need to meet and we don't have a lot of time. Will you follow me?"


"Oh, you still remember that, eh?" Ada blushed a little as she remembered those intimate nights with Diane long ago. "I would be nice to travel with you once more and share that tent. I suppose we just have to wait for Rayna to return with our other party member and we can begin our journey." She laughed softly before she gave Diane a soft, friendly kiss across the lips before pulling away.
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
Casey jumped as he was pulled into a shadowy ally way. He relax but was still panting as he was told the paladin and the most likely pissed off butcher would not find him. He turned around slowly, "Sure I can with....," the whelp said. When he got a good look at her face and her armor, the color in his face went nearly white. He could tell she was a Viz-Jaq'taar. He places his hand in front of him and crossed ready for his magic to be sealed for the time being, "I didn't mean to do anything it just happened....," the young acolyte stated in defense.
Diane murred from the kiss as she ran her paws down her friends back. When Ada pulled away she started to pull her back wanted to kiss her again. But instead she sighed as she looked down at her feet. Then she looked the vixen squared in the eye, "Look he's going to have a little crush on you that I do know from what saw. If you don't like men would like you to humor him a some because we need him. Yet do be honest with him when the time comes and be as gentle as you can be with him," she requested.

She then pressed a finger to her friends lips. "Shsss it is okay I wouldn't mind if we became lovers once more but if you want to be with the young him I won't stop you. Besides your friend is good looking in a dangerous sorta way," she said grinned as she raised her eyebrows a few times.
[Image: dragonimage_76557_72430_pixel.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz
Rayna sighed and told him, "Look kid, I know what you are, but we have bigger problems. Try hiding that pendant and follow me." She then firmly grabbed his arm and brought him quickly into the potion store, keeping Casey out of sight of the angry crowd. "I've found the one you spoke of, Diane."


"Well, it could go either way, my friend and I are both bisexual. Anyways, lets worry about all that once we get on the road." Ada then turned and watched Rayna enter, dragging Casey behind her. "Ah, well there's your necromancer, Diane. You should probably explain your vision to him too so he understands."
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions