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(A Zero and Silver Production) The Unforeseen Stay
Michal sighed and dumped the snaked onto her, allowing them to crawl over her body, some of them opening their mouths and dragging their fangs lightly over her skin. But they did not bite. "You could be more frightened." He said with a shake of his head. With that he began chanting again and the snake traveled over her body to her waist, wrist, ankles, and neck. the wrapped around each and bit their own tails, transforming into tight fitting golden rings. "They will always be there, right there, so dont even think of stepping out of line." Mickal said sternly. "Now Sarah, walk on all fours to my bed post and beg master for forgiveness. And no talking, a creature as primitive as you does not deserve a voice."


As Hunter walked deeper and deeper into the maze of slime and stone, he began to hear more splashing, but this was different. As he listened carefully to it he would realize that it was more like someone stepping through the stuff like he was, and not swimming through it. Someone else was down here...but who?


(Lol, its not a mistake. Before Grace got to her room. She was leaving to go there and Alex met her on the way, thats what I meant.)

Grace was startled for a second and looked up. "Um, yes, I am Princess Grace." She said uncertainly, remembering Hunter's warning. "Who, might I ask, are you?"
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
((Oh....Still....I'm watching you))

"My name is Hunter. Alex Hunter. I need you to come with me," he introduced, and took a step forward.


Hunter growled and sniffed the air, and looked around, shield and torch at the ready. "Its useless hiding from me. My senses are more powerful than many! Show yourself now, slowly! Or I'll hunt you down!" he yelled.


Rain cried as the snakes moved around her, whimpering as they became rings, and stayed silent as she did as she was told. She crawled to the bed post on all fours and looked up at Mickal. She was about to talk, but bit her tongue and whimpered like a sad, little puppy.
"I could say the same to you!" Came a female voice. "Show yourself or I will pump you full of Diamonds!" The person was around the next corner, she was obviously not going to show herself first.


"It is a pleasure to meat you Alex Hunter." Grace said, taken aback by how similar his name was to Hunter's. "But I can not go with you, I do not know you and I am waiting for someone. If I was not there to meet him he would become terribly distressed. Im sorry, you must not understand. Simply put, I can not go anywhere but to my room at the moment." Grace was quite firm on this, she kept her word, and never abandoned an ally.


Michal smile and stroked her face. "There there my pet. Your life as just become much much more simple. Now remove all of your clothes. Animals do not wear clothes." The rings around her limps and neck would move, snake like, to allow her to remove her clothes if she tried so she would have no excuse.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
((Gee. I wonder who that is?

Alex: Daddy?))

"Pummel me full of...? Look, move forward, and then I'll move forward!" Hunter yelled. "I take it your ears are good enough for you hear me moving, aren't they?" he asked, and took a step forward.


"That was an order. You are coming with me!" Alex yelled. "If you don't, then the woman, I love will die! Now come with me, or I'll drag you back with me!" he yelled, nearing Grace. He stopped and took a deep breath and sighed. "Please. A madman has taken my lover. If you don't come with me, then he'll....torture her, and I won't be able to do anything about it. I need her...I love her. Do you understand love?" he asked, looking into Grace's eyes.


Rain, or rather Mickal's pet, did as she was told, and began undressing herself, a tear falling every now and again as she took her clothes off on the ground, careful not to stand, afraid of Mickal's punishment.

((I think I might go to sleep now. Night Silver))
No response came, but as he continued forward Hunter would spot the furry yellow head of a Renamon peak around the corner. "Thats close enough! Who are you!" the renamon demanded, holding her own torch almost threateningly.


Grace looked hurt, of course she understood love! But what was he going to do with her. She looked deep into his eyes and saw he was telling the truth and did the purist thing she could. She nodded meekly, stepping forward and reaching out with her hand. "Will I be harmed?" She asked softly, her eyes down cast, a prisoner to her own purity.


"Good now come and lay your head on my lap. I wish to stroke my lovely new pet." Mickal said smiling, quite pleased with her body.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Greatly. You will be raped, and tortured," Alex responded bluntly. "...If it helps, I am sorry, and I wish it did not have to be this way, but...I cannnot live without my Silvia, and if she dies...I've known her since I was a child, she was with me when my father died..." he whispered. "I apologize," he sighed. "the man who sent me after you, he spoke of a bodyguard, some kind of wolf man or something? Tell me what can about him, while we walk," he ordered, placing his hand on her shoulder and pulling her along as he walked.


"I am Hunter War Leader of the Great Saxon Kingdom! Who are you!?" the wolf man asked, holding his torch at the animal and his shield held high.


Rain whimpered, and she did as ordered, laying her blue skinned head on his lap. She then whimpered once more, sounding like a poor, lost puppy.
Grace flinched but did not move away. "He is a Saxon, a large wolf like man. He is currently bellow the tavern looking for a key to help me escape this place. He has a sweet heart I believe...but he is very protective. He will kill you if he finds out you did this..." Grace kept her eyes down cast as they walked, she felt as though she had been sentenced to death, Alex's bluntness suggested no mercy.

"I am sorry that you have to do this." She said to Alex. She wished she could leave, that she could care about herself more than about other people...but she could not, it went against her nature. She simply allowed one silent tear to slip down her beautiful face as they walked.


"I am Ren of the Renamon tribe!" Ren said proudly, stepping out and revealing that she was not armed save for her simply wooden torch. "Are you the monster who walks these halls?" She asked doubtfully, seeming unimpressed by him.


Mike stroked her face with his hand and smiled at her. "Good, good. Its not so bad being a good pet is it? No, now get on the bed. I wish to stroke you more thoroughly."
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"As am I....When I can, I will give your bodyguard information on Mike, the man who has my wife, and wants you. With any luck, he will be able to save you, and will not have to go through...these challenges Mike has forced me into," Alex sighed as they walked. "Is this wolf man a friend of yours? Just a bodyguard? Or...more?" he asked, as they neared the game room.


"Monster? Wait...I believe, we are both of the same problem. Let me guess, you are trapped in this god foresaken tavern as well?" Hunter asked, letting his guard down, though only slightly, ready to fight with his torch and shield.


Rain nodded, and sniffed as her tears fell. She then began to crawl on to the bed, whimpering more as she gazed at the golden rings around her body. She looked up at Mickal as she laid on her stomach, waiting for him to stroke her more, expecting him to stroke her ass and back.
Grace blushed a little and said "We are...diplomatic acquaintances. I am the leader of one nation and he is the leader of another. We are both trapped here and we both need to escape as soon as possible for the good of our people." They neared the game room and Silvia's whimpering became audible. "They are in there arent they?" She whimpered softly, fear seizing her. Her hands trembled as she looked down at the floor. Alex was about to send this perfectly innocent and pure woman to join in Silvia in Mike's tormenting care. "I hope you get your lover back." She whispered as they neared the door.


"Yes. I noticed the framing on the instructions and came down here to search, but so far I havent found anything." Ren said. "Though I have found plenty of bodies...mostly female of different races. Sometimes its hard to tell, but Im good with my eyes." Ren also lowered her guard, though only slightly. "We should help each other...we can only gain from this."


(How is she laying down? If she is laying down?)
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)


"I was thinking the same thing," Hunter said, and relaxed. "Now...Ren, was it? Let's go. And be careful, I beleive something is following me, and it wasn't you," he said, leading the way, though he kept his ears sharp, just in case Ren was to betray him.


Alex suddenly stopped and turned around. "Princess Grace...Words cannot describe how sorry I am to you. I swear, one day, I will make this up to you. I only ask for you to be strong, and soon your bodyguard will save you, just as I am saving my Silvia. I promise. I swear, on whatever god there may be. Just be strong, and he'll save you," he said, and Grace would notice a single tear fall, before it just dissappeared, as though it was never there. He then hugged Grace, trying to comfort her, before opening the door. "Here she is, Mike. Princess Grace..."