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(A Zero and Silver Production) The Unforeseen Stay
The closest scent that Hunter could follow led directly to Alex's room, which was not far from there. Alex, having escorted Grace to her probable doom, smelled thickly of her, and more importantly, her fear. Ren jumped back as he roared, hardly understanding what was going on.


Silvia slept soundly and cutely on the bed, her body clean and bandaged in several places. She shivered from time to time but not from the cold, but rather from the absence of her master. She would not wake up for at least a few more hours unless she was woken up. She had not slept once during her torment, she had to lay her mind to rest in some way.


Mickal shook his head. "Any resistance will be met with a sever punishment. You deserve this, not shut up and taking it!" The snake moved lower to her pussy and easily slipped its head. It then began to slither into her, going deeper and deeper into her, dragging its cold body through her love canal. "How does it feel? Your punishment is over when you cum."
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
If there were not any interruptions, Alex would soon pick up his lover from her bath when she was clean, and healed as best she could be with the medical equipment. He then opened the bathroom door and began walking back to their room, not knowing of Hunter or Ren.


Hunter sniffed the air and growled as he came to Alex's door. He tackled himself against it and began to claw at it. "She was here...I smell her. I smell fear..." he growled madly, and began to look around for the man who lived in the room.


"O-oh god..." Rain cried, feeling so much fear, the pleasure was almost canceled out. "Please, take him out...Use your dick instead, please, anything but snakes," the Digimon cried.
(Alex is in their room isnt he?)


Mickal waggled his finger at her as though she were a mere child. "Now what kind of master would I be if I let you skip out on your punishment?" He asked her as the snake began to pull out and thrust in again and again,, hissing within her as it did.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
(( there a bathroom connected to Alex's room? Because I thought he left his room to find Silvia a bathroom?))


"Please, Master! I'll do anything! Anything! Just please, no more snakes!" she begged, her crying only grew as she heard the hissing of the snake.
(No, each room has its own bathroom)

Mickal laughed and the snake stopped. "Anything? What could you offer me that I dont already have?" He aske , curious to see if she would offer up her friend now. "Better hurry, snakes get hungry you know..."
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)

Alex laid Silvia on to her bed and looked at his door and heard scratching and growling. He quickly covered her with a blanket so only her head was seen and slowly moved to the door. As soon as he unlocked it he was tackled to the ground.

"WHERE IS SHE!?" a wolf man screamed into his face.

"You...I take it you are Grace's body-?" Alex was silenced as Hunter punched his face.

"WHERE IS GRACE!?!" Hunter roared, gripping Alex's collar.


"Please...I'll...I'll give you another g..." Rain was cut off as a part of her screamed into her ear, making suffer a mental pain. "I'll...I'll give..." she stammered, something holding her back...Something... "I'll give you my asshole. I'll willingly let you fuck my ass, and I'll do anything else...."
Mickal laughed and said "Your not very bright are you? I can already do that! Your offering me things I already own!" He said with a grin before the snake started up again. "Better hurry and cum, if that snake doenst eat soon its going to get very pissed."


Ren was on him in a second and used her own strength to pull Hunter off of Alex. "Hunter! What the hell is going on!?" She growled at him as she held him back as best she could. Silvia groaned in the bed but remained asleep for now, turning softly and making her presence known.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Rain was too deep in the pit of fear to feel pleasure, but she closed her eyes and tried to focus her mind. She thought of the perfect Digimon man. Handsome, well built, kind, loving, and well hung. She imagined him fucking her. With a loud moan, Rain felt her climax hit her, hard.


"AHHH!" Hunter roared, fighting against Ren. "Let me explain...My name is Alex Hunter. I...asked Grace to help me. Grace, as I assume, is someone you cared very much about," Alex said, looking at Hunter. "She willingly sold herself to a madman named Mike, in exchange for my lover, Silvia. She helped me, by sacrificing herself."

"YOU GAVE HER AWAY! LIKE PRIZE!" Hunter screamed. "I'll kill you!"

"I had no choice!" Alex argued.
Ren fought as hard as she could to hold back Hunter and understand what was going on. She managed to pick up the gist of it from their conversation and punched Hunter hard in the face with a daimond covered fist, a trick she learned for close combat. "Calm down! Do you want the trail to go cold or what?! We should at least hear where she has been taken before you do something rash!"


Mickal clapped his hands and the snaked withdrew, licking her all the way back up to her neck and turning back into a ring as the other snakes did the same. "Good job my pet, you must have some kind of imagination." HE said as he stroked her body. "Are you ready for some rest?" He asked as he gently fondled her breasts.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The punch was able to calm down the Saxon War Leader, but only by so much. "I can lead you to where Mike last was, and I can show you his room. I will help in any other way I can. For what it's word, I did not want to do what I did, but I loved my Silvia, like you obviously care for your Grace..."

Alex was met with Hunter's spit on his face. "When I find this mike, I will kill him. But're still in trouble."

"Please, shall we go?" Alex simply replied, understanding Hunter's rage. He motioned to the door and kissed Silvia goodbye, and when the three left the door was closed and locked.


"Y-yes..." Rain whimpered. "Please, let Rain rest..." she begged, but soon realized this man's intentions. "If Master allows it...."