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Bleach: Last Stand.
"Gramps is dead huh?" she says brushing a few locks of hair back behind her ears, her mood changed suddenely at this revelation. "What killed him?" she asks before turning back to cat and giving a small grin "And i suppose if i keep my aura to a minimum i really won't haft a worry about attracting attention eh? buuut you would still be a little cutie walking around nude kitty cat."
OOC: Sorry for taking my dear time with my reply. Been kinda busy with a few games.


"I would advice against that idea. If I go about on my own it won't be long before my appearance draws unneeded attention." Zeke explained, folding his arms sternly, "The both of us should stick together as we search, so let us make haste."

"Alright!" Lizzy cheered exhuberantly, before she bounced away happily, but stopped after the first five steps and turned back to Shadow. "Oh uhm... Where can I get food in here?" she asked.

(Real World)

Using Sonido, Proto barely moved away to evade Trent's attack, though his skin sported a thin line from the slash. "His attacks have become faster..." He thought, starting to dodge and repel any and all attacks from Trent, staying on the defensive as he observed.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Trent noticed the small cut he had left on Proto's body, the gryphon feeling a little more confident now. Well, it's nice to know he's not perfect. The avian knew though that his effect on time would only last for a few moments longer. He closed in on the pure white being and made a flurry of attacks against the defensive Arrancar, making a few small cuts as he tried to land a decisive blow.
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
OOC: Hello kitty's happy funtime island adventure?


Shadow rubbed his muzzle a bit, "Leave here and take a left, the second right will lead you to the kitchen, just ask them for three meals." Shadow explained, Wait a second, "Lizzy, how long have you been here again?" he asked, wondering how she couldn't know her way around.


Katt stumbled slightly suddenly losing her concentration, "I, I couldn't do that, it'd be, embarrassing." she blushed slightly, though the thought did pique her interest, Why does that make me feel, funny? she wondered.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Ohhh but it would be so cute and sexy" she says with a wide grin moveing and giving katt's rump a soft pat "and besides cutie, it may be embarrassing for you, but i am sure someone like yourself would get sue to it...maybe enjoy the public exhibitionism."
Salem kept walking, using all his concentration to keep from snickering, however that didn't stop hi from making stupid comments "Hell, she'd probably do it if she didn't have to do it alone." he said with a smirk as he looked around "We need to find out what's happened while we've been gone."
Lady Devimon's Minions
OOC: Oops, forgot about Kazan.


"Uhm, ever since Yoruichi-san sent me!" Lizzy said, waving her claw excitedly at Shadow, "And, and! And she said that it was weird that I like, didn't know anything about Soul Society, despite wearing a haori, and having a zanpaktoh!" she giggled, unsheathing her sword and smashing it along the air for demonstration, "But she said there used to be a boy like that, tee-hee! She said I'm special!" the widely grinned to Shadow. "Do you think I'm special too, Snowball-san?" she stuck her tongue out at him, giving him a terribly adorable pose, slightly ruined by her immense chest pushing forwards on her top section as she joined her arms together.

(12th Squad's Office)

"D... wow..." Kazan was left with his jaw dropped, unable to believe how fast Rina had skimmed through the documents and completed them no less. "Uh..." he heard the purr, which made his blue ears stand up, "R-Relax?" he babbled. "B-but Captain, we've to supervise the production of the reiatsu injection devices!" he stammered firmly.

(Real World)

Proto kept up his defense, his katana-arm facing off with Chronos' blade consecutively, the sparks of metal-clashing being scattered everywhere as he focused on sustaining all of Trent's blows, before he noticed something, "His pace is slowly decreasing... It must be due to the abilities of his zanpaktoh..." His face made a frown, before he used Sonido once again, disappearing from Trent's sight, and appearing behind and above him a nice deal of distance away, Anaboko being focused on Trent as Proto's reiatsu adjusted to a green one. "Chronos."
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"I, I'd rather not find out," Katt plushed slightly, unconciously closing her robes a bit around her chest, "I suppose now that I'm back I should report in to my captain, probably in for a long yelling at."


"Actually, yeah, having a zanpaktoh and a haori with no connection to Soul Society is peculiar." Shadow said aloud, his interest piqued, "We'll have to talk more later, we need to find out what, and hopefully who, we're dealing with." he said as he began going through the list, stopping at the first unconfirmed Death, "Mindy huh, think I recall her, not the most amazing fighting but she was ambitious." he wrote the name down, moving further through the list, "Wow, there's alot more than I expected. This could take awhile."


Mindy rubbed at her ears a bit, "Huh, someone must be talking about me." she yawned slightly as she leaned back on the building she was resting on, "Hmm, wonder if it's that quincy from earlier." she thougth aloud.

OOC: Sorry I have no idea what Mindy was doing or who she was talking to.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"I'm sorry I can't do that, but don't worry, once I've defeated you I'll take care of Aizen for ya" Swinging his zanpaktoh Naibu shoot two waves of reiatsu at Hyouzen the first one to cancel his foe's upcoming attack and the second was a direct attack at him.


"You worry too much Kazan, have more faith in your subordinates" Rina locked the office door behind Kazan before hugging him from behind squeezing her huge breasts on his back "Don't you think so?" Sticking out her tonge as she licked Kazan's neck.
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Hyouzen felt his body become weary, his hand clipped by Naibu's attack and now bleeding lightly. "Damn...first that disuto and now some opportunist captain..." The water dragon then noticed something glisten nearby which made him grin with his fangs showing. "Heh, Captain Naibu...if you're going to fight me, we're going to do it in my element." With a superhuman leap, the dragon jumped into a nearby river which conveniently ran beside the warehouse district.


"Where..." Trent groaned as he sensed his opponent's reiatsu a moment far behind him. I didn't even feel him shift until he stopped...all this time, he was just playing with me. The avian captain roared in fury as he flew up towards Proto's position, the gryphon gaining his second wind. His zanpaktoh made another rush of attacks, the blade made swifter with an even greater manipulation of time. With a battle cry, Trent, thrust his blade against the shoulder of the red eyed being.
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions