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(A Zero and Silver Production) The Unforeseen Stay
Ren nodded, knowing she really had no choice or say in the matter and tried to get as much slime off her shapely body as she could. Ren would undoubtedly look at least a bit attractive to Hunter. She almost resembled one of his rare race, but nude and with double jointed legs. Her body was toned and sleek while her bright yellow fur drew eyes to her. Her breasts were C cups and easily visible through her fur now that she was covered in slime, as was ever other detail on her body. Being a digimon, Ren didnt care how she looked and waited for Hunter to move on.


Silvia shook her head no, not daring to request anything of her master, or ask him anything, or even look at him. She lay on the bed limply, dirty with popsicle residue and dried semen, her flesh crisscrossed with red lines from ropes and whippings and a large brand burn on her left butt cheek that said "Bitch".


"Oh? Talking now are we? Well I will let that one slide. Just keep going my little pet. I Want you to cum and then lick it all up, All of it." Mickal watched gleefully as she continued made the rings wiggle a little to encourage her.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Silvia...My poor, poor Silvia...I need to tell you something. I've come, to a decision. Its my fault this happened to you. My fault you're hurt, my fault Mike...Silvia...I...I...There's something I need to tell you. I love you. Not like how a Master loves a slave, or how a father loves his daughter. I love you those ways, but I love you like how a husband, loves his wife. I love you Silvia, I need you..." Alex whispered, and these moments may have been the happiest Silvia ever had. "I've loved you since the day my father brought you to me as a little Ralts, I've loved you since I...I forced you into this life as my slave, I've always loved you..." he whispered, not being able to look his love in her eyes. "I want to spend the rest of my life with you, as my slut, my cumdump, my daughter, my lover, my wife, my soulmate!" he shouted.

"But...I can't..." he cried, and Silvia could see tears in his eyes as he talked to her. "I....I can't hurt you like this again...Its my fault you were hurt, you were tortured, you were treated like this...That's why, when we get out of this hellhole, I'm going to leave you in a wild Pokemon reserve. One where the extremist are, where they can protect you," he said.

The Extremist were people who fought for Pokemon freedom. They were a powerful faction, and hated people like Alex and Mike. They had been known to torture and kill people like them. Every once in a long while they would get pokemon like Silvia from people who no longer wanted them as slaves. Very few people ever try to get Pokemon slaves when Extremist are around. It takes a lot of work from the government, just to make sure the two sides don't go to war. If the two sides did go at with each other, billions would die and Earth would be ravaged by the war.

If Alex did what he was saying, then Silvia would never see Alex ever again...
Silvia looked up at her master, her eyes full of tears, her heart breaking and bleeding from the swelling of love and then despair. "Master...Master...Dont...dont leave me." she said softly, placing her head as close to him as she could. " much as happened to me...please dont leave...kill me instead..." She waited silently. She would not leave her master. If he forced her away or told her that she could not stay with him then she would simply stop her own heart and die.

"I love you master...more than anything ever...I love you so much...please" After that her weakened mind could no longer hold out from days of being forced awake by torture. She dropped on the bed and passed out. If Alex cared about her, the least he could do was wash away the filth that was on her and sooth her sore body.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Alex gently pet Silvia's cheek, and sighed. "Oh Silvia," he sighed, and picked her up. He kissed her forehead, before taking her to look for a bathroom or even that pool room he met Mike in earlier. She deserved to be loved and cared for, until she was in the arms of someone who could protect her.


Hunter looked at Ren's body, and found her attractive, though comparing her to Grace was like comparing a pig to a beautiful flower. Grace's perfection surpassed all .Still, Ren was beautiful, in her own right. "Come on, let's look around for any hints of the key," the wolf man said, and began to search the slimy room for signs of anything that could do with the key.


"N-no...Please, don't," Rain begged quietly as she felt her orgasm coming, her pussy juices going on to the bed.
The bathroom door was already open and the tube inside was easily large enough for Silvia to fit into. She curled up against Alex's chest instinctively and whimpered. Her dreams tormented her, but she was far to tired to awake. All she could do was seek her master's comfort, even if it was in another world.


Ren fallowed Hunter as they searched for the key and stayed close to him to stay in the light. They heard lots more splashing and growls in the darkness but still the beast did not approach the light. Finally they came across a hallway lined with key markings, all pointing deeper into the labyrinth. But before they could go in or get far Ren grabbed Hunter's shoulder and squeezed it tightly. "The slime is rising." She whispered in a slightly fearful tone.

Looking down Hunter would find that that was true. The slime level was rising, quickly in fact. IT was to her waist at the moment but climbing steadily. "We need to leave for now, if we get stuck in this slime then we wont be able to move anywhere without a struggle, and that monster is probably just waiting for us to get tired out." Ren waited for his answer, knowing it was ultimately his decision whether to go forward or back.


Mickal smiled and waited, watching her near her orgasm. "what a slut. Your about to cum in front of a complete stranger. This is the true you, the real deal. Get used to it, it only gets worse from here."
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Alex sighed and kissed her cheek and pet her head. "Silvia..." he whispered, before sighing once more and beginning to clean her gently, allowing her to embrace him when she needed or wanted to.


Hunter growled as he felt the slime climb up his leg and he looked at Ren. "You're right! Let's go!" Hunter yelled, and he quickly placed his shield on his back and made for the exit. If they were able to escape without a hitch, he used his sharp claws to mark the way they had come, making arrows pointing the way they had came, in hopes of trying to find this way again. "I think I remember the way out, come on, we have to move!" the wolf man roared as they left for the exit.


N-no...That's not true she cried as she paused from fingering herself, not wanting to prove this crazed bastard right.
Silvia's normally pale, milky white body was covered in red and purple marks from whips, spankings and beatings. She looked like she had just lost in a battle with a very cruel Vinesaur, and her breath suggested that she probably had a few broken ribs. Even as she was cleaned and unconscious Alex had to be careful not to hurt her delcate body.


Ren fallowed right behind him and soon they were both out, panting and covered in slime. But at least they were safe. Ren looked at herself and shuddered. "This stuff is disgusting." She said flatly as she wiped some more off of her shapely body. "Do you know a place I can get clean?" She asked, since she did not have a room yet or even know she could get one.


Mickal only grinned as the ring around Rain's neck became a snake once more and painfully bit into her left shoulder. "Im sorry, are you trying to prove something in dying?" He asked her as all the other rings began to transform.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"I'm sure we can find a bathroom..." Hunter replied, looking at Ren's body, her breasts were his main focus, but the thought of Grace was shot into his mind. "Come on, let's go look for the bath," he said and hissed in anger as she tried to shake some slime off his leg.


"AHHHH!" Rain screamed as the snake bit her. "No! No! Please! Stop!" she begged and began to cry horribly. "I'm doing it! I'm doing as you ask please, don't! Not the snakes!" she screamed and quickly began fingering herself again.


"Oh Silvia..." Alex sighed and kissed her forehead. "I'll be right back," he whispered to her sleeping form and gently laid her in the water so she could breath and not hurt her already injured body. He then began searching the bathroom for medicine.
Ren fallowed Hunter back to their room, where Hunter would find no Grace and no sign of her ever having arrived. His sense of smell could even tell him that her scent was not as knew as it should have been, she never even reached her door. Ren, on the other hand, waited to be let into a place to clean herself, hating all the slime that was now hardening on her body, primarily her breasts, making them more pronounced than ever.


"No! You had your chance!" Mickal yelled and the snaked on her wrist's and ankles lunged out and sank their fangs into the posts of the bed, effectively tying her down. Then the snake around her neck, which had pulled its fangs free of her shoulder began to slither down her body, between her breasts and towards her soaking pussy. It flicked its tongue over her clit and Mickal chuckled. "I think it wants a taste."


Alex would find some minor medicines but even if he found a whole hospital Silvia would suffer for days before she was healed. There was one person who could heal her quickly and painlessly but that person was currently not speaking or looking at him and was likely to attack him on sight.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Alex looked at Silvia and sighed. "Great...Hopefully our mental link still exsists in Angy's room," he mumbled to himself before using the minor medication to the best of their effect in healing Silvia, and clean her injured body to the best of his ability. He hoped she awoke soon so he could talk to her.


"Oh Soverigns....Please, MAster....Don't..." begged the crying Rain. "Please...Don't do this to me...Please, I'll do anything...just...don't let the snakes hurt me anymore," she cried, tears falling from her eyes.


"...Grace...Grace....No...NO!" Hunter roared, and thoughts of Ren and the slimed that covered their bodies were burned from his mind. "GRACE!" he screamed, and tried his best to follow the scent of his love, forgetting about Ren and even his Kingdom. All that mattered was his Grace.