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Xeno panic!
Alex awoke and turned to Silvia and looked away, not wishing to stare into her eyes. "Silvia....I....You see....How do I explain this?" he sighed, sitting up on the bed. "Silvia, I am sorry,but last night the scientist came in this room and wanted Angela, if I tried to stop them they would have hurt, or worst killed, all of you. They said she would be reuturned to us," the Xeno said, sighing and not looking her in the eye.
Silvia looked confused. " is that so bad? I mean, they arent going to hurt us right? They just want to run tests and stuff, like a medical check up....right?" Silvia looked a little more frightened than she should have been. Perhaps, since she had originally died in their hands, she had some kind of imprinted fear. What would Alex tell her?
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"I hope they will not. I asked them what they will do to her, but they would not tell me...Don't be afraid, love," Alex sighed, and pulled her into a hug, his hands around her waist. He then gave the tiniest whisper to his love, so quiet it might not even had been a whisper and instead may have been some soft or telepathy. Whatever it was, Silvia heard from him. "I'm going to get us out of here..."
Silvia hardly understood why he has said what she thought he had said, but hugged him back and cuddled into his chest. Her soft fur rubbed pleasantly against Alex's bare skin, she was getting used to being naked all the time. She purred in his arms as she cutely snuggled with him.

(Time skip?)
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)

After consoling his lover, he kissed her lips, and got off the bed and looked at the room around him, taking in every detail, every inch of the room with his powerful Xeno mind, planning, thinking, and wondering just how he could escape this hell hole. "...God, I'm getting hungry," Alex sighed.
No sooner had he spoken than the doors opened and a smaller robot came in with food, the mush he had ordered they feed him. In its wake, trying to keep up while being shackled and bound in chains connected to the robot, was Angela. She looked frightened and her eyes darted in very direction, looking confused and lost. The robot released her as it set down all their meals and she whimpered and quickly escaped to the foot of the bed, trembling and twitching.

"M-Master, master!" She begged softly, feeling around the bed. "I...I cant see master..." she whimpered softly, her eyes looking around aimlessly, sightless. "I-Im afraid, please dont throw me out master." She begged with tears in her eyes. One of their "tests" had cost Angela her vision, and now she was afraid it would cost her her life if Alex no longer wanted her.

Unknown to her and Alex, they had purposely blinded her to see how Alex would react, testing how his kind treated the blind and weak. They were all to ready to dispose of her and replace her if Alex no longer wanted her.

"M-Master, y-y-you p-promised to pr-protect me...p-please dont...dont throw me a-away l-like...." She stopped herself short and avoided any great suspicion from Silvia and Rhona, but her fear was clear, and well founded. She did not want to join the original Silvia in space.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Alex quickly dashed to one of his many lovers and grabbed her by her shoulders. "You're blind..." he whispered, in his dark, and deep. For a moment, it seemed Alex would dispose of this girl like the original Silvia, but instead, he wrapped his arms around her and tried his best to consol her. He always was an outcast among his kind, and most of his species would throw away any woman who could not function correctly.

"I will not leave you, Angela. I will protect you, I will make them pay for this...Here, lay on the bed with Silvia," he said, and led her to Silvia and the others on the bed. He then turned to the speaker and jumped at it, his hands and legs becoming sticky and allowing him to stick to the wall like a lizard. "WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER!?!" his voice screamed, possibly shaking the room for a second. "FIX HER! NOW!" he ordered.
Angela whimpered softly and began to cry as she was laid down next to Silvia, and the other girls tried to comfort her. She was blind, Angela was blind and she hadnt even done anything wrong. When they were examining she did everything they said and she had surrendered to Alex right away and even not told any of the Silvia's about their true origins. She had done everything and her reward was the lose her sight.

The speaker came to life as it spoke. "We can not. It appears that she has had an allergic reaction to your sperm and has lost her sight due to that. The reaction was triggered during a test and we are unsure how to fix it. We can dispose of her and get you another woman if you like. She will be humanly disposed of and you will have another functioning slave within the hour." The speaker lied.

Angela nearly choked. "Please dont master! Please! I will serve you with or without sight, please do not...dispose of me." Silvia hugged her hard and tried to calm the panicking blind girl. "He wouldn't do that, he wouldn't kill us." She whispered. But angel new different.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"NO! I will not dispose of her! She stays here! With me! She is mine, do you hear me? MINE!" he roared. "Find a way to fix her, or so help it I'll find a way to kill you! Do you hear me! I will kill you if you don't fix my Angela!" Alex screamed, banging his hand against the wall to emphazise his point.
"And we will kill them all if you do not settle down. You will lose your Angela was well as your prized clones. Now shut up and sit down. If we find a way to help her, then we will. If not then she will remain blind. You can keep her if you wish, we will not take her. But the trash bin is always open." and with that it shut down signaling that the conversation was over.

Rhona looked up from her corner, frightened by all the yelling, and Amy was hiding under the bed. Angela was sobbing softly in her new darkness as Silvia tried to comfort her. "Um...master?" Silvia asked suddenly. "What did she mean by clones?"
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)